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Author Topic: The Walking Dead *SPOILERS*  (Read 180489 times)

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #435 on: Sunday, October 20, 2019, 00:29:54 »

TWD: S10:E2: We Are The End of The World

For me, this should've been titled "The Rise of Gamma, for reasons you'll already know or will find out, as we discuss the recent episode of TWD.

Origin stories can often be a gamble to concentrate the mind of the viewer (I personally like these reverse arcs) but this episode handles it really well. We pick up with a fantastic opening scene, straight out of George A. Romero's copybook. The fact Greg Nicotero directed this episode makes it clear to see.

An unnamed, car crash victim comes round as we hear the growing sound of an ear piercingly loud car horn. Already you feel like you are amongst the crash. She panics and finds the fate of many a "survivor" in the world we now live in. It's a scene we had come to love in TWD of older seasons, yet we hadn't had something so gruesomely spectacular in recent seasons. Our unknown survivor not only has the 'pulled apart by Walkers' treatment but has her nose torn away by a very hungry Walker. There's more though - she also has her jaw ripped downwards. It is gruesome. It is spectacular. It is up there for what you expect from any cult horror. Shocking and shuddering. Excellent. The real beauty in this opening scene is we shouldn't really care about this unknown character but here I was (even though I've seen this several times in horror) hoping in someway that she survived.

By this point we have seen Alpha and a c10yr old Lydia. They've adapted to life amongst the dead. I believe the flashback elements in this episode are a continuation of Alpha's flashback, after leaving her original group of survivors (albeit around 3 years forward) in the S9 Episode titled Omega. Alpha adds to the intense nature created in the opening scene. Instead of helping the unnamed survivor, she smirks and makes some kind of snarling noise that seemed like a Jurassic Park Easter Egg. Intentional or not, it fitted beautifully and we knew the ruthless trait that Alpha has. It's essentially protect your own and no one else.

Alpha and Lydia, scurry into and empty building. We later find out this is a Mental Health hospital/ward and gives us eerie throwbacks to those episodes way back when Rick was just coming round. Except this is even darker. Befitting with Alpha and the character we are about to meet.

Beta - seemingly has been in this building possibly surviving for sometime? We can't be one hundred percent sure. He may have been visiting (more on that later). Wearing a ski mask/balaclava at this point, he cuts the lonely figure we see in present day and initially tries to fend off Alpha & Lydia from sanctuary. He agrees to "just one night" in his accustomed growl.

Back to the future (no pun), Alpha tells Beta to round up and release a bunch of Walkers from a nearby compound. He takes with him two sisters; Mary & Frances. Frances is still in a state of flux. She incidentally is the girl who has her baby taken away from her in S9, when Alpha see's it as a distraction and ultimately disposable. It's a really good link back and explains pretty well, why Frances suffers a case of PTSD while the Whisperers, led by Beta are guiding the compound Walkers across a field. Frances has a vision of her baby being carried by a walker and briefly slips into trauma. Her stronger sister Mary, convinces/helps her snap out of it and says she needs to stay focused. It's a continuing theme of tenseness and you aren't sure what is going to happen with either of these characters. They all escape and back at Alpha's camp we get a moment where we think Frances is going to meet her fate. Ya know? Full skinning style! But no, she breaks down in front of Alpha (yet privately), about losing her child. This triggers Alpha, who has also lost Lydia and she gives Frances a reprieve. The rest of the camp are of the belief Lydia is dead (at the hands of Alpha). Unbeknown to them, Alpha craves having Lydia back. She shows a moment of weakness and this concerns Beta. Essentially thinking 'if you aren't my Alpha, then who is?' It's the start of a changing dynamic and we'll discover why. Alpha loses it in this moment of weakness and trashes a holding pen that she had planned to keep Lydia captive in. 

At the Hospital, young Lydia is imprisoned (for her safety) in what used to be a padded cell. But she decides she's not a child anymore and sets out to prove this to her estranged Mother. She leaves the serenity of her padded sell and covers herself in guts of the dead and goes on a little expedition around the Sanitarium corridors. She of course nearly becomes lunch for a Walker (in true Coral style) but Alpha finds her. They enter a part of the hospital that has been forbidden to them by Beta. They see photographs with scratched out faces and a man wearing a tee with a smiley face...enter stage left...Walker wearing tee with smiley face...of course Alpha slays the Walker just as...enter stage right...Beta discovers them but he is distraught and we realise he has lost his only friend (whom he may have visited at the hospital or maybe made friends with in there?). Potentially he was keeping his undead companion alive (much like The Governor with his Walker daughter). This is where the sinister, sacrificial lamb comes into Alpha's twisted psyche. She attempts to remove Beta's ski mask, and indeed she does...but quickly, almost knowingly puts it back down. Does Beta have some form of disfigurement he is ashamed of? Alpha is quick to suggest he doesn't have to leave his friend "Just wear his face on yours, simple."That isn't a direct quote but her nonchalance at the ease of the task - she may have just said such. It is then the real character of Beta is born, as we know him.

We flip to present day and the mirroring story lines continue (Lydia imprisoned/Alpha shrine holding pen). I think this was really key to how this made the episode work, as well as how it all tied together with events in E1. After Frances reprieve, Beta affirms to Alpha that "We are the end of the World", in some kind of horrific Buffalo Bill crazed cult Waltz. Or something. It's disturbing. Alpha confirms to Beta they will attack the communities once again. As if to prove her status. Mary and Frances look on and talk. You sense Mary is possibly plotting something and that she senses weakness from Alpha and Beta. She asks Frances to be strong and that she has to stick to the cause. She's certainly a strong introduction.

The scene then moves back to another session of Walker herding, this time with Alpha. We get chaos in the Alpha ranks we've not really seen yet. We know she's composed usually but the fallout of the satellite crashing near, causes the Walkers to avert from the Whisperers. Frances goes into full trauma as she see's her baby with a Walker and runs towards it. Surprisingly Alpha goes after her to save her from the enclosing Walker herd. It's still uncertain what may happen but Mary also joins in to deal with the herd. We think to save her sister (Frances). She doesn't, she pushes/throws her into the herd and drags Alpha away. This mirrors the sacrificing that Beta has in the flashback. Alpha is in awe of this dedicated heroism. Once in shelter the Whisperers have a ceremony of sorts and Mary is anointed as "Gamma". Now a third in command. This again does not sit well with Beta. Maybe he see's that Gamma is even stronger than both he and Alpha?

The episode ends almost as E1 does but from the POV of Alpha. The Whisperers I think are going to find out where the satellite is. Alpha takes a moment to reflect in a clearing as the others continue. She pulls off her mask and as she steps into the opening, she looks across the dry riverbed and there she see's her new found nemesis - Carol. Roll credits.

So, what did you all think? For me it was a great episode, much thanks to a well written episode by Nicole Mirante. Nicotero I've mentioned and his work goes without saying. The cast must take great credit here too. Sam Norton and Ryan Hurst are brilliant and the introduction of Thora Birch (Gamma) seems like a perfect fit. Special mention must go to Juliet Brett (Mary) and Erica Frene (Car crash victim opening scene; I had to IMDb that one), who both had great cameos. Mary for her trauma infused performance and Car crash victim for being gloriously ripped to pieces. Impacting on us, with only three minutes into the show. I like how the dynamic does seem to be changing within the Whisperers. Will Gamma play ball? Will she try to overthrow the Whisperers? I like the uncertainty. Will Beta lose it? Will Beta ever reveal his face and if not, why not? Will Alpha totally break at some point?

In someways, what I found great was that this episode gave us mostly answers and didn't throw up tons of questions. Well not confusing ones anyway. We didn't finish watching, wondering what the hell is going on (in S7b & S8a there were times when I really felt like this), everything fitted really well. Things were answered, some stuff left open and a few questions about our new(ish) antagonists. I'm not sat here having pose tons of questions though. So over to you guys. Do you have any theories on Gamma, Beta or Alpha? Any answers to the questions above or maybe you have questions of your own.

I'll now settle in to watch TWD: S10:E3: Ghosts, as I'm sure some of you may also be doing/have done too. Be sure to check in on my next review (if you have the guts to stomach it), Friday 25th October. As always, criticism, theories, grumblings and your comments are always welcome.


Bamboo Smiley

***TWD: S10:E3: Ghosts airs on AMCtv 9/8pm Sunday 20th Oct USA Cable and FoxHD 9pm Monday 21st Oct UK Sky/NowTv etc. You can watch the latest episode, streamed up to 72hrs earlier than the UK airing on AMC Premiere (or you can ask a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, who MAY know something)***

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #436 on: Monday, October 21, 2019, 15:28:21 »

E3 was pretty good. Lingering creepiness and unlike lat week; more questions but in a good way. I don't even know what real is any more! All I know is, it's time to release the Negan. Maybe.


'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Wobbly Bob

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« Reply #437 on: Monday, October 21, 2019, 16:20:45 »

Ok, so what's this about Danai Gurira leaving then?

A quick word with Sam Morton on TTD.
First time on there I think.
Hopefully they can get her on the sofa at some stage.
A fine actor.

Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #438 on: Monday, October 21, 2019, 18:34:42 »

Ok, so what's this about Danai Gurira leaving then?

A quick word with Sam Morton on TTD.
First time on there I think.
Hopefully they can get her on the sofa at some stage.
A fine actor.

Hey Wobbly, always happy to talk at length (shock) about TWD. Yes Michonne is contracted to the end of this season. Nothing has really been leaked yet as to how she will leave. The actor herself, I think is leaving because her commitments with the Marvel Universe in Black Panther, have taken off and likely a good bunch of contractual dollars are talking. On e thing I know is, Michonne won't be killed off. I imagine she will be integrated into the forthcoming feature-length TWD movies. I'm led to believe they will start with Rick's story and include Jadis/Anne (Pollyanna McIntosh).

Yeah for sure, a very very talented actor. She's from my neck of the woods so, I'm going to be biased. I remember when she was in Band of Gold (the first serial drama to focus on the serious issues surrounding (sometimes forced into/trafficked) prostitution in the UK), it was a very taboo drama at the time.

This is pretty much as short as my replies get WB, so "enjoy" it while you can  Soapy Tit Wank

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #439 on: Monday, October 21, 2019, 21:16:41 »

Didn’t think much to EP3 to be honest.
The show as a whole has gone soft. I’m fed of up “not killing off” characters. And the Alpha constantly letting people off the hook.

Ever since the backlash (undeserved I must add) of THAT Negan episode, it just seems the writers are a scared of anything that may cause some controversy.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #440 on: Monday, October 21, 2019, 22:51:38 »

Tbh mate, I know what you mean (since THAT Negan episode) but also, I think there is a part of us that is probably sensitised to the whole extreme horror elements, would you agree slightly?

In E2 of this Season we got to see a Walker biting the nose off a woman, who was still alive. Who proceeded to rip her mandible down, with the skin ripping (while being pulled apart at the guts to add) away. All this while Alpha just walked on by with a psychopathic snort.

Also consider that some of the 'best horror' is when we don't see the act taking place but we know it is happening/has happened. Surely we don't need to see Beta skinning his best friends face, into a lovely Halloween mask? Alpha slicing off several heads with a tetanus infused blade? Our own imagination can paint a horrific enough picture, some may say even worse than anyone could depict or adapt onto screen for us. That is the true cleverness of horror movies. Leave it to the imagination.

For what it's worth, I do agree with you in part because I'd love to see Greg Nicotero's unfiltered interpretation on the screen. I'm sure he pushes as much as he can, as well as others involved. I do stand by the "we're more sensitised now" comment though and I do think the show is doing better character development, than it did for nearly 1.5 seasons (over S7 & S8). It feels more believable again, even though we have to remember that it is after all just an adaption of a fictional comic.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #441 on: Monday, October 28, 2019, 14:45:10 »

Episode 4: Bag of shit...

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #442 on: Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 13:38:51 »

Episode 4: Bag of shit...

Bag of shit is probably a little over exaggeration. There were some good parts. The tree breaching the walls. Maggie on the radio to Michonen? Being teased to us. Neagan fucking off somewhere, leaves a question mark. Judith was pretty badass.

I hear you though, it was the first episode that felt like filler (if there's only one or two, I'll let them off) for a good chunk of the episode. It certainly seemed to fragment the good stortytelling in the season so far. Also, if we're going to have a gay sex scene, give it to us (GoT style), not some romantic drama love scene. We're adults, we've all seen a pair of tits before! I didn't like those opening and closing montages, if was a little "CH5 Afternoon Movie". I see what Michael Cudlitz was trying to do but it didn't fit with the season story, to date.

A bag of shit? Naa, we've had worse/more pointless episodes than that. Let's just pick up next week and be concentrating on the story proper. Like Eugene working on the satellite (has to have some further reach), The Whisperers being creepy af (after the Carol episode, I wanted development from that reveal), and more answers to the things mooted in E1. All we really got is more possibility of Daryl being RJs father...

We know Judith, Michonne & Luke are heading to Oceanside again so I hope they don't use a whole episode on that. I want more Whisperers and some horrific/catastrophic end to them, either way. By mid season. Then into S10B, I'd like to be at a point where comms have reached further, we've got a future update from Maggie/Georgie/Jadis(Anne)/whoever is on the end of the radio.

I'll do a larger, more annoying write up later. Dad in hospital atm so preoccupied.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #443 on: Monday, November 4, 2019, 22:08:01 »

Now that was much better.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #444 on: Monday, November 4, 2019, 23:24:39 »

Now that was much better.

Just realised I didn't do a write up for the previous episode. I liked this one but I didn't really like the continuous theme with relationships. Maybe I need to watch again.

I did however like the King Ez revelation, the better version of Negan (like the Negan of old but without the cheese) and the Whisperers as usual. Nice little hook at the end as well with Negan meeting some new friends. That fucking "Negan lover" was annoying. So glad he was dealt with!

I have a feeling next week is going to be better than this and we'll have a big death/exit.  E6 is a perfect time to ramp it up a bit. Three really impacting and revealing episodes, I'll be pretty happy. I want more answers from the satellite story and the radio (Maggie?) story. All the lover's tiffs bits are a bit yawn worthy. Scrap that and focus on the main arcs.

What about Kelly & Magna? I have a feeling they might be Whisperers or informants to them maybe? Remember Alpha's words "We are always watching". How could they know everything without a plant, and let's face it, we still know very little about them. There's been no backstory on all of that group (Luke, Yumiko, Connie, Kelly & Magna). Only their word so those two could still be doing something else. Kelly is always saying she doesn't fit in and Magna is a rebel anyway...hmm, interesting.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #445 on: Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 07:57:06 »

Struggling through this series.  The soap opera element is tedious, I couldn't care less about 2 minor, boring characters having a minor spat and the tribe Vs tribe storylines have been done to death.  Not enough about survival, settlement and society development and problem solving.

This series is far too slow but there has been some good gore, today's Negan head smashups were top notch - hopefully it will spice up a bit, it better had.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #446 on: Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 13:21:18 »

To be honest mate, it's only really been E4: Silence The Whispers, where they seemed to over focus on unknown relationships, and yeah it wasn't really believable because we've never fully connected with those characters.

I think that is where TWD struggles at times - new characters. Especially when they are classed as a season regular but we only get a little but about them (but nothing of over interest) then we don't see them for 2 or 3 episodes. A prime example would be the Highwaymen. We got introduced to them with a mysterious symbol popping up. We were led to believe they had been around for xx years undetected, and patrolling the roads between the communities. The Whisperers are different in this sense because they have/had been concealing themselves at least (and we have to retain that nothing in this world is actually real).

I didn't buy the Highwaymen theory but then they were basically killed off in the Community Fayre. Cool, never really influenced the show and a good way to move them (and a few other characters that had dried up) on. So then about 8 episodes later (S10:E4 funny enough) we have them mentioned, something like "The Highwaymen didn't die for this - The Highwaymen want justice.". It wasn't really needed. If it had been replaced with Tara, maybe so and we might have believe the anger being expressed but you just felt like 'The Highwa- oh those guys who featured for about 1.5 episodes)'. At least Tara had been in the show since like S3B/S4A. It would be like someone saying "The Wolves didn't die for this" although their brief introduction did at least leave some kind of impression.

They have been successful with other character intros though too. Recently, I'd say Connie and Luke have integrated well, Judith is great when considering her age and the storylines she has to deliver. You believe she is a kid beyond her years that has grown up in an apocalypse. Alpha, Beta and now Gamma are all believable characters with troubled minds. Lydia has fitted in well as a character who can't seem to fit in.

I don't agree so much about the "survival, settlement and social dev"...I mean that world as we know it has moved on from scrambling for tins of beans and chocolate pudding Wink Survival is more tuned to being against other humans, especially one where rule and order is almost obsolete. Settlement - well is Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom (now gone) and Oceanside not enough? Which also brings in society development and the communities trying to develop a charter of rights and ways of working in peace. That was Rick's ultimate vision after years of moving around and fighting. Eugene setting up longer range comms between the communities. I admit there is still more problem solving needed - especially about the potential wider world (Jadis/Anne and Rick, Helicopter) but that may come with Maggie and the woman known as Georgie.

I know I said I think we'll have the Negan/Beta face off (possibly literally) next week but thinking about it...they'll probably take us to Oceanside as Michonne and Judith have headed there. Because...I'm not sure, I think it was to look for more clues about the Whisperers after a skin mask showed up there. I hope it is at least very horrific or gives us further answers. I'll be pissed if we spend a whole episode at Oceanside, only to have a bunch of people talk, that we don't know and don't really care about.

I actually am eager to find out more about the satellite (as so much focus was on it on E1&E2). Yep I know it will help with further comms possibly but you don't focus that so heavily, then detract from it (ooh look, Eugene is also a great Dad and can change nappies using maths - bizarrely), without it having a wider meaning. So wrap up the Whisperers (in some way, they don't have to 'die' even.) and open this world up.

Will we see that by S10E9...? I hope so but the show is certainly better than it was during S7B&S8A. S8B&S9A got us back on track (incidentally this was when Angela Kang took on the role of Show Runner from Scott Gimple) and Since the Whisperers introduction proper, most episodes have been largely good, with good storylines. Stick to the main few arcs and we'll be all good going into S10B.

Not a review but flip ya later. I got carried away..

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #447 on: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 12:26:43 »

Another decent episode. I enjoyed Negan in this one. Time will tell which side he's really batting for.
Carol is stating to annoy me. She deserves to be offed.
Who was Eugene talking to? That will be a good side plot.
The whole settlement have been hit with some kind of fever....We've been here before.

Its getting better. I just hope it carries on.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #448 on: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 15:18:22 »

Nice "batting" for Smiley I think we all know he's batting for himself, if truth be told but it does add an element of uncertainty. Will he become a full blown Whisperer or will he double back them. Also though if he does, will it mean he rejoins the Survivors (Hilltop/Alexandria) or will he quite simply decide to go it alone. He's strong enough to be a lone wolf. It makes us wonder and that's a good thing. Potentially something much bigger will divert everyone's attention.

Yep glad they opened up on Eugene's Radio/Satellite stuff a bit more as I was saying it should play an important role.

Carol is a little bit, but the theory of going after one of Alpha's hordes is a good one though. Basically play them at their own game. All I wonder though is why hasn't anyone just copied them to infiltrate (by wearing a skin mask too). Easily pass under the cover of darkness and be protected.

I didn't really fall for the Carol "twig-break" thing distracting a bunch of Walkers, although it made it creepy for Daryl. What I mean is, I get it but in the same episode it was inconsistent because Negan was talking mostly normally while walking with Beta and surrounded by a horde. None of the Walkers turned on him all that while. I slight continuity error - to a degree.

Yeah the fever thing is a little repetitive. To be honest my thoughts are old woman will die of natural causes, combined with fever but we'll be led to think it's linked to something. We'll prob get scenes where we think Rosita may fall foul of it. I have a feeling Sadiq/Dante's number may be up soon. There's little story for either (aside from being the Doctors and their own masculine efforts), I do like the portrayal of Sadiq's PTSD though but the character can't really live off that forever.

Agree it's getting better with the odd episode being a slow burner (I thought this one started slowly) but imo, I would say we've only had one "below par" episode in this season so far, which was E4. Two to go and more to wrap up, I'm interested in the main of how the Negan/Whisperer arc and Eugene Comms arc turn out/reveal. Bring it on!

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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« Reply #449 on: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 15:29:03 »

Nice "batting" for Smiley I think we all know he's batting for himself, if truth be told but it does add an element of uncertainty. Will he become a full blown Whisperer or will he double back them. Also though if he does, will it mean he rejoins the Survivors (Hilltop/Alexandria) or will he quite simply decide to go it alone. He's strong enough to be a lone wolf. It makes us wonder and that's a good thing. Potentially something much bigger will divert everyone's attention.

Yep glad they opened up on Eugene's Radio/Satellite stuff a bit more as I was saying it should play an important role.

Carol is a little bit, but the theory of going after one of Alpha's hordes is a good one though. Basically play them at their own game. All I wonder though is why hasn't anyone just copied them to infiltrate (by wearing a skin mask too). Easily pass under the cover of darkness and be protected.

I didn't really fall for the Carol "twig-break" thing distracting a bunch of Walkers, although it made it creepy for Daryl. What I mean is, I get it but in the same episode it was inconsistent because Negan was talking mostly normally while walking with Beta and surrounded by a horde. None of the Walkers turned on him all that while. I slight continuity error - to a degree.

Yeah the fever thing is a little repetitive. To be honest my thoughts are old woman will die of natural causes, combined with fever but we'll be led to think it's linked to something. We'll prob get scenes where we think Rosita may fall foul of it. I have a feeling Sadiq/Dante's number may be up soon. There's little story for either (aside from being the Doctors and their own masculine efforts), I do like the portrayal of Sadiq's PTSD though but the character can't really live off that forever.

Agree it's getting better with the odd episode being a slow burner (I thought this one started slowly) but imo, I would say we've only had one "below par" episode in this season so far, which was E4. Two to go and more to wrap up, I'm interested in the main of how the Negan/Whisperer arc and Eugene Comms arc turn out/reveal. Bring it on!

Haha, the "batting" pun was totally un-intended.

Not really a spoiler but i was talking to a fried who is behind on the TV show but has finished the comics and when i mentioned we are at the part where Eugene is speaking to someone over the radio his response was simply. "it sounds like they are sticking to some of the comics better story-lines"

Carol is just another Coral and Henry now, doing stupid shit, getting into trouble and putting others in jeopardy.

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