80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: walrus on Friday, January 14, 2005, 14:57:45

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: walrus on Friday, January 14, 2005, 14:57:45
Hi Blinkpip  :)

Anyone heard the latest Godsmack album, The Other Side?  If not you should.  If you're familiar with Godsmack its nothing like their original works, with a very slow, mellow sound, much like Stain'd's Outside.  Only problem I have is it is, at best, 25 minutes long with just 7 tracks, yet retails at 10.99 on  Surely this is a bit overpriced?  No bonus DVD's, no huge book on the history of Godsmack, nothing.  I would feel ripped off but I have really enjoyed this album.  Highly recommended.  I think even the music toffs here would enjoy it.

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, January 14, 2005, 16:21:13
I haven't heard too much of that Godsmack album. But I seen some of their stuff on T.V. and Kerrang!
It sounds a bit like Chad Kroeger but a little heavier. It reminds me of the band called: Theory Of A Dead Man.
Only six songs is a bit of a rip-off, But isn't the average album last about 45 minutes? 30 isn't too bad.
I bought a A.F.I. album for £10 and when I got home I notice it only had four songs on it.
I might have a look into Godsmack, but buy the album Faceless (has 14 songs on it).

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: walrus on Friday, January 14, 2005, 17:37:47
Some points (In a Gareth from the Office voice)

1).  Theory of a Deadman (spelt like that) and yes they do sound alike.

2).  It's seven songs, not six

3).  The average album is like 45, but this one isn't even 25 so it's exactly half the standard length, so its poor.

4).  What length are the songs on the AFI album?  AFI are allowed to do that because I consider them to be a bit zany.  Godsmack are not at all zany.

5).  Buy Faceless if you prefer faster, hard stuff, but The Other Side has more mellow, and in my opinion, better and more tuneful stuff.

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, January 14, 2005, 18:06:26
That AFI album last for 9 min 36 Seconds.
Is there any other bands/albums you recommend?
I see you like the bands like Nickelback (which I seen a couple of years ago).
What about Saliva?

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: sonicyouth on Friday, January 14, 2005, 18:42:04
I ought to send you both a copy of the Sonic Youth's Super Duper Fanfastic Pharmaceutical's mix.

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, January 14, 2005, 19:07:31
I admit I am checking Sonic Youth out. I need to listen to them a bit more. But I like the ways they get different sounds on their guitars.

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: Tails on Friday, January 14, 2005, 19:29:48
Sonic Youth rule  :D

Only Godsmack song I've heard is I stand alone and it failed to impress.

A.F.I are crap.

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: Boeta on Friday, January 14, 2005, 20:46:35
Quite liked Godsmacks's first album when it came out years ago. Moon Baby and Whatever are songs I remember being quite good. Though my taste in music has now evolved (and improved).

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: spacey on Friday, January 14, 2005, 21:50:42
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
I ought to send you both a copy of the Sonic Youth's Super Duper Fanfastic Pharmaceutical's mix.

 You ought to send me one first you lazy sod 8)

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: sonicyouth on Friday, January 14, 2005, 21:51:31
It's on my to do list!

Title: The Crap Music Thread
Post by: walrus on Saturday, January 15, 2005, 00:20:56
Boeta and co - Godsmack have evolved with your tastes.  Trust.  The new album is orgasmic.  Sonic who?

Tails:  I Stand Alone is a very poor sample of Godsmack, although you are right about AFI.  If you have Limewire/File Sharing software download Running Blind.  If you are unimpressed I will personally give you sexual favours.  I am drunk, but the promise is geniune, though not that geniune as in I won't carry it out as I'm not gay or owt.  Blinkpip is though.  He told me on MSN.

Blinkpip says:
Yeh it's true, I am gay.

EDIT:  Why oh why did I type some of that?   :roll:

My New Years Resolution was to stop going on the Internet after going out and getting drunk.  Though the essence of the post is true - download Running Blind, and of course Blinkpip is a batty boi  :twisted: