25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 13:50:13

Title: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 13:50:13
Who would actually be up for this if it was done properly? Next Saturday is the last chance realistically to do it and would bring the focus on what is happening down here

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 13:51:56
If done properly, then most definitely.

It seems very hard to get close to the stadium though at the moment, and no one seems keen to get one organised either.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:00:05
Yes if supported by the trust and other fan groups. Needs proper promotion and attendance

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:01:24
That's my thoughts, if promoted/organised by the trust then the police would be aware and access to the County Ground car park etc would not be restricted

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:06:28
Any idea if this has been looked into by the Trust, Dean?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Tails on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:11:18
Who would actually be up for this if it was done properly? Next Saturday is the last chance realistically to do it and would bring the focus on what is happening down here

I'm willing to drive down to Swindon for it.

In an ideal world Id love it if we could stop the game going ahead, or interrupt it as much as possible, as that will hit Power the most financially but probably not possible with the security there.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Hunk on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:23:50
Would happily join if properly organised

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:29:40
Any idea if this has been looked into by the Trust, Dean?
I have messaged them regarding it. In recent times i can understand why they wouldn't support it but they have nothing to lose now

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: RedRag on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 14:45:47
Not sure whether I would drive down but it would certainly be worthwhile.  

A peaceful demonstration if organised with Police, though doubt it would be the Trust's role to sponsor.  Would love to see Legends join a demo  :).  I think the media could show some interest as they've enjoyed the "fan power" theme for the big boys just recently.  A couple of speakers would attract interest.  Is Ivo Graham back in work.  You're supposed to give 6 days notice to the Police if there's to be a march and it would probably have to take place off property leased to STFC.

Down with that sort of thing as Dougal and Ted's placard demands.

C'mon Flammable or one of our edgier posters.  Go for it!

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:32:46
I'm willing to drive down to Swindon for it.

In an ideal world Id love it if we could stop the game going ahead, or interrupt it as much as possible, as that will hit Power the most financially but probably not possible with the security there.

Tennis balls over The Town End?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Anteater on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:38:05
Definitely up for that plus most likely another 5 from the gang of us that normally attend

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:45:13
Police seem very insistent on asking who the “organisers” for protests and marches at the moment. Not sure I’d want to be the answer.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:47:51
already arranged to do something else Saturday :(

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:48:22
It's probably too late now to arrange anything unless fans just turned up off their own back

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: tans on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:50:07
Tennis balls over The Town End?

Nah, bags of shit instead

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:50:57
What about the traditional banner flying over during the game😀

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Quagmire on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:54:53
6 days is plenty of time to get something sorted. But it really does need the backing of the Trust and Supporters Club to get some good numbers.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 15:56:59
That's why I don't think six days is long enough to organise nse things without the trust

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: stfcjack on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 16:53:35
If it’s organised by the trust im 100% in. Not if it’s just some bloke off FB though.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 17:27:34
I genuinely don’t think we have that sort of passionate support from our fans. When we won L2 last season and I went to the ground I’d say there was less than 30 celebrating compared to the many hundreds that other promoted clubs got. There was supposed to be a protest against Pompey last Tuesday, again only a handful showed up, nothing on the scale we’ve seen by the fans of the big 6 this week. Whilst I agree it’s hard to get into the county ground car park at present with all the security it would probably be easier to have a mass gathering at a meeting point not to far from the ground, say Tesco’s car park and when we have sufficient numbers we March to the county ground. If it’s done peacefully without trouble it’s likely the security staff won’t fancy trying to stop hundreds of fans making a protest outside the stadium.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: 4D on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:16:08
We have a lot of loyal fans, but organised passion is a bit thin. Guess we're too long in the tooth with being dealt shit over decades. A dogshit sandwich as flash would say  :)

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:29:09
I genuinely don’t think we have that sort of passionate support from our fans. When we won L2 last season and I went to the ground I’d say there was less than 30 celebrating compared to the many hundreds that other promoted clubs got.
TBF that may have been because it was during the first lockdown. Not sure you can equate "compliance with a public health lockdown during a global pandemic" with "got no pashun for the club"

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: stfcjack on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:41:57
TBF that may have been because it was during the first lockdown. Not sure you can equate "compliance with a public health lockdown during a global pandemic" with "got no pashun for the club"


Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: stfcjack on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:42:43
The trust have just retweeted some anti power banners hung up today, so perhaps they could get behind this?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Frigby Daser on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:49:47
For a lot of fans, this feels all too familiar. Being treated with contempt by owners in this default setting. If you’re used to it, you’re less likely to react with rage. That’s why Fitton, Nick Watkins and Co stood out. They were professional and respectful to the fans. I think they’re the only ones to have ever done that.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:52:38
TBF that may have been because it was during the first lockdown. Not sure you can equate "compliance with a public health lockdown during a global pandemic" with "got no pashun for the club"

So it’s not nothing to do with passion then just Town fans are more likely to follow government guidelines than say Liverpool, Leeds and Coventry fans? I just feel like most of our fans are abit meh about it all. There’s a video on Facebook of the last time we had a protest after we got relegated to L2 after a home defeat to Rotherham. Again, a rather small gathering that didn’t last that long. Nothing like the protest March for the Town back in the early 90’s after our demotion that started in Faringdon Road Park.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 18:57:50
I also think we're now in an era where the avarage football fan isn't as passionate or interested anymore

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:06:14
I also think we're now in an era where the avarage football fan isn't as passionate or interested anymore
To clubs we have been converted to customers for some fans.
Think we all know the types, the ones last season who swore they’ve always been a Liverpool fan, yet funnily enough also own old Man City and Chelsea tops.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:10:38
To clubs we have been converted to customers for some fans.
Think we all know the types, the ones last season who swore they’ve always been a Liverpool fan, yet funnily enough also own old Man City and Chelsea tops.

Yes spot on with your summary

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: singingiiiffy on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:13:01
I also think we're now in an era where the avarage football fan isn't as passionate or interested anymore

iv never attended a protest before but last week after the Tuesday match I was furious with every single thing about the club. having no fans I'm attendance has left everyone feeling deflated and helpless. the players, managers and owners have had the easiest times of their relegation lives this season without fans.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:15:28
I agree without fans in the stadium all concerned have hasn't it easy as us loyal followers have had to suffer in silence

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: JBZ on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:21:17
Without being pernickety, I am not sure that the heading of this thread is correct. CM is a part owner and recent posts by certain fan groups put their weight behind him and his backers (I am not sure if their details are in the public domain). 

Title: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 19:38:10
ok,  protest against the majority shareholder. The one that has a controlling interest in the club.

I'm pretty sure that
  a. if Able came out with some transparency then they'd get treated based on their merits by fans groups too.

it's not some matey Clem clique. if a better offer is genuinly on the table then great.

 b. yes Morfuni's other backers (if any) aren't in the public domain either. I don't know how far the trust got with due diligence in them tbh.

Change is 100% needed, I can't see that being controversial.

You have to go with the best option based on what evidence you can see. surely. The alternative *may* be better. But with no way of knowing you can't back then based on Powers say so.

I say this having only rejoined the Trust last week.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: JanAirplaneMan on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:04:12
ok,  protest against the majority shareholder. The one that has a controlling interest in the club.

I'm pretty sure that
  a. if Able came out with some transparency then they'd get treated based on their merits by fans groups too.

it's not some matey Clem clique. if a better offer is genuinly on the table then great.

 b. yes Morfuni's other backers (if any) aren't in the public domain either. I don't know how far the trust got with due diligence in them tbh.

Change is 100% needed, I can't see that being controversial.

You have to go with the best option based on what evidence you can see. surely. The alternative *may* be better. But with no way of knowing you can't back then based on Powers say so.

I say this having only rejoined the Trust last week.
Clem doesn't have any other backers, he doesn't need them. Its him and him only with regard to his bid.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: JBZ on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:14:02
Clem doesn't have any other backers, he doesn't need them. Its him and him only with regard to his bid.

It was suggested otherwise on this forum.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:23:41
Clem doesn't have any other backers, he doesn't need them. Its him and him only with regard to his bid.

With the utmost respect to him, we didn't know for sure that Power had 'other backers' until about 18 months back.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Quagmire on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:27:37
I have messaged them regarding it. In recent times i can understand why they wouldn't support it but they have nothing to lose now

Did you hear anything back?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:38:49
It seems very hard to get close to the stadium though at the moment, and no one seems keen to get one organised either.

How close can you get, isn't the bit behind the Arkells a PROW if it isn't I assume so far into the site past the CGH is possible. Key would be to ensure that its sensible and peaceful (to avoid any lockdown complaints), make sure the media cover it (At least locals and then get picked up by nationals) and a few interviews with fans querying why we are apparently so skint admin is required yet all these security staff are being paid for a closed door game and go from there.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:44:11
Quote from: JanAirplaneMan
Clem doesn't have any other backers, he doesn't need them. Its him and him only with regard to his bid.

I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: 4D on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:45:26
Clem doesn't have any other backers, he doesn't need them. Its him and him only with regard to his bid.

Is he a fan?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:53:00
How close can you get, isn't the bit behind the Arkells a PROW if it isn't I assume so far into the site past the CGH is possible. Key would be to ensure that its sensible and peaceful (to avoid any lockdown complaints), make sure the media cover it (At least locals and then get picked up by nationals) and a few interviews with fans querying why we are apparently so skint admin is required yet all these security staff are being paid for a closed door game and go from there.
Don't need to get close to the stadium per se, front of the car park has much more visibility to passing traffic on the Magic Roundabout. It's not like it will make any difference as to whether or not Power can hear people chanting etc. He isn't suddenly going to undergo a Damascene conversion

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, April 26, 2021, 08:55:20
Can we not get a plane, they always get media attention.


Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, April 26, 2021, 09:05:25
Drones are cheaper than planes, can be controlled from a fair distance away from any area that is controlled by the club and do cause the game to stop....

Just an observation.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Crackity Jones on Monday, April 26, 2021, 09:19:30
With the utmost respect to him, we didn't know for sure that Power had 'other backers' until about 18 months back.
Exactly this. We kept hearing the "there's only me Shaaawwwnnn" and then the skeletons started falling out of the cupboards.

This isn't a dig at Axis (or Able come to that ) but based on our track record of ownership I am hugely wary of any potential owner.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 26, 2021, 09:26:18
Kieran Maguire (The Price of Football) is talking to BBC Wilts Sound today about the financial implications of our relegation.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 26, 2021, 09:48:08
Kieran Maguire (The Price of Football) is talking to BBC Wilts Sound today about the financial implications of our relegation.
Spoiler alert: it's not positive

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Lethbridge70 on Monday, April 26, 2021, 12:26:58
As has been said before,the likelihood of getting near the ground with the fencing that has been erected makes things tougher to protest,but not impossible.You have a grass area between the magic roundabout and the car park behind the Townend to congregate.Plenty of space and obviously the last home game of the season,so perfect opportunity.

Doing something may make a difference or it may not,but I think as a fanbase that seems to be all on the same page and pretty much together,it's important to take the opportunity.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: tans on Monday, April 26, 2021, 15:11:05
Council own the car park dont they?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Panda Paws on Monday, April 26, 2021, 15:11:43
Council own the car park dont they?

Not on matchdays I think, hence why the club can charge £10 a car.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Monday, April 26, 2021, 15:28:16
Council own the car park dont they?

I always assumed that but hasn't it been fenced off by Heras fencing recently which suggests the club do, in addition isn't it often touted as the site for the much needed 24/7/365 revenue funding development the clubs needs if it got its mits on the ground.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: theakston2k on Monday, April 26, 2021, 15:54:06
I always assumed that but hasn't it been fenced off by Heras fencing recently which suggests the club do, in addition isn't it often touted as the site for the much needed 24/7/365 revenue funding development the clubs needs if it got its mits on the ground.
Isn’t it fenced off as it gets used now and then for COVID testing or something similar?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 26, 2021, 17:46:33
I always assumed that but hasn't it been fenced off by Heras fencing recently which suggests the club do, in addition isn't it often touted as the site for the much needed 24/7/365 revenue funding development the clubs needs if it got its mits on the ground.
They do own it, albeit club have exclusive use, and hence full control including the right to exclude people/vehicles etc, on matchdays. Fencing was put up when the Covid testing centre was in the car park.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: FreddySTFC! on Monday, April 26, 2021, 18:35:41
Kieran Maguire (The Price of Football) is talking to BBC Wilts Sound today about the financial implications of our relegation.

Did anybody get a chance to listen to this? Who did Maguire speak with? Presumably Hodgetts'?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Audrey on Monday, April 26, 2021, 18:52:41
Nothing has been put up as of yet. Probably a podcast tomorrow.

Keep away from razor blades.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: tans on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:12:24
Did anybody get a chance to listen to this? Who did Maguire speak with? Presumably Hodgetts'?

Bbc sounds app - ben prater show - 2hrs 8 mins in

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:14:47
Did anybody get a chance to listen to this? Who did Maguire speak with? Presumably Hodgetts'?
Link here if you want to listen

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:15:55
Anyone got a drone?

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: pauld on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:30:39
Anyone got a drone?
Well, you go on a bit :)

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:36:03
Well, you go on a bit :)

Speak for yourself. Empty vessels and all that 😉😁

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Costanza on Monday, April 26, 2021, 19:51:43
Who did Maguire speak with? Presumably Hodgetts'?


Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: FreddySTFC! on Monday, April 26, 2021, 20:29:28
Bbc sounds app - ben prater show - 2hrs 8 mins in

Cheers Tans

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: FreddySTFC! on Monday, April 26, 2021, 20:29:43
Link here if you want to listen
Cheers Paul

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: The Grim Reaper on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 18:18:41
Man Utd fans seemed to be able to get into Old Trafford to protest against the owners with ease. Meanwhile Swindon fans seem to be thwarted by some temporary fencing 🤔

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 21:08:16
Hats off to the young lady who filmed events at old Trafford

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Audrey on Monday, May 3, 2021, 06:33:28
Nicked from Twitter. Made I chuckle!

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: newmarket red on Monday, May 3, 2021, 08:39:16
Man Utd fans seemed to be able to get into Old Trafford to protest against the owners with ease. Meanwhile Swindon fans seem to be thwarted by some temporary fencing 🤔
give me a leg up and ill start the protest then :pint:

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 3, 2021, 09:00:40
Man Utd fans seemed to be able to get into Old Trafford to protest against the owners with ease. Meanwhile Swindon fans seem to be thwarted by some temporary fencing 🤔
Start one then? Seen alot of this going around but no one actually doing anything about it. Lets do one saturday at 3pm, he does not have to be at tyhe ground for it to get media attention

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:02:33
Start one then? Seen alot of this going around but no one actually doing anything about it. Lets do one saturday at 3pm, he does not have to be at tyhe ground for it to get media attention
And just like the Glazers he won't give a fuck.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Jimmy Quinn on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:05:44
Does power even attend games anymore!

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: swindonmaniac on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:09:58
Start one then? Seen alot of this going around but no one actually doing anything about it. Lets do one saturday at 3pm, he does not have to be at tyhe ground for it to get media attention
No good doing it then, Power will be at Wigan cheering on the mighty reds.  Probably not, just noticed it's on Sunday !!.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:21:04
No good doing it then, Power will be at Wigan cheering on the mighty reds.  Probably not, just noticed it's on Sunday !!.
That's my point, no security there to stop anyone but will still get the press

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:21:57
I hear for a bottle of red, FB will storm the boardroom

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Flashheart on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:24:12
I hear for a bottle of red, FB will storm the boardroom

Make it 2 bottles and he might storm it when they're there.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: tans on Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:28:20
Make it 3 and he might take his clothes off, lose them somewhere in the ground and do a shit on the boardroom table

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: newmarket red on Monday, May 3, 2021, 13:47:37
 Thats worth a photo tans COYR :notworthy: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: BambooToTheFuture on Monday, May 3, 2021, 14:07:18
Thats worth a photo tans COYR :notworthy: :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

It definitely isn't!  :D

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Saxondale on Monday, May 3, 2021, 15:59:39
Christ.  I just heard a United fan screeching that the Glazers had destroyed his club. 

Fuck me.  I wish we'd been that 'destroyed'

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: 4D on Monday, May 3, 2021, 17:01:58
Deluded and on another planet

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: singingiiiffy on Monday, May 3, 2021, 17:10:10
Christ.  I just heard a United fan screeching that the Glazers had destroyed his club. 

Fuck me.  I wish we'd been that 'destroyed'

apply context. bet Bury fans would think we are having it easy

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Abrahammer on Monday, May 3, 2021, 17:26:33
The owners have taken £2 billion out of the club, if that isn’t a reason to be pissed off and protest I don’t know what is

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 06:34:23
Was thinking last night and the local press and news outlets don't do fuck all to help really do they. You'd think they would be running stories all the time on this and really ramping up the pressure.

I have not seen much if anything about the 2 deadlines that have passed

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Pookemon on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 06:43:55
but will still get the press

It would but probably for wrong reasons.
"Stupid fans protest at wrong ground"
"Fans inspired by MUST fail to get a game called off 150 miles away"

The moment has gone.  The pressure is mounting financially so has to be resolved soon.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 07:58:49
Was thinking last night and the local press and news outlets don't do fuck all to help really do they. You'd think they would be running stories all the time on this and really ramping up the pressure.

I have not seen much if anything about the 2 deadlines that have passed

Investigative journalism is dead at this level IMO. Adver is on its knees financially/resource wise and need to be fed stories these days.

BBC Wilts wither don't want to rock the apple cart, or haven't got the expertise any more. Or both.

That said, not sure if the FA "insiders" will speak to them anyway. Also don't know if Clem is approachable right now given he has to go back to courts soon.

Ultimately you are right, they (the media) are no help.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 08:12:34
The BBC are the ones that really have pissed me off. No help to the club at all

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 08:31:37
Quote from: Shrivvy Road
The BBC are the ones that really have pissed me off. No help to the club at all

yeah, very compliant with the regime without question

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 08:34:48
I suspect it's more a case of apathy than compliance.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 08:54:16
Was thinking last night and the local press and news outlets don't do fuck all to help really do they. You'd think they would be running stories all the time on this and really ramping up the pressure.

I have not seen much if anything about the 2 deadlines that have passed

Thing is that Sport Joe story was actually pretty good, considering how much 'journalism' these days is just nicking stories off other sites and rehashing it no idea why the Adver at least haven't done something similar.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:22:45
I suspect it's more a case of apathy than compliance.

But Hodgetts is a fan isn't he? You'd think he'd try and ask some questions on Able, finances, etc.

That said, it may be the club aren't even talking to him.

I did miss the latest phone in to be fair - was listening to the OSC/Trust on FB instead

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Flashheart on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:29:14
I've never considered Hodgetts to be an investigative reporter. More just a bloke with a mic that reads stuff out.

He could ask questions, but to whom?

I don't recall him ever doing anything investigative, ever.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:33:11
He could ask questions, but to whom?

I don't recall him ever doing anything investigative, ever.

Both fair enough I guess.

Bit of a sad state of affairs, I guess the Trust (and OSC to a point) are the only ones left that will at least try to do some digging. Unless it blows up enough for the nationals to take another look.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:37:53
Both fair enough I guess.

Bit of a sad state of affairs, I guess the Trust (and OSC to a point) are the only ones left that will at least try to do some digging. Unless it blows up enough for the nationals to take another look.

There is plenty enough in the public domain already to run quite the splash with minimal new work, you don't ned an investigative journalist just someone who can write, the fact that the Adver and BBC seem loathe to run with it says a lot about their apathy to the club and local news in general.

Local journalism seems to have mainly dropped to the levels of trawling twitter for local stories that people are outraged about. Up here just about every story is published on Facebook with a comment like 'What do you think about this' and then tomorrow they run another story with all the social media comments.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:39:35
You would have thought that now Power is hightailing it out of Dodge, there’s nothing to be lost by whomever asking a host of impertinent questions. Especially as we all know he won’t answer any of them.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:45:44
You would have thought that now Power is hightailing it out of Dodge, there’s nothing to be lost by whomever asking a host of impertinent questions. Especially as we all know he won’t answer any of them.

TBF to the Adver at least I think on the rare occasions they actually report something the final line is normally 'We approached the Club for comment but nothing has been received to date'.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Audrey on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 09:50:54
It would be nice to just have the issues we are all talking about ‘put out there’ so at least he knows everyone is on to him.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Legends-Lounge on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 10:14:58
TBF to the Adver at least I think on the rare occasions they actually report something the final line is normally 'We approached the Club for comment but nothing has been received to date'.

Kind of suits Power to have banished the adver from all communications months ago doesn’t it. Maybe that’s why the BBC have what appears to be little or nothing to say on the matter, they don’t want to rock the boat and be excluded too.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 10:34:26
The BBC are rights holders and as such, their hands are tied. They also.... know what side their bread is buttered.

The Adver are hamstrung by the fact that local media is broke. It simply doesn't work commercially. Why would they invest in a story, when there is no money to be made (unless they take a brave leap and put it behind a paywall, but the quality needs to come first).

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: horlock07 on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 11:11:25
The BBC are rights holders and as such, their hands are tied. They also.... know what side their bread is buttered.

The Adver are hamstrung by the fact that local media is broke. It simply doesn't work commercially. Why would they invest in a story, when there is no money to be made (unless they take a brave leap and put it behind a paywall, but the quality needs to come first).

I am not convinced either of these stack up, only insofar as if you compare them with the media up here.

When all the Bury stuff was kicking off the local beeb were not backwards in coming forward, likewise with Bolton, the Bolton News (who are Newsquest like the Adver) seemed to have a reporter on its full time, albeit I suspect this was helped by the fact that he is obviously a fan, I am not convinced the Adver sports reporters have ever been to the town.

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Shrivvy Road on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 11:17:11
I agree, Hodgets always seems quick to correct people when they text the wrong info in or say something against Power as such

Title: Re: Protest against the owners
Post by: Panda Paws on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 13:16:24
I am not convinced either of these stack up, only insofar as if you compare them with the media up here.

When all the Bury stuff was kicking off the local beeb were not backwards in coming forward, likewise with Bolton, the Bolton News (who are Newsquest like the Adver) seemed to have a reporter on its full time, albeit I suspect this was helped by the fact that he is obviously a fan, I am not convinced the Adver sports reporters have ever been to the town.

V interesting re the Bolton News. Marc Iles has been on that beat for years, and presumably is somehow maintaining a job there through personal sacrifice of some sort (i.e. not interested in moving on).

We've had good local reporters on the STFC beat but they never hang around.