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Author Topic: Whats the best exercise for weightloss  (Read 16848 times)
Shaw Rosso

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« Reply #30 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 19:24:00 »

I have lost 7 stone since January, tried for years to lose weight and pretty much fucked my bowel up through years of eating shit like kebabs, cakes, chocolate etc. 3 take aways a week was the norm, Rustler burgers, crisps, cake, choc bars for lunch, I was a proper obese wobbler.

Weight Watchers is just a paid support group, don't waste your cash on it. I have lost my weight by walking and walking, and even more walking. Obviously a dramatic change of diet was necessary but I didn't realise there is so much stuff I enjoy that I can eat loads of. I eat chocolate and crisps every day and the weight still comes off.

Just keep walking, its free, you don't have to look like a sweaty heffer down the gym and you get to discover parts of our town that I never knew existed before. Good luck
Notts red

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« Reply #31 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 19:44:51 »

Walking is probably the most effective long term, like someone said its free and if you go off the beaten track you'll see things you didn't know existed. Swimming is also very good for weight loss and because of the low impact you'll be losing weight and feeling fitter after no time at all. A close friend of mine lost 3 stone by going swimming every other day for half an hour and also used a technique he heard about which was chewing every mouthful of food he ate 20 times, he said after a few days he was eating much smaller portions.

« Reply #32 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 19:49:00 »

I thought you would have done tons of walking anyway with your dogs yeo.

If not, having those dogs is the perfect reason to do so.

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« Reply #33 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:14:11 »

I already walk a minimum of 2 hours a day,also I dont drive so I walk or cycle everywhere I have to go. My problem is booze (which ive knocked on the head for a bit) a job where i'm sat at a desk for 13.5 hours and not getting enough sleep.


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« Reply #34 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:16:53 »

Weight Watchers is just a paid support group, don't waste your cash on it.

I need the discipline of a weekly weigh in and a proper plan to follow.I've tried countless times to do it without and I just lose heart.

Notts red

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« Reply #35 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:23:56 »

Cutting down/ out on drink should have a huge effect on you losing weight if you've been a regular drinker. A lot of people who stop drinking lose loads of weight without changing their other lifestyle habits.
Samdy Gray
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« Reply #36 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:26:53 »

If you're already that active and you're not shifting weight then it can only be due to what you're eating/drinking. Booze is massively calorific. At roughly 200 calories a pint, a 5 pint session is the best part of 50% of your daily intake.

It might seem boring and nerdy, but calorie counting is going to be the best way for you to lose weight.

Walk further or faster. Cycle further or faster in a higher gear.

Weight loss is 90% will power and 10% actually doing it. Just think that it probably took years of over indulging for you to get to the weight your at. It's going to take an equally long period of time to shift that weight in a sustainable manner. You need to change your lifestyle and your mindset.
Notts red

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« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:34:26 »

It's a great incentive once you've lost that first bit of weight and family and friends notice and tell you so. You'll probably feel really proud of yourself and keep to a strict routine to gain more compliments for that feel Good factor. Best of luck whichever method you go with.

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« Reply #38 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:39:17 »

It might seem boring and nerdy, but calorie counting is going to be the best way for you to lose weight.

This. Use
Shaw Rosso

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« Reply #39 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:40:32 »

I need the discipline of a weekly weigh in and a proper plan to follow.I've tried countless times to do it without and I just lose heart.

I was the same for years, it took me a week in hospital to realise I could do it. Sometimes the counting of every single calorie and every gram of fat can get quite obsessive, it works for some but not for others.
Shaw Rosso

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« Reply #40 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:44:16 »

This. Use

My wife does that on her phone, its bloody good, you tell it what exercise you have done and what grub you have scoffed and it keeps a track on what you are eating and how many calories you have burned off (which is great if you have just done a long walk or something). You can also see the profiles of 40st yankie rednecks to help you feel a bit better about yourself

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« Reply #41 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:47:26 »

It's all about balance with eating/drinking. I eat heathily and don't booze during the week and let loose over the weekend with a few pints and calorie-laden food at the week.

Gardening is a surprising good workout, it's amazing how many calories you burn tidying the place up.
Samdy Gray
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« Reply #42 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 21:13:50 »

Things that helped to motivate me:

- Keep a food/exercise diary. Firstly it helps you to understand what you're putting in your mouth and the calories it contains. It's surprising what you might consider a 'healthy' diet of sugary breakfast cereal, supermarket sandwich + crisps, bottle of drink and then a dinner of processed food actually contains. Secondly it gives you a daily target and makes it easier to stick to when it's actually written down/visible on an app/spreadsheet.

- Set goals. 1lb or 2lb a week is healthy, so losing a stone in 6 to 8 weeks is achievable. When you reach your goal, set a new one. Reward yourself each time you achieve a goal.

- Stop looking at food as something to make you feel good. It isn't, it's fuel. Yes, a treat every now and then is nice, but meat & veg is much better fuel for the body than pizza & chips. Don't buy junk food/snacks when you go shopping. If it's not in the house, you can't eat it.

- Get yourself a set of digital scales that measure by each ¼ lb and weigh yourself daily, first thing in the morning. This was a huge motivator for me, getting out of bed everyday to see how much I lost really spurred me on (and continues to do so) to keep going.

- Measure yourself weekly. Even just taking a waist measurement can be a good motivator. It's surprising how what you might consider small weight loss actually equates to in inches off your waist.

- Find an exercise that you enjoy. For me, I really got into cycling to the extent that I now look forward to getting out on the bike and don't see exercise as a chore.

And yes, it can be flattering if other people give you compliments, but I'm not doing it for their benefit I'm doing it for myself.

It can and does work with perseverance. I'm now just short of 3 stone off of my heaviest and 4 inches off my waist.
Not a Batch

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« Reply #43 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 21:32:42 »

Hey Yeo, just starting my change in diet today. Last time I found changing what you eat far more important than exercise, but the latter helped. Dropped 3 1/2 stone. The problem was I slowly returned to my crap eating pattern.

Weightwatchers worked for me (without the meetings), but I was 99.9% disciplined. Just trying to eat the right things this time without points. Might not work, but the weight loss chart is up on the bathroom wall, so I'll monitor it and see. Target 2lbs a week.
Samdy Gray
Dirty sneaky traitor weasel

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« Reply #44 on: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 21:36:50 »

Good luck Batch.

Are you combining that with exercise too? 2lbs per week is -1000 cals per day (as I'm sure you know) and getting by on just 1000 cals won't be much fun.
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