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Author Topic: Abu Hamza Jailed  (Read 10955 times)

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« Reply #105 on: Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 22:34:22 »

This thread is why ironside should be be welcomed on TEF.

I dont agree with what he says but  at least his rants are intelligent and he gets peoples blood up.

Ironside I salute you!

(it has to be better than 'name the song that best sums up how you feel about Swindon predicament' :x  or what ever it was...........).


« Reply #106 on: Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 22:43:13 »

Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
This thread is why ironside should be be welcomed on TEF.

I dont agree with what he says but  at least his rants are intelligent and he gets peoples blood up.

Ironside I salute you!

(it has to be better than 'name the song that best sums up how you feel about Swindon predicament' :x  or what ever it was...........).

Certainly managed to wind me up a bit earlier. It was good though, nought wrong with a bit of healthy debate.
Fanta Pants

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« Reply #107 on: Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 22:57:59 »

Quote from: "flammableBen"
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
This thread is why ironside should be be welcomed on TEF.

I dont agree with what he says but  at least his rants are intelligent and he gets peoples blood up.

Ironside I salute you!

(it has to be better than 'name the song that best sums up how you feel about Swindon predicament' :x  or what ever it was...........).

Certainly managed to wind me up a bit earlier. It was good though, nought wrong with a bit of healthy debate.


it's been a good read and valid points from both sides but i'm still none the wiser as to whats going on.

did peter pan defeat the hook??? :?

Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #108 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 00:45:13 »

Quote from: "Ironside"
What was the verdict of the jury in court last week Lumpy?

I'll tell you shall I?  NOT GUILTY.

No it wasn't. It was not guilty on two of the four counts and failed to reach a verdict on the other two for which both Griffin and Collett will be facing retrial.


That means that the 12 (actually it was 11 because someone went home ill) men and women of the jury have said that

1) The BNP has a legitimate message.
2) The language used to convey their message is not racist.

It means nothing of the sort - all it means is that the Crown failed to present sufficient evidence to convince the jury that Griffin intended to incite racial hatred on the specific occasions in question. Which is quite different from the ringing endorsement of the BNP "message" you imply.

However since you set such store by court verdicts, presumably you accept then that Griffin's prior conviction for inciting racial hatred in 98 means he is a racist toe-rag? I won't go through the rest of the BNP leadership cardre's convictions here again (it was done last week in the thread on Griffin's acquittal if you need your memory refreshing on the sorry parade of criminals who are leading you to your White Aryan Glory), but again by the same logic if you view this acquittal as being a reflection on the BNP as a whole, you'd have to accept that that much longer list of convictions can also be taken in the same way. In which case they're a party of rapists, wannabe terrorists, bombers, drug dealers, hooligans, racists and thugs - in fact exactly the kind of people the BNP's always telling us they're going to rid the country of with their tough law'n'order policy. Makes the Lib Dems look clean by comparison!

Finally, I beg you on both knees, please call me a racist to my face and see what happens to yours. Crying

Now that sounds more like the BNP message we're all more familiar with.

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« Reply #109 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 04:16:30 »

Can't believe what happened to my thread!  Shocked
Wir müssen die Liberalen ausrotten

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« Reply #110 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 10:19:16 »

Quote from: "pauld"
Quote from: "Ironside"
What was the verdict of the jury in court last week Lumpy?

I'll tell you shall I?  NOT GUILTY.

No it wasn't. It was not guilty on two of the four counts and failed to reach a verdict on the other two for which both Griffin and Collett will be facing retrial.


That means that the 12 (actually it was 11 because someone went home ill) men and women of the jury have said that

1) The BNP has a legitimate message.
2) The language used to convey their message is not racist.

It means nothing of the sort - all it means is that the Crown failed to present sufficient evidence to convince the jury that Griffin intended to incite racial hatred on the specific occasions in question. Which is quite different from the ringing endorsement of the BNP "message" you imply.

However since you set such store by court verdicts, presumably you accept then that Griffin's prior conviction for inciting racial hatred in 98 means he is a racist toe-rag? I won't go through the rest of the BNP leadership cardre's convictions here again (it was done last week in the thread on Griffin's acquittal if you need your memory refreshing on the sorry parade of criminals who are leading you to your White Aryan Glory), but again by the same logic if you view this acquittal as being a reflection on the BNP as a whole, you'd have to accept that that much longer list of convictions can also be taken in the same way. In which case they're a party of rapists, wannabe terrorists, bombers, drug dealers, hooligans, racists and thugs - in fact exactly the kind of people the BNP's always telling us they're going to rid the country of with their tough law'n'order policy. Makes the Lib Dems look clean by comparison!

Finally, I beg you on both knees, please call me a racist to my face and see what happens to yours. Crying

Now that sounds more like the BNP message we're all more familiar with.

1)Not guilty is not guilty. the CPS will see sense that this state sponsored persecution of New Labour political oppononents is not in the public interest.  They will drop the remaining charges, there will be no retrial.

2) Would you like me to post up a list detailing the criminals that have been in power in both Conservative & New Labour administrations?  I can if you want and it's far, far longer than any list relating to the BNP.  Looks like you've been reading the mainstream press again and that makes you a MUG.  Oh and half of the people listed by Lumposhit in that thread are not connected with the party anymore and John Tyndall is dead for fuck sake.  I bet your whiter than white though Paul aren't you, never so much as ticking off by a policeman eh? Totally pathetic really, Lumposhit tried it in Thisis and our local anti-white racist Andy Newman even got it printed in the adver, despite the fact that the list contains dead people and people who have been kicked out of the party already.  Is this ignorance or just a dirty smear trick?

3) Have you actually seen the speech that Nick has been prosecuted for? watch it and then go and compare it to the speeches of Abu Hamza please, then decide who's over the top & who isn't.

4) I dont hate black people (every family should own one Wink ) seriously, politicians and pricks like you Paul, are the problem, you cant see the wood for the trees.  You think you are doing good but you only manage to make the situation worse you are a fool and an ignorant one at that.

5) would rather I gave the anti-white racist a kiss instead of punching him? I'll give you a big cuddle as well if you want

Genius, Gentleman Explorer, French Cabaret Chantoose  and Small Bets Placed and someone who knows who they are changed my signature but its only know that I can be arsed to change it....and I mean all the spelling mistakes.

Was it me? It can't have been an interesting enough event for me to remember - fB.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #111 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 12:01:46 »

Sure every political party has some crims, but for its size compared to the mainstream party the BNP has more than its fair share of thugs and criminals, and at a high level. You try and make out they've all been chucked out or died, but Nick Griffin and Tony "Mad Bomber" Lecomber are still right at the very top of the party. Call me picky, but that worries me in a political party trying to claim it's fit to run the country, especially when one of it's big claims is to be a party of law and order, yet its riddled with criminality.

How does reading the mainstream press make me a mug? Should I restrict myself solely to "White Supremacist Monthly" or something. Makes you blinkered and living in a fantasy world more like.

I have seen Griffin's speech actually - it was reprehensible and wildly racist. Sure it wasn't as bad as Hamza's vile rantings but that's not really much of a claim is it now? Bit like being an ordinary rapist instead of a paedo.

Nice to see you go straight into personal abuse as soon as somone challenges the respectable front - the civilised veneer's a bit thin isn't it?

I'll pass on the cuddle if you don't mind.
Wir müssen die Liberalen ausrotten

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« Reply #112 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 13:34:18 »

Quote from: "pauld"
Sure every political party has some crims, but for its size compared to the mainstream party the BNP has more than its fair share of thugs and criminals, and at a high level. You try and make out they've all been chucked out or died, but Nick Griffin and Tony "Mad Bomber" Lecomber are still right at the very top of the party. Call me picky, but that worries me in a political party trying to claim it's fit to run the country, especially when one of it's big claims is to be a party of law and order, yet its riddled with criminality.

How does reading the mainstream press make me a mug? Should I restrict myself solely to "White Supremacist Monthly" or something. Makes you blinkered and living in a fantasy world more like.

I have seen Griffin's speech actually - it was reprehensible and wildly racist. Sure it wasn't as bad as Hamza's vile rantings but that's not really much of a claim is it now? Bit like being an ordinary rapist instead of a paedo.

Nice to see you go straight into personal abuse as soon as somone challenges the respectable front - the civilised veneer's a bit thin isn't it?

I'll pass on the cuddle if you don't mind.

So let me get this right then, you think that there are more criminals per head of population in the BNP than other political parties.  What facts do you have to back this up Paul?  Lay the eveidence in front of me and I'll listen. All I can see at the moment is you repeating the same tired old lies that I've heard time and time again without backing it up with evidence.  I guarantee you that the list of criminals is far longer your Lib/Lab/Con and in addittion most of the crimes far worse.  remember some bloke called Tony Blair? Think he lied to the British public, the Houses of Parliament and took us into an illegal war, some people would call him a war criminal.

Watching the mainstream media does indeed make you a mug. Why? because they lie to you day in and day out.  Some people are happy to live in ignorance Paul, some people don't want to know the truth because they cant handle it. It upsets their cosy little view of the world, they just go along with what the likes of the BBC tell them.  That is why you are an ignorant mug.

So you think Nick's speech was wildly racist?  The Morley TH one on the BNP's website?  That, my friendly little fuckwit, was one of the NOT GUILTY VERDICTS   Soapy Tit Wank
Only a bleeding heart white liberal like yourself would call it racist, christ even the Muslim on the jury voted not guilty !!! :roll:

Don't you think its strange that the Labour government are persecuting Nick Griffin for having a legitimate opinion and calling for a political solution, but are happy to let Muslims calling for mass murder on westerners to walk the streets of London? Walking down the road yelling "freedom, go to hell"? No wonder nobody likes Mulsims and they like Blair and his government even less.  Anyone would think that they're supporting terrorists they been behaving over the last few weeks and months.  Its state persecution of political opponents, just like you saw during the Cold War in the Eastern Block.

At the end of the day Paul Muslims don't need people like you to fight their battles for them, they're big enough to have worked out how to make suicide bombers do the job for them.  You don't do yourself or the Muslims any favours coming and and attacking the BNP do you?  Perhaps you should find a website run by Muslims for Muslims and go and post on there where I'm sure youd find plenty of support for your views (that is after they've forced you to convert of course)

What personal abuse? Lumposhit is just that, a lump of shit. I dont like him and he doesn't like me, so fucking what?  

I know you'll give up and go away soon Paul because the simple fact of the matter is that your almost at the end of your reasoned arguement and will have nothing sensible to say in the very near future, then, like all the Left wing Fascists, you'll crawl back under your rock. Crying

Genius, Gentleman Explorer, French Cabaret Chantoose  and Small Bets Placed and someone who knows who they are changed my signature but its only know that I can be arsed to change it....and I mean all the spelling mistakes.

Was it me? It can't have been an interesting enough event for me to remember - fB.
Aaron Aardvark

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« Reply #113 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 15:29:06 »

Quote from: "Ironside"
Watching the mainstream media does indeed make you a mug.
Not comfortable with any views that don't conform to your white aryan view of the world?
So you think Nick's speech was wildly racist? The Morley TH one on the BNP's website?

Yep, the stuff I saw on the telly was, in my opinion, racist. Strangely I don't make a habit of perusing the propaganda on the BNP website that often

That, my friendly little fuckwit, was one of the NOT GUILTY VERDICTS   Soapy Tit Wank
Only a bleeding heart white liberal like yourself would call it racist, christ even the Muslim on the jury voted not guilty !!! :roll:

He wasn't acquitted of racism - he was acquitted of inciting racial hatred. And it's hardly a finding of fact on the content of the speech. Now would you like to answer the question I originally posed - if you set so much store by this jury's (partial) verdict, do you set as much by that of the jury that convicted him on the same charges in 1998?

What personal abuse? Lumposhit is just that, a lump of shit. I dont like him and he doesn't like me, so fucking what?

No I was referring to you calling me a "prick", a "fuckwit", a "Left-wing fascist" (WTF?) for daring to disagree with you. Rational debate? But as you seem to think that's the way to conduct debate, I hope you won't mind me calling you a knuckle-dragging Nazi gobshite.

I know you'll give up and go away soon Paul because

.... you're boring and ran out of reasoned arguments about three posts ago. Plus I've got work to do - someone's got to pay taxes to pay for your giro.
Wir müssen die Liberalen ausrotten

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« Reply #114 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 15:50:47 »

I agree get back to emptying your bins, Your boring.

I'm right and your wrong and the next time I see you I will give you a great big kiss, whether you like it or not.

 Soapy Tit Wank

Genius, Gentleman Explorer, French Cabaret Chantoose  and Small Bets Placed and someone who knows who they are changed my signature but its only know that I can be arsed to change it....and I mean all the spelling mistakes.

Was it me? It can't have been an interesting enough event for me to remember - fB.
Simon Pieman
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« Reply #115 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 15:53:58 »

Quote from: "Ironside"

I agree get back to emptying your bins, Your boring.

I'm right and your wrong and the next time I see you I will give you a great big kiss, whether you like it or not.

 Soapy Tit Wank

I think all gays should be rounded up and shot up the arse with a shotgun

« Reply #116 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 16:11:17 »

I have to say, i am a massive fan of Paul D's posts, not just here, but in other posts and other forums too. Makes the day pass quicker.

As do big, neverending arguements. Ace.

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« Reply #117 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 16:16:27 »

Quote from: "simon pieman"

I think all gays should be rounded up and shot up the arse with a shotgun


I agree.If Kojak feels that he must persist with his puddle jumping tendencies then might I suggest that he does it behind closed doors, with the curtains drawn and all the lights turned out.All this men kissing and stuff, it's political correctness gone mad on acid :x before you know it we'll all be dead from some horrible arse disorder.Suicide bombers, Suicide bummers more like :x
Wir müssen die Liberalen ausrotten

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« Reply #118 on: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 16:33:26 »

I only wanted to join in with all the gayness because I thought that was what all the lefties did.

and now PaulineD

Lucky I'm not a Muslim eh? otherwise i'd be calling for them all to be stoned to death.

Genius, Gentleman Explorer, French Cabaret Chantoose  and Small Bets Placed and someone who knows who they are changed my signature but its only know that I can be arsed to change it....and I mean all the spelling mistakes.

Was it me? It can't have been an interesting enough event for me to remember - fB.
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