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Author Topic: The Walking Dead *SPOILERS*  (Read 180509 times)

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« Reply #225 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10:04:54 »

favourite episode for a long while. didn't really want it to end and it's been ages since I've felt like that.

they got a good blend of action, characterisation and plot development this week.


the rocket launcher was ace!

the only thing I didn't like was the happy coincidence of Darryl and the van crash... they are getting really lucky with that and stopping the gun truck the other day

The only thing that confused me was Carl in the woods with that indian chap. Did i miss something in a previous episode?
That bit just made me hate Coral even more.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #226 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10:41:30 »

oh yeah forgot that. can't even remember who the hell the guy was..

bamboo, enlighten us!

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #227 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 14:16:59 »

I will be back in action shortly guys. Had a busy few days editing photos (yes it's so monotonous), talking to banks and other stuff. This is where you all laugh because I don't even have kids or a relationship at the moment 

Anyway I will be watching last nights S8:E6: The King, The Widow & Rick, in about an hour (which is really bizarre because that would usually be when I'm watching it either for the 2nd or 3rd time. Especially when reviewing!) sooo I hope to get round to a comprehensive in depth review posted at around 5pm?

I may post up my review from S8:E5: The Big Scary U, if anyone is interested? Or do you think it'll mess up the thread. I can always DM it to anyone if they feel that would be better. Let me know and i'll do whatever.

Once again apologies, good old life getting in the way again  Pint Smiley

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #228 on: Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 23:46:12 »

Ok, so I've had a two week hiatus of posting anything TWD related (well almost) and all in the time when the series is really starting to get back to a better place. Almost TWD we know and love. I'll do a double review of S8:E5: The Big Scary U & S8:E6: The King, The Widow & Rick on individual posts because having them on one will be enough to test my sanity and i'm writing it. I'll spare you that at least, as my reviews are long enough on their own. Wait until the S8 Review!  Wink

Right I'll start of with the previous episode and we'll take it from there...

S8:E5: The Big Scary U

The episode opens by taking us right back to when Rick's Army were just about to fire gunshots at the Sanctuary. We have a great opening scene where Simon enters the room with pancakes for Gregory. The bemused Gregory is convinced by Simon that he already knows everything and trusts that Gregory has a plan to make the Hilltop stay onside as after all he is "in charge" (we all know he's a bullshitter but Simon seemingly gives him the benefit of the doubt). I actually warmed to Gregory a little more in this episode because he dropped the rather "over hammy" acting to more of a "hammy lite" acting. It is what it is! Greg & Si enter Negan's meeting room to put their thoughts to the great dictator to which Negan is hardly convinced and Dwight has had enough of the crap Gregory is spouting, so leaves the room (probably struggling to contain his guilt). Simon backs Gregory by explaining to Negan, if it doesn't work we'll just wipe them out. This tips Negan almost over the edge as Lucille takes a firm bash to the table and he reminds Simon who's in charge. "Are we backsliding Simon? Are we?" It's a great line that opens up a few questions, especially has to how the Sanctuary may well have been operated  before Negan arrived! This could be an assumption but maybe Simon led the Saviours before or was a "leader" in a group of uncontrollable savages. Negan quite directly makes it clear that "Humans are resources." and that they do not just kill on a whim. It all seems a bit odd because of how he made an example of Rick's Group and all the previous with scarring Dwight, throwing the Doctor into the furnace et al. I think we have to start to look at the storylines more independently. We've been on "one side" for so long now that sometimes we're clouded by who the bad guys really are. Yes Negan wants full control and build a community of "resources", call them slaves, workers whatever but he wants to rebuild for essentially his own gains. We pretty much see an appreciation of his management towards the end of the episode. I'll talk about that later. Whereas Rick wants to rebuild a community that all works together in social harmony, where everyone benefits and some sense of normality is resumed. We can pretty much coin this as the Capitalist vs Socialist.

Things are just starting to heat up in Negan's "boardroom" when gunshots are overheard. Negan spies that it's Rick's lot with barricaded vehicles and realises Gregory may well be needed. Negan and his henchmen exit onto the platform that we saw from Rick's POV a few weeks earlier. This was a really nice bit of direction and stitched the two pieces together nicely. All we really gained from it though, is that Dwight's getting ever more paranoid and Gregory is a total grass who is only interested in himself (tell us something we don't know).

During all that we flick to present time and finally get to see Father Gabriel & Negan in the Portakabin. Which is where the majority of this episode focuses on. Negan makes a grab for Father Gabe and pins him down in the initial scuffle. Negan says he's not going to kill him but wonders why Gabe  chose to end up in the Kabin with him. Explaining he saw him save Gregory. Gabe goes all "the Lord sent me, I must have a purpose" etc. To which Negan scoffs at. They talk some more and then Gabriel reveals in the creepiest of ways that "I know why i'm here. I've come to take your confession!" The opening credits roll and we know we're in for a fairly interesting episode.

We now open back in the Sanctuary and the aftermath of Rick's attack. The henchmen are all in Negan's boardroom and Simon proclaims that Negan may be dead, this fractures leadership as the different personalities start to think they can take charge. I think it's then Gavin (the more reasonable Saviour who dealt with the Kingdom's Trades) who smells a rat saying that someone in the room must be relaying info to Rick's Army. Eugene is seen as the obvious antagonist for this as Simon, Gavin & Regina (who has subtly replaced Arat, Negan's original righthand woman, who is currently filming Godzilla) all pretty much point the finger. Dwight actually backs Eugene as we all know he's been sending intel to Daryl. Some more commotion goes off and the situation is evaded, for now.

We then head back to the Portakabin and Negan is reluctant at first to tell Gabe anything about his past. He does however disclose how he came to take control of the Saviours. Explaining that they need someone to tell them what to do "A lot of folks are gonna die in there because I'm not there to stop it." . Obviously he is the man to do that, the worship him, ironically like a bishop or priest. the ever growing pressure of walkers outside the Kabin as they discuss how they'll get out. Father Gabe starts to tell Negan about how he locked his congregation out of the church (way back in S5:E2 or possibly E3). As Negan drops his guard, Gabe probes him about his past, about people he loved, if he had a wife. Negan shows his uncontrollable anger and lifts Lucille ready to pounce but Gabe makes a grab for his gun and holes himself up in another room of the Kabin. Negan then smashes a walker to bits thats been pushing through a broken panel and then calms down and rests his head against  the side while light floods through i a godly fashion. Thus creating the "confession box",  which they mirrored perfectly and set it up for an insight into Negan's more "normal" pre-apocalyptic life.

It flicks back to the Sanctuary briefly and as Sanctuary workers get more unsettled, the remaining Saviour henchmen don't take any real decision. We then have a good scene with Eugene & Dwight, as Eugene's suspicions around Dwight grow. It's firstly a comedic offering from the resident "special guy" as he brings Dwight a jar of his prized pickles. It's a kind touch but he then spots Dwight's handmade chess set (remember Dwight has been making these to send intel/messages to Daryl.) and picks one up, staining his finger in the process with red paint. Dwight is uneasy and says "Don't touch it, it's still wet." as Eugene spots it on his finger. It's a nice touch which complicates things for later in the episode.

We flick back to Portakabin and Negan finally gives his confession. He talks about his first wife, she was ill and he fucked around with other women. It's a genuine regret and with tears in his eyes Jeffrey Dean-Morgan delivers the first true and real side of Negan so far. The man behind the mask, if you must. I liked the performance between the two and as others have said, it was a move away from "panto" Negan as we finally got some character backstory and development. Turns out he was still a cunt before the apocalypse Smiley Anyway, Negan goes on to tell Gabe that they need to work together to get out of the Kabin. Gabe opens the door and Negan punches Gabe square on the face. It was brilliant after almost having feeling for Negan for him to basically just turn round literally throw it back in Gabe's face. Still was some great scenes.

We go back to the Sanctuary and the workers are becoming more restless. Simon (who has assumed power) decides to turn off the power supply and reserve energy. The workers gather in revolt as they want answers. They realise Negan has not been around. Simon nearly goes for one of them and Dwight calms it down briefly. Meanwhile Gabe and Negan use the zombie guts covering technique (As featured in Atlanta supply missions in S1 and intermittent periods during other Season also. Why don't they do this more often, someone must?) and walk their way out of the Portakabin. They get to the stairs near the Sanctuary but two or three walkers are at the top. The scene cuts so we never know exactly what happened. Did Gabe get bit? Did Negan push them onto him? Or has Gabe just got ill?). Unrest is still going on in the Sanctuary and Regina pulls a gun on a worker and kills them to put an end to the commotion saying "I am Negan". Right on cue, you know who comes whistling down the corridor to see what's been going down. I didn't mind this part and even if it was a return to the "panto villain" it was consistent with the point he made to Gabe. They all bow down, Gabe included (that could be his Kidneys starting to failing all honesty though!) and Negan is not too pleased with Regina. He get's the workers back to work and tells them power will be restored (a certain irony there), one worker calls out "Thank you Negan! Thank God for you." He turns to Gabe smiling that smile and says something like "See?" He then gets Gabriel put in Cell 1.

We then have them back round the table as weapons form Rick's Army have been found and they are indeed weapons from the Sanctuary. It's in this moment that Eugene finally puts two and two together as he see's the red paint on it. Worryingly he looks at his finger, looks at Dwight knowingly but keeps quiet as Eugen knows that he is the main suspect. Not going to look good with the literally blood on his hands. He knows though, so will he grass on Dwight? Later on Negan tells Eugene, while alone, that he'll reward him if he can get rid of all the walkers around the Sanctuary, however if he can't then he threatened him with something more serious but in Negan's words kind, he'd kill him so he didn't have to see the Sanctuary go to shit. How kind of him!

Away from all of that we get a few short scenes with Cagney & Lacey. Sorry I'm being a dick! Our two favourite heroes, Rick and Daryl. Again it' a little bit silly but I guess they are both having fun as actors with all these action scene! Anyway, it pics up from the previous as they inspect the Truck which had the weapons in (one of the main goals in Rick's: The Plan) Daryl & Rick ty to get some answers out of the dying driver and he splutters a few words but Rick then quite aggressively finishes the guy with a knife to the head. He spared him turning I guess. They go check the truck out and Daryl produces a bag of dynamite . He thinks they might be able to use it in the plan but Rick says they must stick to the plan. They start fighting (yes by a truck leaking fuel and full of ammunition) and Rick chucks the bag of dynamite towards the truck. We then get a full on Die Hard scene as Rick and Daryl dive to cover and the truck explodes. After they look at what idiots they've been all for their own egos, however there is now a broken element to the two and i'm interested to see which way this goes. As they go to their vehicles and agree to divulge their own version of the plan, Rick's car doesn't start but there's no chance Daryl will be giving him a ride. Rick makes his way on foot and is spotted by one of the Junkyard/Scavenger lookouts. This really disappointed me as I thought we'd pretty much seen the last of them. I suppose we do need to see them written out properly or at least diminished to just Jadis and maybe one other. Not long after this a helicopter flies over which totally through me. Who or what group has enough fuel for a helicopter? Or is this just another figment of Rick's mind? I don't know at all and that totally chucked me but there has to be some development to that surely? They can't just throw a helicopter in and never explain it. Then again, great directors like Scorsese weren't adverse to throwing in random items just to make sure you're concentrating! I'm not saying it's at that level but there are some talented directors on the show. Michael Satrazemis is brilliant for starters and Matthew Negrete also. Anyway lets hope they develop that somewhere because I for one won't forget about it!

Final scene see's Eugene approaching a door and we find out it's Gabe's cell. He's kindly gone to take him some comforts while he's holed up in solitary. Eugene gets no response and he fumbles to unlock the cell. Gabe clearly has a fever (or seemingly so) and starts muttering about needing to get the Doctor to the Hilltop for Maggie. Was this one of his main ploys? To get the Doctor back at the Hilltop? Is h faking a fever of some kind so he can talk to the Doc? What are your thoughts on this?

So there we have it, The Big Scary U. I know most of you have enjoyed the episode even though it did seem a little fillerish but it's coming back together and there were some good performances, especially from JD-M & Seth Gilliam (Gabe) for their set limited delivery of a "Negan backstory". Special mention though, to Austin Amelio (Dwight) &  Josh McDermitt (Eugene) as the storyline between them develops and intensifies. I think I'm slowly getting my TWD mojo back! Could just be getting my mojo back, I loved those sweets, anyone remember them? Interestingly and it's a bit of a deviation but Eugene's character is full name Eugene Porter. Eugene was believed, especially by Abraham, to be part of the "Human Genome Project". Eugenics is a movement is DNA manipulation or as we may call it "selective breeding". A Porter (in generic terms) is a person or service that moves things within one place to another. Two terms, that both mean movement in different way. A clever play and link on the characters full name, no coincidence i'm sure. Effectively Eugene Porter could otherwise be known as "Movement Mover". I like that, but those things always impress me. Then again, I am a geek. It means I'll be looking for continuity in every character/name link now. There will be others i'm sure.

As always, thanks for reading/listening/viewing. I apologise for the shockingly slow rate at getting these reviews through but as always I welcome all your thoughts etc. I've posed a few questions of that episode so give me your own thoughts on that. I'll be  back straight away tomorrow lunchtime with a review for the most recent episode; S8:E6: The King, The Widow & Rick. Hope you've enjoyed the read and I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow and yes I'll be explaining all about Siddiq (unless you already have yourself) and my theories on that so stay tuned!


Bamboo Smiley
« Last Edit: Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 23:58:43 by bamboonoshoe » Logged

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #229 on: Friday, December 1, 2017, 16:12:24 »

Hope you've manage to churn your eyes through that last post of misgivings! So finally I get round to posting before the next episode. I think the series is coming along nice and after two fairly good episodes. I'd say E4 was most consistent closely followed by E5 which focused back on our favourite panto villain (I still like the actor and I think they have rescued the villain element a little.). E6 seems to have taken a bit if a step back. It wasn't shocking in any sense and there were some great developments. There were a few pointless bits but they helped to answer a part of the story, linking from last episode. I'll expand on that shortly as I give you a turnip by turnip account of this weeks episode of TWD...

S8:E6: The King, The Widow & Rick

The episode opens with a nicely shot montage (no cheesy fadeouts either) of Rick retrieving a piece of paper out of an old microwave alone (who would have thought it could make such an interesting shot, but it did. It works in this World), Tara and some Alexandrians returning from battle, Daryl whizzing by on his motorbike alone, a solemn Kingdom with Carol contemplating recent events, and Aaron returning to the Hilltop. They all hand over or receive updates of how "Rick's Plan" is going so far, whilst one of Rick's updates is narrated over by the man himself. Then Maggie and Carol's are read respectively whilst returning to Rick, who reveals he's on his way to the Junkyard/Scavengers to execute the next step of the plan. It cuts to the Junkyard and Jadis is creating a sculpture out of wire in nothing but a red potters apron (Pollyanna McIntosh (yeah I know right), scrubs up very well in real life Wink ). It's a good transition from montage to opening scene, it's fluid and pretty seamless. There's a banging on the shipping container in the Junkyard which cuts the silence, and Jadis notions to her people to open it up and let whoever is in there out (guess who?). The doors are opened and they leave us guessing a little longer as we cut to the opening credits and set for the episode proper.

We're met by the Hilltop and Jesus' PoW being fed surplus turnips by the holy one. If ever we needed to tell a classic Bible story then this was clearly prevalent. Maggie discusses this with Jesus and tell him that they're not for the prisoners (the way she says Jesus everytime now I only hear it like she's saying "ffs Jesus!", instead of his name). Gregory suggest they build a Gallows and be done with them and interestingly calls Jesus by his real name, Paul (Paul Rovia). Maggie tells Gregory to go away and she tells Jesus that hanging them is an option. Jesus recoils with "we must remember what we're fighting for". It cuts to the Kingdom briefly as Carol tries to gain entry to Ezekiel's quarters but fails and then races off. Master Henry (Benjamin's brother) chases after and says he'll fight.

The shipping container doors open and out pulled is, surprise surprise, Rick. The Junkyard surround him in their ritualistic way as Rick starts to explain what he wants from them. It may seem pretty stupid after they double backed Rick's Army when we last saw them, but it's a clever play from Rick and show's that he actually may have some kind of strategy instead of just blowing the shit out of them. We learn the reason why he's been snapping all those Polaroids and it's a good reference to Negan and his Saviours, as this is exactly the trait they used. It's a nice touch, simple but adds a little depth to the plot. Jadis declines the offer to join Rick's Army and as they drag him back to his "cell" she accurately states, "talks too much." I still find this group a little pointless, I don't mind Jadis as an individual character but I really hope we get the Junkyard/Scavengers defeated, shortly. Maybe have Jadis survive and eventually hook up with Rick (she clearly likes him).

Back at the Hilltop, Gregory is trying to convince, in an apolitical way, Maggie to do away with the PoWs and understands how tough it is to be leader. It's another sneaky tactic from Gregory (gladly with less hamminess) and with the toning down of his character a little I'm beginning to like him (did I really say that?), okay maybe I'm beginning to not dislike him as much! However Maggie is having none of it (gladly) and tells Gregory that it was easy not to surrender the Hilltop to Negan, whereas our favourite grass, was scared. He goes on to tell her "you need someone to let you know it's alright to go with your can't have wolves wandering around amongst the sheep.", to which she agrees, and he unfortunately regrets later on.

Inside Alexandria, Michonne & Rosita are both still licking the wounds of war, and also the wounds of regret. They both want to go see what the state of play is at the Sanctuary, which I felt was a little idiotic but it does lead to a potential answer, which may possibly linked to Eugene's solution of ridding the walkers from around the Sanctuary. We see Tara catch up with Daryl as they discuss that they both could kill Dwight together, they then head off I assume towards the Sanctuary to scope it out.

It's a full moon at the Hilltop, as the timeline of that story jumps to later in the day/evening and Jesus is still out side tending his sheep (yes the Biblical reference runs the more you think about it). One of the PoWs tries to aggravate Jesus  but he has none of it. However you can tell Jesus thinks he's fairly right.

Michonne & Rosita are driving to the Sanctuary (although they must've shared the driving because when they left Alexandria, Michonne was driving and in this scene Rosita is. Anyone know the true distance between Alexandria & The Sanctuary? If it's around 100miles I'll forgive them...We'll call it a continuity error.) which is when they stumble across the Eugene link. Opera music playing from some loud speakers. They abandon the car and go investigate.

Enter Carl scavenging in the woods, where he spots a walker impaled on a stake trying to reach some bait in a tree. He then spots "the middle eastern guy" who we learn is called Siddiq. Siddiq was in the S8 Premiere, Mercy. Where both Rick & Carl were looking for fuel and Rick fires warning shots to scare him away, believing him to be a spy. You've probably all figured this out by now, but later in that episode Carl returns to the location leaving him food. In a respectful tip of the head to his Dad, Carl asks Siddiq the same three questions Rick used to ask potential new people; How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why? I liked that part and while Carl can be annoying he's showing his own individual leadership as his character develops. The two quickly become mates and Siddiq explains killing the walkers (according to his Mother), "frees their souls". Honouring this (but probably stupidly so. Hey we all make mistakes when we're young...and old!), Carl agrees to free a few walkers souls with Siddiq. They predictably get into a predicament in which Siddiq nearly gets bit and Carl nearly gets his face ripped off (So close Chubbs, soo close Cheesy ). Siddiq says you could've left me. Carl replies with "I'm responsible for you now, that's how it works." They then head off back to Alexandria. I think they did a really good job of introducing this character. He apparently plays a fairly pivotal role in the comics,  so very interesting development. What are your thoughts on Siddiq? Friend or Foe? Part of another group? Is Carl being a dick?

During that time Carol is being followed by Master Henry into the woods, she basically tells him he's an idiot he tries to fend of walkers with a staff. She gives in, and hands him a gun. "The safety stays on, until I say otherwise."

Back at the Hilltop it's the next day. Maggie tells Jesus to bring the prisoners in, to reveal she's built a segregation camp. Gregory, says we can't have them in here. To which Maggie has had enough and impound Gregory into the camp with the PoWs. She then goes on to smash the dude that intimidated Morgan, in the face with the but of her gun. Another prisoner says thank you, she respond with "don't let me regret that." Finally, Gregory has got his just deserts and just as I was starting to dislike him less! Hahaha. Probably my favourite part of the episode.

As Rosita & Michonne explore where the sounds are coming from they stumble into some kind of warehouse/facility. They come across two Saviours rigging up some speakers. We can only assume to draw walkers away from the Sanctuary. As they spy on the Saviours, Michonne accidentally kicks a tennis ball into their view (note the computer game RPG, FPS element to it as Rosita diverts attention away from them). They split, Michonne fights the woman and as she starts to escape, Rosita corners the guy and aims a L-A-R-L (Land to air Rocket Launcher) at him. He scoffs "you aren't going to use that are you baby girl?", BOOM, vapourises the guy in probably one of the most unrealistic kills yet. However I still liked it and it gave a smile. However the girl escapes and tails off with the music blaring. Michonne & Rosita look gutted as they realise they could've used the LARL to shoot the car and stop it getting back to the Sanctuary. Hope isn't lost though as in the nick of time, the shows latest action hero Daryl (with Tara in tow), T-bones the car by plowing into it using an 18 wheeler truck. Where he got that, I don't know, as Alexandria doesn't have one! A tad far fetched maybe but it cleared up one of the theories for removing the walkers fromt the Sanctuary. Does this mean Eugene is going to be in a hole new world of shit? Possibly, but we've no idea it was his idea anyway. We'll soon see i'm sure.

Carol goes back to the Kingdom to talk to Ezekiel again and convince him to be "King" again. Khary Paton again delivers a great part in what is only a short piece. He even used his token "...and yet I smile" line (what a cheek), but this time with more broken gravitas of any failed Kings that have graced our screens. It's another moving and believable scene, I'm certain the tears from both Carol & Ez were genuine. He confesses that she makes him feel real and not a fiction. She again tells him that his people need him. It's not fully answered if he will takes this offer back up but a she leaves she says "If you can't be the King, play the part. That's what they need." He replies "I can't." We're still left in the dark as to whether he will reprise his role. I kind of hope he doesn't and Carol takes the lead of the Kingdom. We need Carol to be back at the forefront. She's an awesome character and Melissa McBride has played and developed her far from the "beaten wife" we first met in S1.

We go briefly back to the Hilltop and Aaron explains how he misses Eric. Maggie mentions about using the Saviours as a bargaining chip. Aaron then takes off on a mission, taking Maggies word with him. Enid says she's going with him, so tells him to get her stuff and some food "We might be a while."

Two final short scenes ends with Daryl, Tara, Michonne & Rosita sitting in the truck outside the Sanctuary. Michonne asks Daryl "What do you need us for?" to which Daryl responds, I think with "You'll see!". We then cut to Jadis walking by Rick's shipping container/cell and drawing a big "A" on with chalk (harks back to S4 Finale: A, when Rick and his crew were captured by the Terminus Cannibals and put inside a container with a big A stamped on it.). This throws up a lot of questions because both the Terminus Cannibals and the Wolves used "A". I wonder if it's got a further message to something more down the line. Maybe there is an even bigger force in control of this "New World". The "A" has been a constant through many seasons so my opinion is they are definitely foreshadowing something big.  They pan out from Rick's cell and he's been stripped naked and the end credits run.

So you've made it to the end of my latest review! What are opinions on the questions I've posed throughout. I hope I've managed to answer a few of your questions, especially on the Siddiq plotline. I found it a fairly decent episode, just a tad far fetched at times. We had some emotive parts with Carol & Ez and I think it worked as an episode on the whole to tie it all together a bit. It's the penultimate episode next Monday, S8:E7: Time For After and we should have a better idea of how the mid-season is going to end. I'd like to see the end of the Junkyard/Scavengers maybe by next episode, but with four main characters at the Sanctuary, seemingly ready to strike, there is only Carol, Master Henry and possibly Hilltop to bring Rick to safety, it seems unlikely. We also will need to tie up Father Gabe's predicament, will Eugene follow his plea and smuggle the Doctor to the Hilltop?  and how? or will Eugene meet his fate via Negan? It poses a few more question which hopefully we can answer before heading into the MSF.

Once again thanks for viewing/listening/reading. Give me your opinions on my opinion and your thoughts going forward towards the MSF. Criticism, always welcome.


Bamboo Smiley
« Last Edit: Friday, December 1, 2017, 17:15:45 by bamboonoshoe » Logged

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Not a Batch

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« Reply #230 on: Friday, December 1, 2017, 16:33:30 »

I didn't get the A reference until now. Thanks bamboo.

Good read. Needs to start getting a wiggle on plot wise now for me.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #231 on: Monday, December 4, 2017, 21:43:52 »

This was a pretty good episode. I think most of you that watch will enjoy/are enjoying/have enjoyed it.  Smiley

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
Not a Batch

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« Reply #232 on: Monday, December 4, 2017, 21:58:38 »


Eugene what have you done...
« Last Edit: Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 07:46:02 by Batch » Logged

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« Reply #233 on: Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 07:30:41 »

Ricks face at the end was a picture.

I love how they are developing eugenes character into alsomost a mad scientist.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #234 on: Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 14:09:04 »


Eugene what have you done...

Haha, I think he's going into full breakdown. Will he grass Dwight up to save his own skin (literally) ?

Ricks face at the end was a picture.

I love how they are developing Eugenes character into almost a mad scientist.

Yeah it's a great development. Don't know if any of you read my piece on Eugene in one of the previous reviews but it's very much that he's turning into this Monster of a character. I said (not so much on here I don't think but a few Seasons back) that Eugene could be the one to kill Negan. It's quite clear as his psychopathic tendencies grow, he could recklessly and ruthlessly murder Negan. After all, he only about self preservation.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
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« Reply #235 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 20:13:52 »

corral Smiley

still reckon it's some misdirection or that he's immune somehow mind!

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« Reply #236 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 23:38:44 »

corral Smiley

still reckon it's some misdirection or that he's immune somehow mind!
Like you say, they’ll make some bullshit way to save coral. I hope they don’t but they probably will.

The whole episode was a bit wank.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #237 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 23:41:08 »

The whole episode was a bit wank.

It was like a repeat.

Oooh Rick's getting the saviours
Oooh the Saviours have got out.
Oooh the Saviours have killed someone to make an example
Oooh Ricks group lucks fucked...

Haven't we seen all this before. Yeah Maggie was almost interesting with the tit-for-tat, but other than that....meh.
Sits in front of JFW

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« Reply #238 on: Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 08:04:26 »

The actor that plays Coral is taking a break from acting to go to College, make of that what you will...  maybe they will kill him off..

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ― Marcus Aurelius

When somebody shouts STOP! I never know if it's in the name of love, if it's HAMMER TIME, or if I should collaborate and listen...

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« Reply #239 on: Friday, February 2, 2018, 16:06:40 »

Just a reference back to the flash-forward, a little later in the episode there is another one and Rick is wearing a robe, has a stick and is with Michonne  as they share a kiss. With Carl present, Rick has managed to become an old man. Seemingly in this flash-forward the world is back to normal and people are living their lives as they were in pre apocalyptic times. This is more likely a myth/screen for something else but i'm not sure exactly what at this time? Some other writers/bloggers have said they think this could be foreshadowing  how this all ends (as a dream etc. but Kirkman has said he'll never end it that way) but none of that really adds up for me yet. If it was that then it wouldn't include Michonne as he would've most likely never have met her in real life!That's going to be a running curveball that will drive us all nuts this season. What's your theories on this? or can you extract form the comics some similarities what may be about to come?

Ok, TWD is back in a little over three weeks and I know the Season 8 MSF left some of you a little jaded. I want to concentrate on this quote from my S8:E1 Mercy review. So Carl has been bit/scratched/infected somehow. As far as we know and there have been tons of releases around how he's taken a break and is working on his music career (similarly Beth is quite a successful Country artist). Fine. What then of the timehop/flash forwards we saw in this very episode? As my quote states, there was the whole Grimes family in the timehop? Michonne, Judith, Rick, and good old Coral. My theory and yes like Berni (some immune bullshit) said; maybe Carl does have some kind of immunity? It's not beyond the realms of possibility. There is immunity in everything. Dr. Janner (S1 Finale) hadn't necessarily solved the outbreak, just came to that conclusion and was ready to accept death. Carl and others could be immune. Herein lies the problem. If Chandler Riggs is taking a break from acting (well he is, and we know that) yet we have this timehop, that Carl is included in. How will the show come to that conclusion and explain Carl not being there? Viewers (newcomers and diehards alike) will not accept Rick's "timehop" as a mere dream because that will piss off a lot of people. Even myself.

The show has S9 commissioned so it's not going anywhere fast. I said before 10 seasons should have got us past a turning point in the show and give us true direction on the endgame. Looking forward to how S8b pans out and how long are they going to fucking stay in the sewers for?

Looking forward to spouting some long-winded bollocks in the form of a review (yes I promise to contribute more regularly) and you guys putting your own thoughts to boot too.

I guess, talk to you about on the 26/27th Feb!


Bamboo  Smiley

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
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