80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 20:49:48

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 20:49:48
hello i am from hulll i believe i support mmansfield town and have an addiction to the word muurghh neway on a serios note i have a drinking disorder :cheers:

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 20:58:06
By the looks of it you have a few other disorders.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:00:17
yes disorders are my thing infact i have an obsession for murrggh. stay avaw from henry

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:00:52
Oxford scum alert.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Spud on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:01:15
Fook off you murrgghther Fucker.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: walrus on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:02:33
Best new user ever.  I love you murrrrrggghhh.  You sound like me with a hangover, have you shagged any badgers whilst pissed?

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:02:53
Quote from: "nozza"
Who is Henry?

Sabin, according to poxford fans.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Spud on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:03:04
Quote from: "nozza"
Who is Henry?

Orange juice & Lemonade

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:03:42
excuse me i hope u are not calling me oxford scum and i believe it is a downright insult to write such a thing!

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:06:59
haha walrus %100 legend, i cant reali say ive had the pleasure of shaggin a badger whill pissed bit i once tried to penetrate the statue of a lady in hemel hempstead

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: yeo on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:07:30
I like you :D

I just had a dream that my foot was on fire.

I woke up shaking my foot and the sofa caught fire,then I really woke up.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Sussex on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:07:32
Muurgghh, die please.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: walrus on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:08:37
Quote from: "Muurgghh"
haha walrus %100 legend, i cant reali say ive had the pleasure of shaggin a badger whill pissed bit i once tried to penetrate the statue of a lady in hemel hempstead

Fair play, we've all been there, just best if no one else sees....

Ignore nozza, he's just a little attracted to you...

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:09:04
oh what a lovely thing to say " die please" well i hope you dont die in your sleep because statisticly it happens alot

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Johno on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:16:15
this is a great friday night.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Sussex on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:26:45
Quote from: "Muurgghh"
well i hope you dont die in your sleep because statisticly it happens alot

Thanks for your concern, I may have been a bit hasty on wishing death on you (probably not though), but you're a grade A prick.

Go on, do it.. get another drink in you and come back on here and post something intelligent/coherent. Can't see it happening though  :gay:

(are you under 12, if so I take it all back)

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:31:16
can u jusify calling me a prick? i have said nothing offensive to you and yet u write negative things, why? :(

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:31:22
For some reason, I still think it's mickey.
Then again, J1mmy or an Poxford scummer.

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:32:42
where did you get the name mickey from? or even Poxford scummer?

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:34:47
How did you find this site Muurgghh, ?
Have you ever posted on thisis?

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:35:31
Hang on? Is this another one of Yeovil's jokes?

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:37:21
hang on one minute i am not goin to be reffered as a yeovil joke! and i have posted stuff before, if you cant say anything positive then dont bother replying!

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Muurgghh on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:38:23
i have been to swindon games before
when we played bournmouth and lost 3-0
and away to brentford where we came out with a draw

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Elsterap on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:42:13
I quite enjoy these whoisit threads :grin:

My guess is J1mmy - as he keeps changing his story.  In one thread hes a Swindon fan and in this thread hes a Mansfield fan who refers to Swindon as 'we.'

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Sussex on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:42:24
Quote from: "blinkpip"
Hang on? Is this another one of Yeovil's jokes?

<Sussex gets down fom soapbox>

Could well be Pipster :?

Wanker if it is  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:


Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Sussex on Friday, December 16, 2005, 21:45:22
J1mmy's away on hols abroad, maybe he found a t'internet cafe to get busy in though?

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: yeo on Friday, December 16, 2005, 22:02:14
Its not me you cunts :x

Title: A Topic called : i am an alchoholic called amos from hull
Post by: Bennett on Friday, December 16, 2005, 23:24:43
Quote from: "Sussex Red"
J1mmy's away on hols abroad, maybe he found a t'internet cafe to get busy in though?

that'd be awesome. "i'm on holiday, i'll play a trick on those fools, oh wait i've wasted my time"