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Author Topic: Coxy wants to put himself in the shop window..  (Read 16817 times)

« Reply #75 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:22:29 »

Pointless? Try Immodium. It's difficult not giving a shit when you're not in complete control of your bowels.

Tried Immodium on Tuesday, didn't work. Gp now has me on Mebeverine (an anti-spasmodic) wcih seems to be doing the trick.
People's Front of Alba

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« Reply #76 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:25:33 »

Blair and Pooky aren't being loyal are they?  They just can't find a club who would be willing to take them on? 

« Reply #77 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:28:02 »

Blair and Pooky aren't being loyal are they?  They just can't find a club who would be willing to take them on? 

of course they are not loyal! they are doing the opposite to Cox, they are on the way down so are clinging on to swindon for as long as possible cos a move down will mean less £! Pook is on decent money here aswell
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« Reply #78 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:30:48 »

Blair and Pooky aren't being loyal are they?  They just can't find a club who would be willing to take them on? 

What? They are only refusing to go and score loads of goals for any of our rivals. Denying themselves the chance of hero-worship so as not to spoil our chances ...
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« Reply #79 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:31:58 »

of course they are not loyal! they are doing the opposite to Cox, they are on the way down so are clinging on to swindon for as long as possible cos a move down will mean less £! Pook is on decent money here aswell

Two with one worm ... not bad. Will I have another bite by the time I finish typing this?

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« Reply #80 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 13:41:03 »

Any player that wants to leave should be booed unrelentingly and banished from the town... Anyone who thinks differently is either a gay or a jew...
Reg Smeeton
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« Reply #81 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:00:52 »

Any player that wants to leave should be booed unrelentingly and banished from the town... Anyone who thinks differently is either a gay or a jew...

 or has the trots..
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Joseph McLaughlin

« Reply #82 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:04:11 »

If he keeps scoring goals and playing well then I dont fucking care what he says.

I support Swindon Town, not Simon Cox.

Dont give a fuck what he says, what he does or where he wants to play in the future.

If he scores the goals that win us games then great and this thread proves that were slowly turning into thisis, sorry to get all high and mighty but some of the posts in this thread are retarded beyond belief.
Barry Scott

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« Reply #83 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:13:50 »

Over reaction?  F*ck off Barry you flippin knob jockey, this "thread" as you call it isn't full of over reaction it's full of ucking passion, which you, my friend, seem to be seriously ucking lacking in.  Get behind the team you passionless mutha ucka!!!  I've had enough of tree huggers like you coming on here and putting everyone down.  AAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps I like you avatar.

Good one Jan, you almost had me. Almost...
People's Front of Alba

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« Reply #84 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:44:25 »

Good one Jan, you almost had me. Almost...

Was it the AAAAAAArghhhhh and I like you avatar that gave you a clue.

As for where the real reds are bloke, shouldn't you be singing the praises of the red army and slagging off the evil Georgian empire, rather than spending your time fishing.  And to be fair I don't think you really got a catch with me comrade. 

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« Reply #85 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:51:40 »

interesting thread is this one.

we have to exept as stfc fans that players dont really give a fuck about playing for us.the loyal player is almost exstinct at this level.
we are either seen as a stepping stone on the way up(whether they are good enough or not).a chance to play regular football and see what happens?or a pay day and a bit of football at the end of a career.
as long as we progress as a club then i dont give a shit's not a shock that cox is a jumped up, self confident so and so is it?it's always been blatantly obvious to me!
but as parkin has been metioned as he deserves praise.he did it the right way,he had ambition but never said jack shit about it.done the business and got his move.sadly it didn't pan out for him as he would have hoped.
i'd take super sam back over cox any day of the week.past injury probs or not

« Reply #86 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 14:55:56 »

whether Cox was mis quoted or not doesnt change the fact he is a quality player at this level and will move on with a few seasons to a better club, for Arriba to say he'd prefer sam back over cox? i think not
Fence Fucker

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« Reply #87 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 15:46:48 »

He's over rated anyway.
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Joseph McLaughlin

« Reply #88 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 15:47:28 »

 Roll Eyes

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« Reply #89 on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 15:49:29 »

Being serious for just one moment.  Clubs need to take a pragmatic approach to players and accept that in reality players are going to have their heads turned by the bigger carrot on a stick on offer up the league and in some instances the bigger carrots down the league to boot.

There was a thread on here the other day highlighting the disparity between salaries up and down the league and if you drill down a bit further you could probably show trends within leagues. Its part and parcel of the game and the best thing any football club can do is take a no-nonsense attitude towards players moving and do as much work to avert their eyes from where the grass is greener.

Take Mo Malpas for instance.  One of the discussions this summer has been that he’s only brining players who are committed and want to come to the club and although he’s not a Malpas boy Eason’s interview in contrast to Cox’s today really reflects that attitude.  It’s all common sense stuff.  

Once you have the right player in sight then you offer them the right contract.  And pissing around with one year deals or long term deals for the wrong player ends up in our own respective Grunt Sniff and Cobain type of scenarios.

There’s far too much emphasis on the players rights to move within contracts and not enough prominence on a club’s right to terminate an agreement.

After you’ve signed the bastards up then you imbed them in the club, community, fans and get them settling down in the area with the purpose of growing some roots.   The more settled a player is the less likely they’re going to have their head turned and this is an integral part of what the Premiership clubs do with new signings.  They get them settled, set-up with a home and integrated into social circles etc.  In fact one tip of the hat for old red nose at Manchester United and again was evident in a few of our failed transfer targets this season is that married players tend to be more settled and it’s usually the WAG’s that dictate where or if they move clubs.  

You’re never going to stop clubs upstream doubling a player’s salary but you can at least keep them settled long enough to move on the club’s terms rather than the players/agents.

At the end of the day certyain herberts will want to fuck off and there’s no point in keeping the buggers but a bit of backbone goes a long way.  Clubs selling key player’s mid-season on the buyers/players/agents terms usually fall flat on their face.  If you set the example within the club that players leave on the club’s terms from the off it stops any mass evacuations or unsettled players from occurring.  

Plymuff are a terrible example of a club that’s just sold and sold it’s crown jewels of late and are suffering as a result while Wycombe are a decent example of small club standing to their guns when it comes to players moving on.

Right, after all that I'm off for a wank in cubicle four with May's Exchange & Mart.


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