80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Barry Scott on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:21:49

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:21:49
Morning all

Not that anyone would notice, but i haven't been here for a while and felt the urge to justify my lack of posting.

Recently i split up with my girlfriend, then made up with my girlfriend, then split up, then made up again, etc etc. Being an adult i evenutally had my fill of this, on again off again bullshit and told her to fuck off. Hurt like a bitch, but now i'm free! WOMEN SORT YOUR BULLSHIT EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS OUT!

Anyway, without my girlfriend i am now free to get pissed out my face, pull, drive fast, smoke, swear like a cunt act like a cock and most importantly play poker once more!

She had pretty much voiced her disapproval at anything i did involving risk or general ladishness. Anyway, the real me is back and i'm gonna wash her out of my hair by mostly being a cock for the next few months.

Here's to being a Man/Boy, acting like a cock and not giving 2 shits about it until someone reminds you it's about time you grew up and acted like an adult.


Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:34:30
Then surely you can now change your avarter?  No need to pretend to like it now. :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:41:50
I'm at work, when i get home, i will have something pretty instead. :oops:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: McLovin on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:45:55
A picture of Walrus?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:56:00
Classic posting Barry :beers:  Thats cheered me right up this morning :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Whits on Friday, September 16, 2005, 07:57:25
nothin better than being a lad  8)

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:05:21
Thats it. Barrys post is the final straw.

 I'm gonna go home, dump the mrs , go out, drink 8 pints, snot 3 grams of charlie beat up anyone who gets in my way then drive home :wink:

RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'm on the rampage

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:24:31
fucking hell I am locking the doors  :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Asher on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:26:33
3 grames fuck me youd have a great night.

Barry dont go back to beinga  total lad, try the part time nice lad to the mrs and part time lad! happy medium

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:31:39
Bloody hell Ash, like the avarter. :shock:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: McLovin on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:32:09
He doesn't have a missus.  that means 100% lad.

Are you going soft, Ash?! :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:32:45
The question is Ash .. is how did you get Birdy to pose for it!  :mrgreen:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:48:58

The question is Ash .. is how did you get Birdy to pose for it!

i've heard birdy has bigger ones than that :wink:

also quality stuff Barry.
Yeah be a lad and enjoy yourself but try not to be a cock all the time or you'll never find that person to make you an adult again.
if you get what i mean. :?

man i'm going soft

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Asher on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:49:50
ha ah that was sonic's handy work - owe him a pint! I am not going soft thank you

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:54:35
Quote from: "Asher"
ha ah that was sonic's handy work - owe him a pint! I am not going soft thank you

I'm not suprised with that avarter. :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, September 16, 2005, 08:58:09
i've noticed that if you stare at the page long enough poeple have posted messages :shock:
all i keep looking at are those lovely fun bags. :P

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: sonicyouth on Friday, September 16, 2005, 09:13:54

Enjoy yourself Barry :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 09:53:41
"women sort your bullshit emotional problems out"...bit of a bold statement aint it...hope you can deal with the backlash.

Why dont we discuss men and their emotional problems....or would that take to long and result in those of us at work getting the sack?!  Mind you us women would be fine cos we can do two things at once..... :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 09:57:16
hear hear Birdies mate

what two things do you do at once then?? :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 09:57:17
lets lay it all out on the table now, men can be worse than women for fucking starters

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: McLovin on Friday, September 16, 2005, 09:58:08

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:00:30
Quote from: "fatbury"
hear hear Birdies mate

what two things do you do at once then?? :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

I wouldnt want to embarrass you :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:03:36
I dont think its a case of men or women being worse than each other .. every person is different .. some men are worse then women .. some women are worse than men  8)

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:04:42
Sounds interesting Birdies mate ... maybe we ought to be meeting up sometime !! :beers:  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:04:45
most men I know or have been out with are cunts.  enough said.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:05:22
awwwwwww well i aint .. and some of the blokes on here ive met are nice .. Sonics a cool bloke for example Birdy  8)

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:05:37
yeah, just all the men i know are worse than women.....

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:07:15
I meant to say all the blokes except sonic, fatbury, ralphy, whits, village, piemonte......................blah blah :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:07:19
Must be an Oxfordshire thing  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: McLovin on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:08:43
Oi, you fucker! I am a lovely bloke.  Now make my tea...

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:12:00
Quote from: "STFCBird"
most men I know or have been out with are cunts.  enough said.

Sweeping statements like that will get you no-where Bird - it's time you came to respect the opposite sex, otherwise you'll never find happiness. :?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:13:53
sorry dave I forgot to add you on my list  :soapy tit wank:  consider yourself  added

Kinky Tom, shut up  :evil:   :wink:   :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:15:10
do you seriously believe a woman will be happy if she respects a bloke? :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:17:01
I rest my case mate   :wink:   :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:23:08
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
do you seriously believe a woman will be happy if she respects a bloke? :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Yes. :oops:

I'd respect my girlfriend (if I had one :cry: ) so we could find the route to ultimate happiness and the enrichment a happy home brings. :?

Quote from: "STFCBird"
sorry dave I forgot to add you on my list  :soapy tit wank:  consider yourself  added

Kinky Tom, shut up  :evil:   :wink:   :D

 I will not! :evil:  :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:25:52
Quote from: "Piemonte"
Thats it. Barrys post is the final straw.

 I'm gonna go home, dump the mrs , go out, drink 8 pints, snot 3 grams of charlie beat up anyone who gets in my way then drive home :wink:

RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'm on the rampage

I've decided to back away from my original plan of action, I'm now going to go home cook the mrs a nice dinner then go shopping for some nice new home furnishings :wink:  :oops:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:28:36
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: you shopping, it must be love  :beers:   :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:34:55
I'd respect my girlfriend (if I had one :cry: ) so we could find the route to ultimate happiness and the enrichment a happy home brings. :?

now a man respecting a woman is a move in the right direction  :beers:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:41:49
As long as man and woman can move together in the same direction toward the utopia that is a happy fulfilling relationship.

God, am I gay?  I really need some female attention. :?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:44:46
god have you eaten a text book?

well, if you're gay its male attention you need, not female :) only you can answer that one!

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:46:18
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:  kinky tom is a poof  8)

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:53:51
I'm definately no poof, but going on present form I'm not sure I can be classed as heterosexual either - don't you need some sort of action in order to be put in some sort of sexuality box? :?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: McLovin on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:55:01
I hope not...  :(

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:56:57
I quite like the sound of a sexuality box actually, sounds like the sort of present Tania might get for Sussex.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:02:14
Hear hear well sed cillit bang guy!  Being single rools, although it has it's complications.  It makes drinking more fun, and gives you that extra half inch on your penis that makes you stand up and say: "Yes I'm a fucking man.... p-p-probably".

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:02:47
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:  well done julie, you have them all questioning their sexuality ha ha ha ha

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:04:10
gotta be somet wrong somewhere then!  :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:05:53
So, Ladies........ whilst we're on the subject of homosexuality

Any chance of some lesbo action pics being posted then?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Sussex on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:19:50
Quote from: "Kinky Tom"
I quite like the sound of a sexuality box actually, sounds like the sort of present Tania might get for Sussex.

I was fucking waiting for my name to crop up at some point!

For the record. I am a very nice boyfriend and treat women with the respect they deserve.


Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:22:52
Quote from: "Piemonte"
So, Ladies........ whilst we're on the subject of homosexuality

Any chance of some lesbo action pics being posted then?

in a word..... NO...

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:28:19
Quote from: "Sussex Red"
Quote from: "Kinky Tom"
I quite like the sound of a sexuality box actually, sounds like the sort of present Tania might get for Sussex.

I was fucking waiting for my name to crop up at some point!

For the record. I am a very nice boyfriend and treat women like the filthy whores they are.



Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:29:06
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
Quote from: "Piemonte"
So, Ladies........ whilst we're on the subject of homosexuality

Any chance of some lesbo action pics being posted then?

in a word..... NO...

In another word........... please? :mrgreen:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:35:53
Go on Julie you know you are up for it really  :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:42:05
oh ok then you have twisted my arm...but Im selling them not putting them on for free!  Shall I exclude the ones of you bird or include them as well? :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:43:10
How come stfcbird uses your real name (or is she??) yet you call her bird? Seems a bit unfair!!

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 11:44:54
cos lucy's a beatch :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 12:07:17
Quote from: "Sussex Red"
Quote from: "Kinky Tom"
I quite like the sound of a sexuality box actually, sounds like the sort of present Tania might get for Sussex.

I was fucking waiting for my name to crop up at some point!

For the record. I am a very nice boyfriend and treat women with the respect they deserve.


Ah, see I meant that in a 'Tania's wierd expliots' kind of way, not a 'Sussex is a faggot' kind of way.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 16, 2005, 12:12:21
Quote from: "Kinky Tom"
Quote from: "Sussex Red"
Quote from: "Kinky Tom"
I quite like the sound of a sexuality box actually, sounds like the sort of present Tania might get for Sussex.

I was fucking waiting for my name to crop up at some point!

For the record. I am a very nice boyfriend and treat women with the respect they deserve.


Ah, see I meant that in a 'Tania's wierd expliots' kind of way, not a 'Sussex is a faggot' kind of way.

 :mrgreen:   Quality, thanks for the clarification.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 12:27:51
Well I think Lucy and Julie would get lots of respect off of any blokes they went out with from on here .. and not just because they are Swindon fans .. but it helps  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 12:39:30
it is weird saying birdies mate that is why!!

Julie is a scum fan fatbury, I hope that has lost her some respect  :wink:   :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 12:45:38
Quote from: "STFCBird"
it is weird saying birdies mate that is why!!

Julie is a scum fan fatbury, I hope that has lost her some respect  :wink:   :soapy tit wank:

Hmm yes, respect is dwindling, but I'm sure it's not her fault - I'll forgive her.

By the way I agree with you when you call her Julie - if I went around calling mates 'Tom's mate' it would be really wierd. :?

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:07:59
Quote from: "STFCBird"
it is weird saying birdies mate that is why!!

Julie is a scum fan fatbury, I hope that has lost her some respect  :wink:   :soapy tit wank:


Mods - Ban the bitch :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: fatbury on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:09:54
Scum fan !!! YUCK  :chunder:

Simply unacceptable!

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:13:26
don't you call birdies mate a bitch you man ho  :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:14:22
Quote from: "STFCBird"
don't you call birdies mate a bitch you man ho  :wink:

ok. I'll call you a bitch then, bitch :twisted:  :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:15:26
I wish I was a man ho, it would be so much more interesting, furfilling and lucrative than my current employment :P

Title: Re: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: yeo on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:20:21
Quote from: "Barry Scott"
Morning all

Not that anyone would notice, but i haven't been here for a while and felt the urge to justify my lack of posting.

Recently i split up with my girlfriend, then made up with my girlfriend, then split up, then made up again, etc etc. Being an adult i evenutally had my fill of this, on again off again bullshit and told her to fuck off. Hurt like a bitch, but now i'm free! WOMEN SORT YOUR BULLSHIT EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS OUT!

Anyway, without my girlfriend i am now free to get pissed out my face, pull, drive fast, smoke, swear like a cunt act like a cock and most importantly play poker once more!

She had pretty much voiced her disapproval at anything i did involving risk or general ladishness. Anyway, the real me is back and i'm gonna wash her out of my hair by mostly being a cock for the next few months.

Here's to being a Man/Boy, acting like a cock and not giving 2 shits about it until someone reminds you it's about time you grew up and acted like an adult.


Good for you Bazzer 8)

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:24:53
Quote from: "Piemonte"
Quote from: "STFCBird"
don't you call birdies mate a bitch you man ho  :wink:

ok. I'll call you a bitch then, bitch :twisted:  :D

 :cry:  you evil cunt  :wink:  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:38:18
Hey, I may support Ox but I do give you revenue when I come to keep Lucy company and I do kinda cheer Swindon on....well when they are playing well enough to cheer on :soapy tit wank:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:45:37
watch it you!!

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:52:59
She sounds like she can be easily converted from the dark side bird, you should make this your mission for the season.

Well that and the making of Abingdon Anals, of course. :|  :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:53:15
Do you watch OX**** with your eyes closed? I've heard it is best  :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:53:55
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
Hey, I may support Ox but I do give you revenue when I come to keep Lucy company and I do kinda cheer Swindon on....well when they are playing well enough to cheer on :soapy tit wank:

You've not been this season then? :|

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFCBird on Friday, September 16, 2005, 13:55:12
Quote from: "Piemonte"
She sounds like she can be easily converted from the dark side bird, you should make this your mission for the season.

Well that and the making of Abingdon Anals, of course. :|  :D

I will give it a go pie, (converting not the video)  :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 14:50:03
I might be converted...we'll see after next week's match.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 14:57:40
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
I might be converted...we'll see after next week's match.

Bring Bird to the Merlin with you, fatbury will pay for your drinks. :wink:

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Birdies Mate on Friday, September 16, 2005, 15:03:51
can he afford it then?

Title: Re: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFC Village on Friday, September 16, 2005, 15:04:36
Quote from: "Barry Scott"
Morning all

Not that anyone would notice, but i haven't been here for a while and felt the urge to justify my lack of posting.

Recently i split up with my girlfriend, then made up with my girlfriend, then split up, then made up again, etc etc. Being an adult i evenutally had my fill of this, on again off again bullshit and told her to fuck off. Hurt like a bitch, but now i'm free! WOMEN SORT YOUR BULLSHIT EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS OUT!

Anyway, without my girlfriend i am now free to get pissed out my face, pull, drive fast, smoke, swear like a cunt act like a cock and most importantly play poker once more!

She had pretty much voiced her disapproval at anything i did involving risk or general ladishness. Anyway, the real me is back and i'm gonna wash her out of my hair by mostly being a cock for the next few months.

Here's to being a Man/Boy, acting like a cock and not giving 2 shits about it until someone reminds you it's about time you grew up and acted like an adult.

Hooray for splitting up with girlfriends and being men! :D

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: STFC Village on Friday, September 16, 2005, 15:05:46
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
can he afford it then?
Not the amount that you and Lucy drink, Julie!

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 16, 2005, 15:10:18
Quote from: "Birdies Mate"
can he afford it then?

Dunno, but he's a nice guy so he might, regardless of his financial situation.

Title: Not that anyone would notice....
Post by: Dazzza on Friday, September 16, 2005, 16:02:14
Barry you should crack one off on the sofa tonight to celebrate, beer in hand, spliff in mouth and enough Swedish Porn to give you an RSI for a month.

I'd definitely suggest going for an import in future far less hassle than these temperamental overpriced domestic models you get nowadays.  Not only will you get something far superior appearance wise to anything currently available on the national market in 6 months you’ll still be going back for more and it won’t have turned into a droning public embarrassment.

South American imports, it’s the future.