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Author Topic: Syria vote...  (Read 8715 times)
You spin me right round baby right round

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« Reply #30 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 21:14:07 »

Theres no KFC out there

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« Reply #31 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 21:36:37 »

Must see. A passionate Ken O'keefe interview with Press TV today. Ken puts the lying war mongering rat faced Zionist mouthpiece Lowrance Korb to shame. Watch the eagle faced pig hang his head in shame when Ken exposes his lies. Lowrance Korb (the snake eyed ugly one who also talks with a forked tongue) even has the chutzpah to say the 'international community' supports military action in Syria. The only thing Ken got wrong was calling Korb a gentleman.

These vile bastards are desperate to take humanity into a wider scale war.

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« Reply #32 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 21:39:28 »

I blame shrewsbury.

I've been keeping a low profile since my injury time eviction from their soulless LEGOLAND ground. I was the guy who fell flat on his arse at the front after gesticulating at their fans "singers' corner". That bespectacled over-officious steward deemed that sufficient enough to escort me to the exits.

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« Reply #33 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 21:40:25 »

I cant quote on here for some reason leefer, but I meant camerons initial "lets go to war" response, made him look bad, then he got reigned it by the vote against action, So imo he hasn't come out of it well, he's been slapped down and made to look hasty, and now abashed.
Fred Elliot

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« Reply #34 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 22:52:13 »






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« Reply #35 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 23:04:04 »

It's think it's fair to assume none of us here know what's going on in Syria, or would be qualified to make a judgement on any of it even if we did.

But if we're going to dust off the soap box and divulge our ill-informed opinions for the adulation or contempt of the general forum, I find myself in the unnerving position of agreeing with Dostoyevsky.  Fear

Not the shadow government bits, just that Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons on his own people at the same time as he invites UN weapons inspectors into the country, when he was already winning the war, and when the only thing that might challenge his supremacy would be giving a largely reluctant international community a reason to intervene on the side of the rebels, would require an act of quite astonishing stupidity inconsistent with the character of a man who's otherwise been savvy enough to retain political power for 13 years, and whose family held power 30 years prior to that.

In terms of the selfish point of view of a western citizen, it's hard to see intervention in Syria reflecting anything other than negatives back upon us in the opinions of the rest of the world and the consequences of those opinions in possible retaliatory attacks upon our own citizens. 

In terms of the other side of the argument, and what moral duty we might have to intervene, the problem is the need to take sides in a war where both sides seem equally reprehensible and capable of committing atrocities against their fellow citizens.

It seems to be a situation utterly without hope or the possibility of a positive solution at the end of it. If we have to go in at all, it should be as part of a peacekeeping force, not as agents of change, playing king-maker again in the middle-east to decide the outcome of a war.

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« Reply #36 on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 23:18:03 »

Here's a good article from 2 years ago about some of the background to the Syrian conflict and the rise of Assad (the first one) to power.

There was also a good program on the BBC a while back worth watching, going into a bit more depth about the sectarian background (Alawite Shia minority v historic Sunni majority) though I can't remember what it was called.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #37 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 07:19:49 »

It's think it's fair to assume none of us here know what's going on in Syria, or would be qualified to make a judgement on any of it even if we did. 

I'd say that we are as qualified to make a judgement as the average MP, if we had the same information. Part of me wonders how much of the vote was a victory for the public voice and how much was down to being a great opportunity to weaken Cameron.

Would labour have dismissed the request for action had they been in power?

My opinion is that if chemical weapons have been used against a populous you have to be bloody sure you can prove who it was that used them before you play world police. We don't want another Iraq. If its proven then I guess the UN have a decision to make.
People's Front of Alba

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« Reply #38 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 07:59:24 »

The Right Honourable George Galloway MP has got it spot on. He's no Assad sympathiser but the alternative just isn't viable.

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« Reply #39 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 12:23:52 »

Excellent analysis Bruce.

Here's Galloway's parliament input on Thursday.

« Last Edit: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 12:25:53 by Dostoyevsky » Logged

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« Reply #40 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 13:26:55 »

Galloway is a brilliant politician. He destroys everyone he takes on. They don't like him in the commons as they cannot beat him.
He makes them look utterly ridiculous,time and time again.

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« Reply #41 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 22:16:11 »

And here is the intellectually estimable Russell Brand dissecting the tissue of lies we are being force fed by our mass media re: the Syria conflict.

Incidentally, why does the newspaper industry still survive? My take, it is no longer a profit driven industry instead a means of peddling propaganda and the financial losses haeomaraged by the print media are being underwritten by our shadow government.

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« Reply #42 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 22:19:20 »

Galloway is a brilliant politician. He destroys everyone he takes on. They don't like him in the commons as they cannot beat him.
He makes them look utterly ridiculous,time and time again.

Absolutely, shame his Sunday night show on Talksport got cancelled when they went all-sports coverage. I used to really enjoy their non-sports output overnight.
Not that Nice If I'm Honest

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« Reply #43 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 22:21:39 »

I may be a bit un-PC here, but the way us westerners think about killing each other is totally different to those who think nothing of blowing themselves up in a crowded street, flinging chemical weapons around, machete attacks killing 1/2 million in a couple of weeks etc etc etc. Do you think any military intervention will stop this kind of action which has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years? I personally do not think any intervention from the West will do any good. In the good old days before internet and instant news we wouldn't have heard about these things and more importantly would have done nothing about it when we did eventually hear about it.
Look at Egypt, they got rid of some despot in a "people's uprising", had fair elections to vote some religious nutters in and then less than a year later disposed him, banged him up and released the previous despot form jail!?! And we are giving these countries "Aid"?!
Why should we have to try and force our morals onto these countries when it is all too ovbious that they do not share the same morals as us? "Eye for an eye" "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" for example.
Leave them to it.


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« Reply #44 on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 23:33:52 »

And the full interview Alex Jones did with Russell Brand is here. I have a burgeoning respect for Mr Brand, as I do for Brian Harvey, formerly of East 17, who himself has become enlightened to the shitstorm of propaganda we are being exposed to daily. It takes the most unlikely of characters but kudos to both them for having scratched away at the varnish that most people regard to be reality.
« Last Edit: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 23:38:10 by Dostoyevsky » Logged
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