80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: kizz on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 10:24:30

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: kizz on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 10:24:30
Morning kids,

I'm going to buy a pc sometime between now and the new year... where do you reckon the best place to go is?? I have had a look on the websites of the big name shops (PC World, Tiny etc...) apart from them, the best deals I have found so far are with

Anyone got any recommendations?

Help would be appreciated :!:


Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 10:35:37
I can do you a brand new machine with xp and office 2003, 17" flatscreen monitor, 40 gb hard-drive, 2.6 ghz P4 processor and 256mb of RAM for approx 500 quid.

If you want more memory or disk space it would obviously cost a little more...

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Titch on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 10:42:39
I highly recommend dell.  I would not touch TINY with a barge pole and pc world is ok but the salepeople are the worst on the planet!

Dell are excellent, very good prices, quality and the support is excellent.  We use Dell at work for all our machines and i have a laptop and desktop from them at home.  I can't comment on MESh as i have never used them!

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: kizz on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 10:56:01
Cheers guys,

STFCFAN - Ideally I want at least a 3.2 ghz / 512 mb ram / 200gb hard drive - and a DVD writer!! Greedy I know, but is that something you could build??

TITCH - Cheers for the advice, I will have a gander at the Dell site. Why would you not touch Tiny though? just curious!

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Titch on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 11:07:38
A few reasons really.  Firstly the build quality is/was appalling and the support was shocking.  I have known about 6 people of have bought tiny's and had problems.  This was about a year ago i should say but i can not belive they would have imporved much.  Their deals always look fantastic on paper, plus they charge you extra for the back-up cd's etc!!!!

That is one of the main reasons i recommend dell, their support package is far superior and much cheaper than the likes of pc world and it is next day on-site wheras with pcworld i believe you still have to send the machines away and that takes weeks to get your pc back.

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 11:48:42
I'll see what I can do - Obviously I'll throw in a years support aswell.

PC World is full of spotty teenagers who just want to sell. If something goes wrong then they just don't want to know. or have fairly reasonable...

Title: Don't get dell, get mesh
Post by: Man of Steel on Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 23:58:58
How sad, a pc topic gets me registered!

I have worked on and built PCs for years and still do.

This is what I KNOW

Dell are fucking shit. Okay good support and whatever but like most  other companies the equipment is pretty below par. Dell are also very pricey.

MESH are probably the best in terms of build and components. Don't know what their customer support is like, but these are without a doubt the best PCs i have seen. I have many friends with them, that will not touch anything else. -other than something i build!  :wink:

My mates require good shit, as they work in visual and audio production environments, and for an out of the box PC that is fairly priced i don't think you can do better.

I recommend a barton core AMD Athlon XP 3200+ or the new AMD 64s.

Pentiums are overpriced and don't offer much wallop for their price. They are also, of course, eaten alive by AMD 64s and when 64bit windows comes out, Intel will strugle to make sales as they don't have a competitive chip at 64bit.

Get an SATA hardrive as well

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Titch on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 09:24:46
Are you trying to say we don't know w3hat we talk about?????

I am a computer programmer and have built loads of pc's.  I can only speak from experience, of course it depends what people want froma machine.  I have found Dell very good and reliable, especially for work-based machines.  Anyway i don't want to talk about pro's and con's of different companies as most are much of a muchness (with exception of tiny and pcworld!!).

I just did not like the way "know" was underlined as if we did not know what we were talking about!

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Man of Steel on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:13:36
Quote from: "Titch"
Are you trying to say we don't know w3hat we talk about?????

I just did not like the way "know" was underlined as if we did not know what we were talking about!

 :) Na mate, sorry! Wasn't trying to say you don't know shit!

Was just saying that is what i know?! But i can see how it sounds now! :)

MESH do use far superior internals to Dell though, and don't rip you off!

I also build computers and have built hundreds, and no longer do it. I still occassionally do it for friends, but as you know, once you have done one, you have done them all. its boring as hell

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Titch on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:17:41
no probs, was just in very bad mood this morning!!  I must say i have thought of using MESH before so you would recommend them?  Thats good to know actually cause i do like to get recommended companies rather than take a risk cause there are loads of cowboy computer manufacturers!

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: mexico red on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:24:55
titch knows fuck all about computers, he is only seven years old and has just learnt to type, his middle name is rangoon and he smells of pears.

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: McLovin on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:37:02
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Titch on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:37:41
:(  I'll tell my mummy of you!!!!

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: Piemonte on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:40:09
quality post mexico! :D

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: kizz on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 14:52:56
Quote from: "mexico red"
titch knows fuck all about computers, he is only seven years old and has just learnt to type, his middle name is rangoon and he smells of pears.


Very good!!  :soapy tit wank:  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Best place to get a new pc...
Post by: ron dodgers on Thursday, December 9, 2004, 17:34:43
I gotta big AMD 64 bit Mesh - quality build . They did take a while to come up with a fix to the XP SP2 not working on 64 bit processor but they did it in the end. I sorted that via raising a call and e-mailing with them, although I do have a years or onsite maintenance, I preferred sorting it myself.