80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: yeo on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:15:46

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: yeo on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:15:46
Are they funny?

this whole thing is like something from Brass Eye

Title: Re: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:23:02
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Are they funny?

this whole thing is like something from Brass Eye

 Can FB do something as official forum'd be good to be the cause of an international incident.

 I understand the Danes are taking a dim view of your Viking.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:40:14
Cant believe those cunts can protest in London and get away wth saying that there should be another 7/7!.  :evil:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: magicroundabout on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:54:00
Quote from: "Spuddy_STFC"
Cant believe those cunts can protest in London and get away wth saying that there should be another 7/7!.  :evil:

was looking/reading about all that today and it makes me sick.

Where do they live?

Who lets them live here?

if they don't fucking like it then fuck off back to your own fucking 3rd world country.

i fucking hate them cunts

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 22:58:49
I bet if we all staged a protest stating that we wanted to kill Muslims we would be arrested no questions asked!.

Fucking religion!.  :evil:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: magicroundabout on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:02:15
and also locked up for being racist

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:03:53
Ive heard stories of Swindon fans being told not to walk down Manchester road again by various Muslims.

Mmmm why havent they said anything to me and my mates when we walk down there?.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Elsterap on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:05:43
Not that i visit the BNP site often or anything...But heres the cartoons: and

Bit of an injustice that NIck Griffin is on trial for what he said about Muslims but these Muslims are threatening to kill thousands and surely saying treason remarks by siding with Bin Laden? Either lock everyone up or leave Griffin alone.

(Oh and i think the BNP and Griffin are a bunch of cunts by the way, but thats off topic so dont reply to this)

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: magicroundabout on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:06:09
Quote from: "Spuddy_STFC"
Ive heard stories of Swindon fans being told not to walk down Manchester road again by various Muslims.

Mmmm why havent they said anything to me and my mates when we walk down there?.

ethnic cleansing is the way forward.

second thoughts, i'm ginger so i'd be gone aswell!!! :shock:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: yeo on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:06:58
I used to live down there and never once had any trouble so lets not get carried away.

its extremsits and not all muslims are extremists.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:07:53
Bloody hell i can see why we should all be killed!.  :nuts:  :wanker:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: yeo on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:09:35
Can you?


Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: magicroundabout on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:09:36
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
I used to live down there and never once had any trouble so lets not get carried away.

its extremsits and not all muslims are extremists.

i do agree as i work with a muslim who has come over here from Banglidesh(sp) and he can't believe what these so called muslims (as he calls them) are doing.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:12:05
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
I used to live down there and never once had any trouble so lets not get carried away.

its extremsits and not all muslims are extremists.

Oh yeah i agree its not all Muslims, its just a shame that a number of them go to extreme lengths in their beliefs.  :?

It's the same with all religions, you get nutter's in all of them.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Fred Elliot on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:25:08
Quote from: "Elsterap"
Not that i visit the BNP site often or anything...But heres the cartoons: and

Bit of an injustice that NIck Griffin is on trial for what he said about Muslims but these Muslims are threatening to kill thousands and surely saying treason remarks by siding with Bin Laden? Either lock everyone up or leave Griffin alone.

(Oh and i think the BNP and Griffin are a bunch of cunts by the way, but thats off topic so dont reply to this)

Thanks for this Elsterap................first time I have seen what all the fuss is about.

Maybe it is just me (and I really don't want to offend anybody by my pig shit thick ignorance) but ............................

I really dont see what all the fuss is about !

Help !

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: yeo on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:28:47
I thought Mohamed would at least have his cock out.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Fred Elliot on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:31:14
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
I thought Mohamed would at least have his cock out.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:33:06
:mrgreen: he's a shy fucker.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Fred Elliot on Saturday, February 4, 2006, 23:34:46
probably fucked up his circumcision and he is missing the old helmet !

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 01:29:34
Whilst I'm not advocating the creation or publication of these cartoons, it's incredibly outrageous and racist to tar a group of people with the same brush. Surely the creators/publishers of the cartoons are to blame, not anyone remotely related to them by way of race, nationality or religious values  :-))(

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Gelbfüßler on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 01:37:38
Personally I don't think they are funny. Not because they are racist, just because they are shit. In fact I can't really see how they are that racist, surely that's like drawing an Englishman with a plate of fish and chips, but the fish is alive. Maybe I'm not as cultuarally aware as I should be, I don't know. Just looks like Sodje in every picture

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: yeo on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 01:40:59
I dont think its the content so much as Muslims dont al;low anyone to draw pictures of the prophet Mohamed .

 :evil: = Mohamed

They'd want to chop my head off for that you know

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Gelbfüßler on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 01:49:44
Oh right, didn't know that. What was the reason behind the drawing of the cartoons in the first place? Surely if you are exposing potentially insulting cartoons to the world you are going to have a motive? I probably should read the news, but its all in german over here

Maybe the Muslims should take revenge by drawing a cartoon of the Laudrup boys being shown a long boat with a bleeding rasher of bacon on it, maybe have that sniffing danish bacon nose off the adverts incorperated in the insult too.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 02:04:16
Quote from: "Karlsruhe_Red"
Oh right, didn't know that. What was the reason behind the drawing of the cartoons in the first place? Surely if you are exposing potentially insulting cartoons to the world you are going to have a motive? I probably should read the news, but its all in german over here

Maybe the Muslims should take revenge by drawing a cartoon of the Laudrup boys being shown a long boat with a bleeding rasher of bacon on it, maybe have that sniffing danish bacon nose off the adverts incorperated in the insult too.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: their Muslims.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: timmyg on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 09:40:28
These cartoons were published in September. And nobody took that much notice of them but then during the Hajj there were millions and millions of deaths of pilgrims to Mecca and the Saudi government/authorities brought this up as a way to detract from their own idiocy and focus the anger that was brewing on someone else.

And it's been snowballing ever since. Fucking ridiculous.

And Team America was surely more 'offensive', though I don't remember Mohammed being portrayed in that.

And I agree that there are nutters in every religion, but these protesters in London are surely breaking all sorts of laws and getting away with it. Wankers.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: timmyg on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 09:49:02


Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Gelbfüßler on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 11:34:02
What a load of knobs

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Piemonte on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 11:51:13
those pics above have just fucking enraged me. :evil:

How dare those cunts threaten acts of terrorism in our country. I've nothing agaist muslims or people of any religion to be honest - I think they are all equally gullble for believing in any such bullshit.

But people who live in Britain and are threatening acts of violence against the civilian population (based on some cartoons wehich havnt even been published here - duh) should be kicked out in my opinion

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 13:04:40
The cartoons are a bit dissapointing, they're crap.

Was chatting to a mate from afghanistan at a party the other night. He said he found the cartoon pretty offensive. Mainly the one with the prophet dude depicted as a terrorist. He also said that it was also more a reactionary point on a percieved more general anti-islaam stand point in a lot of the media - mainly in a few of the newspapers.

Infact I don't really see the problem in any of this. The Danish newspaper is (and should be) allowed to print a crap offensive cartoon and any muslims who get offended are (and should be) allowed to show their anger with some demonstrations.

Of course you are gonna get some people on these demonstrations, get carried away and say some extreme things. You'll get idiots at any big angry gathering like that. Kicking them out of the country is probably a bit extreme, start doing stuff like that and you start to get into the realms of living in a state where only certain people are allowed to protest.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Piemonte on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 13:10:17
They have a right to peaceful protest Ben, like anybody else.

What they dont have a right to do is threaten acts of terrorism or killing people.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 13:30:15
Quote from: "Piemonte"
They have a right to peaceful protest Ben, like anybody else.

What they dont have a right to do is threaten acts of terrorism or killing people.

Actually planning and carrying out a terrorist attack is a far way off some badly thought out reactionary placards with 9/11 and 7/7 references on them, most of which were more backlashes in a "you've offended us now we will try offend you" sort of way than actual threats. Obviously it worked. You're offended enough to want to kick them out.

The biggest idiots in all this are the Norwedian, French, Spanish, Italian and German newpapers who reprinted the cartoons just to make a freedom of speach point.  I'm well up for freedom of speach and of course they've got a right to print the cartoons if they want, but some fucking common sense would be nice.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Batch on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 13:51:06
Quote from: "flammableBen"
Quote from: "Piemonte"
They have a right to peaceful protest Ben, like anybody else.

What they dont have a right to do is threaten acts of terrorism or killing people.

The biggest idiots in all this are the Norwedian, French, Spanish, Italian and German newpapers who reprinted the cartoons just to make a freedom of speach point.  I'm well up for freedom of speach and of course they've got a right to print the cartoons if they want, but some fucking common sense would be nice.

Didn't our news channels also show them "in context" (of the story).
Besides, I know the reaction seems a little more widespread and extreme in this case, but remember the shit kicked up by the nutter Christians about Jerry Springer - The Operah. In conclusion, all religious nutters are by definition nutters.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: pauld on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 14:47:01
Quote from: "flammableBen"
Infact I don't really see the problem in any of this. The Danish newspaper is (and should be) allowed to print a crap offensive cartoon and any muslims who get offended are (and should be) allowed to show their anger with some demonstrations.

Spot on FB - most sensible comment I've seen on this so-called "furore" so far. And might I add that both the papers who thought they were bravely unfurling the banner of freedom of speech by printing crap cartoons and the idiots who are so offended by some crap cartoions they set fire to flags are a bunch of tits?

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 19:29:05
Quote from: "magicroundabout"
Quote from: "Spuddy_STFC"
Cant believe those cunts can protest in London and get away wth saying that there should be another 7/7!.  :evil:

was looking/reading about all that today and it makes me sick.

Where do they live?

Who lets them live here?

if they don't fucking like it then fuck off back to your own fucking 3rd world country.

i fucking hate them cunts

yes magic! and where do you think all our tax is going? paying them! makes me angry as hell that we work our asses off all week just to pay people who sit on their asses doing nothing all day (and i dont mean students)  :twisted:

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Tails on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 20:02:36
If I went out with a sign saying "Kill all muslims who protest" I'd be racist!

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 20:10:22
Quote from: "Tails"
If I went out with a sign saying "Kill all muslims who protest" I'd be racist!

Yes you would be, although you would be just as bad as those pricks who are saying that there should be another 7/7!.

I saw on the front page of the Express that some bloke went to the London protest with a suicide bomb belt on.  :?

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: strooood on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 20:20:23
meh, whatever, whats done is done.

all i do know is them boys could make a mean firm  :o

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Asher on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 20:26:36
Fucking discraceful!  Cunts should be chucked out.  Blair is far to soft

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: strooood on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 21:14:21
i say chuck ash out.
your accountant is too soft

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 21:55:27

Bin Laden is way? WTF does that mean? Perhaps it should read "Bin Laden is gay", who knows?

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: DMR on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 21:56:44
Exactly... threaten our people and our culture?

Shouldn't fucking be here.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 21:57:02
Show your faces you cunts!.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 21:57:50
I'm more intrigued by the Curo come when reference.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Dazzza on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 22:20:13
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
I'm more intrigued by the Curo come when reference.

Must be a lost Colchester fan.  :D

Most of those protesters are in their teens and early 20's and I'd wager half of them don't carry the convictions of the placards they're carrying.

Doesn't make it any better in fact it's probably worse but these Asian lads do have a tendency to get a bit excited and overreact without engaging brain at times.  Plus I’m sure there’s some of the old ‘us and them’ mentality that festers which can develop into mob mentality.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: STFC Village on Sunday, February 5, 2006, 23:16:51
Quote from: "dazzza"
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
I'm more intrigued by the Curo come when reference.

Must be a lost Colchester fan.  :D
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: That made me burst out laughing

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Spud on Monday, February 6, 2006, 03:22:13 "Curo come when"

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 6, 2006, 20:21:57
Quote from: "simon pieman"

Bin Laden is way? WTF does that mean? Perhaps it should read "Bin Laden is gay", who knows?

at least the bloke at the front with the hood up is doing his best to intergrate into british society

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Bob's Orange on Monday, February 6, 2006, 20:34:26
I predict a Jihad, I predict a Jihad! :\/

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Sippo on Monday, February 6, 2006, 20:43:14
Europe will pay?

How kind of them  :)

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Gelbfüßler on Monday, February 6, 2006, 20:45:45
Quote from: "stfcfan"
Europe will pay?

How kind of them  :)

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: made me laugh

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Ben Wah Balls on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 14:12:35
Looks like our uni's newspaper's in a bit of trouble for publishing the cartoons, only paper in the uk that has done.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: magicroundabout on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 14:22:13
good lad  8)

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: mattboyslim on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 14:45:55
My mate used to be a features editor for that paper back in the day.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: janaage on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 14:45:59
That's disgusting that he's been suspended, what an over reaction by the taffy bastards.

If the Gair Rhydd didn't have such a fantastic STFC 8 page pull out every Saturday and Monday I'd boycott it.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: Ben Wah Balls on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 14:58:08
hahaha this has made world wide news.

Gair Rhydd is a quality newspaper, I'm not surprised they published it, they publish anything.

Title: Those Muslims cartoons
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, February 9, 2006, 16:11:21
These idiots really fucking piss me off, my wife is a Muslim and I have also visited Muslim countries such as Malaysia fairly often and the Muslim people as a whole are a kind and caring people. What's more is that at times they are almost ashamed to admit to being Muslim because of these cocks and my wife is at times afraid to mention her faith out of fear that that she may be tarred (Sp.) with the same brush as these terrorist wankers. In the southern most regions of Thailand people are being killed on a daily basis due to insurgent groups fighting for an independant Muslim state, they have even gone to the extent of murdering school teachers and even Bhuddist monks who are known for their peaceful way of life. The fact is that most of them are Malaysian anyway so if they want to live in a Muslim state then why don't they just fuck off back over the border.

I remember reading not so long ago that prison staff where told not to wear the cross of St. George because it may offend inmates belonging to other races within the prison, well FUCK THAT, us being told that we cannot wear our countries flag with pride is a disgrace. It is a disgrace to the country, the Monarchy, to the state and a huge disrespect to the countless who died fighting for that very flag. In Thailand I am able to wear my country's flag with pride and anybody who tries to say otherwise will be dealt with severely by the Thai authorities, so why the fuck is it not the same in my own country?

Many other races and cultures have integrated to the British society and have even contributed and enhanced our way of life a great deal, it is usually no more than a 30 minute drive to the nearest curry house for example and the stigma of the Negro race being one of criminals is fading fast, with them integrating into the British way of life at every level and what's more is that they too will often wear the cross of St. George with pride and rightly so.

In the Koran (Which is almost identical to the Christian Bible), it reads that it is a sin to take another's life, yet they still claim to be fighting in the name of Allah!!!!! Well if Allah does exist and the readings in the Koran are correct then these people will never be accepted into the Muslim equivalent of Heaven, rather they will be sent to Hell for taking another mans life along with using the name of their god in vain.

It angers me that the people of Britain are threatened like these in their own country, and it angers me also that the peaceful, welcoming andfun-loving people of Thailand are also under threat simply because the country is not a Muslim state. I remember one incident in Bangkok of a Christian Church being attacked for ringing it's bells at Easter, yet Muslim synagogue's are chanting their calls to prayer over high powered speakers every single day first fucking thing in the fucking morning when all others are trying to sleep but woe be-tide's to anybody who might ask for them to turn the volume down a little. Another incident involved Bangkok police having to deal with an incident when Muslim protesters start a mini riot after planning permission for a synagogue was refused, yet the planning permission on the basis that it was NEXT DOOR TO A FUCKING HOSPITAL!!!!

My message to all these ignorant wankers out there is this:

1) You are a disgrace to your culture, to your releigion and your own people are ashamed of you.
2) Other culture's, races and religions worldwide have accepted each other's beleifs so what makes you so fucking special?
3) You ARE NOT fighting with the blessing of Allah or any other god or diety.
4) If you don't like the culture and way of life of other countries then FUCK OFF BACK AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ OR WALES!!! (Kidding on the Wales bit)

Nuff said,