25% => The Reg Smeeton Match Day Action/Reaction Forum => Topic started by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:45:47

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:45:47
Rhys - 6.  Did alright, split a couple of shots he should have perhaps held but it was getting slippy I suppose.

J Smith - 7 Had a good game i thought, worked hard, put a couple of decent balls in and made most tackles.

Nicho - 6  probablly the worst game i've seen him play for quite a while, although thats partly because hes been playing so well. didnt really get forward much.   Dropped a massive bollock when trying to shield the ball in our box, and their bloke was unlucky to see his shot come back of the underside of the bar

Ifil - 8    Defended well in the main, a couple of really good tackles even managed a step over, run forward and delightful chip through ball to cureton. I was speechless

O'Hanlon  - 7  Defended well in the main, did well to carry on towards the end when carring an injury

Gurney - 6 Did ok, didnt really notice him for large periods, just went about his work.

Migz - 5  Not his best game in a town shirt, hardly got the ball down at all. Was carrying an injury til he was taken off though

Brown - 7 Anonymous 1st half, seemed to come to life second half and did well. unlucky not to score after an excellent run and shot

Shakey  - 8 Ran his bollocks off. I'm starting to really like him. Offers threat going forward and works so hard that he gets back to help out whoever is playing right back. Crossing has definatley improved as the season has gone on. If he keeps on improving he could become one of our best players. MOTM

The Cock - 8  Powerful & hard working. showed signs of linking well with Cureton. I dont care what anyone says, Selling Fallon for £300k and getting him in for fuck all is blinding business. Won as many headers as fallon would have last night, but uses strength and timing rather than just height like Fallon. Is more mobile than Fallon and seems to have a better touch also.  Should have scored his header in the 1st half though

Cureton -8  What a fucking great goal. Easily his best display in a Swindon shirt, his movement, anticipation and touch have improved beyond recognition. Still as strong as a little girl though and should have had a hattrick though so gets marked down for that.

IFFY - 7 - got the team selection and tictacs spot on at the start. blotted his copybook by going 4-5-1 at the end when there was no point. it just invited pressure. If we had been under pressure and he had reacted by going 4-5-1 then I could of understood it, but it was the other way round if you see what I mean.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DMR on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:49:22
I agree with that, I was slagging Gurney off but he did alot of dirty work and we lost it a bit when he went off... Iffy saving his legs?

Thought Brown was better than anonymous in the first... other than that all spot on.

Ifil motm.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:55:36
Largely agree (zzzz):

Rhys - 7. Did what he had to

J Smith 7 -  Looked solid,

Nicho - 6  - Awful mistake nearly led to a goal. Apart from that OK

Ifil - 9. Can't pass but was otherwise awseome. And I don't even like him. Hope his showboat makes it to soccer AM.

O'Hanlon - 7. Did OK. Made 1 error but nothing serios

Gurney - 6. Was solid enough but not spectacular.

Migz - 5  Awful by the high standards I expect of him.

Brown - 6  Solid, hardworking, would like to see more of him in an attacking sense

Shakes - 8 Gave 100%. if he can turn his final ball in to a killer 70% of the time he will be brilliant

The Cock - 7  Still needs a couple of games to get his sharpness back. Looks like he has 'it' though

Cureton - 7 - Superb effort and goal. Looks dangerous. marked down for missing a couple of sitters that ment I was nervous for most the game
Smith (P) - 6 - fat Gurney

Benji -5. If Robocop played football this is how he would be. Just didn't seem mobile for a fresh pair of legs. Will give time before slating him.

Iffy 8 - Cocked up Friday, put right today.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:56:27
I was talking to Walt flanagans dog about gurney last night and we agreed that if you dont notice him then hes doing alright.

If you notice him its generally beacause hes
A) had a shot from 40 yards (and failed)
B) Tried a beckham-esque pass (and failed)
C) Been booked for gobbing off at ref, kicking opposition
D) been caught 30 yards too far upfield, Howard style

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 10:57:58
Quote from: "Batch"

Benji -5. If Robocop played football this is how he would be.

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Cookie on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 11:03:11
Disagree with observation that the Cock won loads of headers, cos he didn't but he did play very well so don't disagree with the rating.

Agree with everything else, spot on.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 12:46:46
Evans - 6 - Nothing to do really, dodgy hands

Smith - 6 - Was Solid and offered us everything Jenkins hasnt recently

O'Hanlon - 6 - Kept their strikers quiet, looked out of place in his spell in midfield

Ifil - 7 - Solid performace as is usual these days

Nicholas - 6 - Worst game for a while, nearly cost us a goal

Shakes - 6 - Full of energy and running in the first half, better ratio of good to shit crosses. 2nd half he didnt seem to want to run at the full back anymore

Miglioranzi - 6 - Didnt really see alot of the ball or get alot of chances to use it

Gurney - 7 - Everyone has given him a naff ratings. I thought he was our best player last night, was generally everywhere worked his bollocks off didnt give Cunt Smith a sniff and most importantly kept his football simple tonight. Bit surprised he was taken off

Brown - 6 - Starting to look like the Brown of Bristol City!

Peacock - 6 - Worked hard, won alot of flick on at least today he had someone to flick it on to

Cureton - 6 - Ace goal, really good finish. Should have had a hat trick.

I thought our performance was decent and professional, but lets not go over the top Walsall are easily the worst side to come to the County Ground this seasons, they had nothing about them anywhere on the park. Their midfield didnt get stuck in, their defence wasnt dominat. They created no chances and only have one decent effort on goal which came from our fuck up.

We should have been 3-0 up at half time and out of sight. Walsall came back into for a spell in the 2nd half but they werent good enough to create an opening

I think a better team would have made us pay for not taking our chances! but the table does read better this morning

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 12:50:01
I think some of them deserved more than a 6 there VD, and Migz was shocking. Every time he did get the ball he did the same as he always does - turn into trouble and dwell on it for too long.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 12:50:59
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I think some of them deserved more than a 6 there VD, and Migz was shocking. Every time he did get the ball he did the same as he always does - turn into trouble and dwell on it for too long.

maybe, but you know me I always see the worst in things :wink:

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 12:53:47
Apart from in certain Brazilian/American/Italian midfielders... :wink:

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 12:56:06
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
Apart from in certain Brazilian/American/Italian midfielders... :wink:

nah he was cack last night, dont remember him doing anything of note...

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: fatbury on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 13:01:03
my ratings
Evans 7
J Smith 6
Nicho 6
O Hanlon 7
Ifil 8 * star  man
Gurney 6 sub P Smith 7
Migz 5 sub Comyn Platt 7
Shakes 7
Brown 7
Peacock 8 sub Benjamin 7
Cureton 7

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: SwindonFan on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:30:35
i thought Brown was motm by a country mile!

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:34:08
Evans 6 I don't recall him having a save to make of note, spilt a few chances and some rather inept finishing saved him in the end.
Jack Smith 7 Far better than Jenks has been of late, defended well, got forward to good effect and put some decent crosses in. Coincidence that Shakes had a good game in front of him?
O'Hanlon 7 Battled on through injury and defended admirably.
Ifil 8 Spot on! Can't fault his defending but I still get infuriated with his distribution.
Nicholas 7 Solid as ever.
Shakes 8 Outstanding, improving constantly and gave Warsaw's left back problems time and time again. Sometimes needs to be a bit more positive I feel.
Gurney 7 Got on with the job with minimum fuss and chased everything down.
Miglioranzi 6 Looked out of sorts and struggled to get into the game, ineffective.
Brown 7 Put in some very good crosses and covered for Nicho when he was out of position, just what you want a winger to do.
Peacock 7 Bit of an old fashioned centre-forward for me, physical presence, not pacey but quick, great vision, used the ball well. Deserved a goal but they will come.
Cureton 9 Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. Should have scored at least 2 but looked lively, threatening and scored an incredible goal.

Comyn-Platt 7 Probably deserved to start after Southend but did well when he came on, replaced an ineffective Miglioranzi and went about his business quietly.
Paul Smith 7 Ready-made replacement for Gurney, just a little rounder.
Benjamin 6 Not much to report, I'm willing to give him time though.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Luci on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:41:39
Evans made a cracking save 1st half..........just tapped it over the bar.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:43:26
Quote from: "STFCLady"
Evans made a cracking save 1st half..........just tapped it over the bar.

I though he could have caught that to be honest, lady

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Luci on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:44:54
Quote from: "Piemonte"
Quote from: "STFCLady"
Evans made a cracking save 1st half..........just tapped it over the bar.

I though he could have caught that to be honest, lady

It was a pretty powerful shot and looked like it took him by surprise.  I think he dealt with it pretty well.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:46:31
i don't remember that so i'll take your word for it

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:48:25
looked like "one for the cameras" from the TE

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Luci on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:50:36
Quote from: "Piemonte"
looked like "one for the cameras" from the TE

I guess it looks different from every stand!  So many times when I thought the ball was on its way in the back of the net..........that is so annoying.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:51:11
was a good save, wasn't going to catch it in my opinion considering he ain't that tall.

MOTM for me was probably Shakes or Peacock for me. who actually did get MOTM?

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: SwindonFan on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 14:55:31
peacock wasnt at his best last night, won nothing in the air either

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: BrightonRed on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 15:05:59
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Evans 6 I don't recall him having a save to make of note, spilt a few chances and some rather inept finishing saved him in the end.
Jack Smith 7 Far better than Jenks has been of late, defended well, got forward to good effect and put some decent crosses in. Coincidence that Shakes had a good game in front of him?
O'Hanlon 7 Battled on through injury and defended admirably.
Ifil 8 Spot on! Can't fault his defending but I still get infuriated with his distribution.
Nicholas 7 Solid as ever.
Shakes 8 Outstanding, improving constantly and gave Warsaw's left back problems time and time again. Sometimes needs to be a bit more positive I feel.
Gurney 7 Got on with the job with minimum fuss and chased everything down.
Miglioranzi 6 Looked out of sorts and struggled to get into the game, ineffective.
Brown 7 Put in some very good crosses and covered for Nicho when he was out of position, just what you want a winger to do.
Peacock 7 Bit of an old fashioned centre-forward for me, physical presence, not pacey but quick, great vision, used the ball well. Deserved a goal but they will come.
Cureton 9 Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. Should have scored at least 2 but looked lively, threatening and scored an incredible goal.

Comyn-Platt 7 Probably deserved to start after Southend but did well when he came on, replaced an ineffective Miglioranzi and went about his business quietly.
Paul Smith 7 Ready-made replacement for Gurney, just a little rounder.
Benjamin 6 Not much to report, I'm willing to give him time though.

Agree with almost everything.. except

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Nicholas 7 Solid as ever.

Probably a 6 for me, Reasonably solid but there was no need for the mistake that nearly cost us the goal.

I think Shakes needs to regain the confidence that he played with in his first few games.. He can beat defenders with his pace but doesn't look like he knows it.

Right now I think there are 11 players out there who deserve to start and want to start with some excellent replacements on the bench...

Could consistency in team selection be the key to survival from Now on?

Smith  O'hanlon  Ifil  Nicholas
Shakes Gurney Migz   Brown
      Cureton Peacock

With Jenkins, Comyn-Platt, Smith, Jarret, Benjamin as back-up

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Spud on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 15:44:45
Id give Shakes MOTM.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Sade on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 15:49:47
I agree with spuddy. He was amazing.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: adje on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 16:05:27
Quote from: "DV85"
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I think some of them deserved more than a 6 there VD, and Migz was shocking. Every time he did get the ball he did the same as he always does - turn into trouble and dwell on it for too long.

maybe, but you know me I always see the worst in things :wink:

'cept when it comes to Gurney,eh DV. :wink:

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: my-velocity on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 16:54:50
I thought we lost it when Peacock went off, it was a different game with Benjamin on, he was very slow (he'll be on the bench all season).

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: Spud on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 16:56:15
I thought Peacock was quite poor tbh, didnt even challenge in the air.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: migzy on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 17:43:51
I thought Brown was MOTM. He does a lot of defensive work that goes unnoticed. He doesn't have the same pace at Shakes but he shifts the ball onto his left foot brilliantly to make space for a shot - and he's got a pretty good left foot as well. Put in some great crosses. Lets hope he keeps it up.

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 17:46:58
Quote from: "adje"
Quote from: "DV85"
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I think some of them deserved more than a 6 there VD, and Migz was shocking. Every time he did get the ball he did the same as he always does - turn into trouble and dwell on it for too long.

maybe, but you know me I always see the worst in things :wink:

'cept when it comes to Gurney,eh DV. :wink:

Adje, its your fault....were you there last night?

Seems you hate Gurney for whatever reason, you dont make many games and he plays well. Then you show up and he plays shit and you think im crazy for even suggesting to you he has played well. Then you dont show up and he plays well again...

Title: Ratings v the Poles
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 17:47:52
Quote from: "Spuddy_STFC"
I thought Peacock was quite poor tbh, didnt even challenge in the air.

He won his fair share, but he was up against Westwood who is a very good defender at this level.