80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:47:39

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:47:39
Tuesday saw the difficult task of finishing it with my 18 month girlfriend, as I decided going to uni and all I wanted to be a free man and didn't want to start getting too serious....  It was a sad occassion, and despite promising myself I'd be a man, I did cry like a poof.  I was gutted, but knew in the long run it was for the best.

Thursday and my usual quiet drinks down my honoury local, followed by a spot of shindigging in the local club.  Being the innocent, friendly chappy I am I encouraged a girl who used to be in my English class to come along.  1/2 an hour later and I'm trapped against a wall and a table and her, and I couldn't find the words to politely decline.  I ended up getting off with her, only to find my ex was in the club.  I did know she was going, but convieniently forgot after a few drinks.  She confronted me, in front of everyone, and all I could think of were the infamous words of Homer Simpson: "I swear to you, I never thought you'd find out".   :|

So now I feel a bit, well a lot of, a shit.  Should I apologise, try to talk to her, or just avoid her for the next 9 days before we go to uni.  I had visions of staying friends with her, but after last night she might hate me.  Her friends are going to hate me too.  I'm fucked aren't I?  :|

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:49:32
I would leave it be mate.

Move on.

Sounds tough but it's for the best.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:50:09
Blame it on rohipnol!

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:51:39
Nevermind mate, as soon as you you find the Lesbian, Bi and Gay society at your freshers' fair you'll forget all your troubles, and your ex will understand why you couldn't be with her anymore.

You have to follow your heart Walrus, search out the LBGS as soon as you get there. :soapy tit wank:  :wink:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, September 9, 2005, 11:59:16
don't worry about it mate.

exactly 1 week after i finished with my ex of 6 years i was shaging someone else. harsh but fair

enjoy being single and don't worry about it

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:00:25
Easier said than done magic.

Takes months to overcome a long term relationship.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: oxford_fan on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:03:05
you won't give a shit about any of this once you get to uni. avoid her and let time do all the hard work.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:03:55
move on i say.
especially if it was you who did the finishing.

if it was the otherway round i might agree

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Titch on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:05:00
I think you should talk to her and apologise a bit.  Its always the best thingm trust me.  Then go back out and shag like it's your birthday  :P

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Asher on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:39:02
Put it in a card, write your true feelings and then leave her be.  Its always hard breaking up especially if they were a massive part of your life

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Titch on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:41:23
Yes i agree with that Asher 100%.  Women like this sort of thing and it means you can say things without fearing looking like a twat.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: magicroundabout on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:44:14
the difference with me and my ex is she didn't find out about it etc where as yours has.

i imagine she is feeling like she has been kicked in the teath.
i would talk to her about it and just be honest. if you care about how she is feeling etc then don't bullshit her.

it sounds like you do still care so do it sooner rather than later

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Jesus Loves Porn on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:48:59
Walrus becareful lad by jumping ship with the ex too early.

I did the same thing 5 years ago when I started uni and we went our seperate ways. After shagging around for the first month of uni realised Id made a mistake. Luckily she took me back and this October we are getting married.

Make sure leaving her is the right thing and you are not just doing it to get your willy wet with other ladieds like I did!!

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Sussex on Friday, September 9, 2005, 12:56:07
Talk to her (if she's still talking to you?) and just be honest about the situation. It wasn't planned and you were pissed.

Magic's right, it'll feel like a kick in the teeth just two days after you split up.

The most important thing is to leave for uni on good terms.

That way you're guaranteed to get your nuts wet when you come home in the holidays  :D

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 9, 2005, 13:12:10
Thats hilarious :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:21:50
I like Asher's advice best, I'm a bit of a pussy!  It probably was a kick in the teeth, so I guess I've got to talk to her, but I'm not sure she'll listen.  How do I talk to her?  I'll only see her on MSN/text, unless I'm in Horsham between now and next Thursday.

I'll have to do a LOT of grovelling and hope she understands.  A text later on?  Or is that too impersonal?

It's definitely the right thing to do as I'm not leaving her just because I want to screw around - we're just different people.  I like a drink.... and she doesn't.   :|   She's too restrained for me...

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:24:51
Have you had a haircut yet?

I was in Oxford last weekend and in the club it was like a Walrus look a like night  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Titch on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:26:10
You should not feel guilty for wanting to end it.  It happens and it takes a lot of guts to finally knock it on the head, believe me.

It depends on the person as to whether to text really.  Not knowing her of course makes it difficult to say but generally i would not.  Ring her or drop a note round.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:26:28
Trimmed not cut, still as sexy as ever.  I'll be sporting the old girl tomorrow hehe  :D

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:28:37
Quote from: "Walrus"
Trimmed not cut, still as sexy as ever.  I'll be sporting the old girl tomorrow hehe  :D

My mate at work (he's 34) is married to a hairdresser and she is trying to make him look younger by giving him the short sides and long back haircut  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

He's receading though so looks like a fucking indian with a mohawk  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:30:16
Fuck, girlfriend on MSN!  What do I doooo?  I'm too scared to talk  :|

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:31:07
Quote from: "Walrus"
Fuck, girlfriend on MSN!  What do I doooo?  I'm too scared to talk  :|

Block her  :D

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:32:05
You've got to clear the air mate, simple as.  Might as well do it sooner rather than later....

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:32:49
The ex says:
its ok paul
The ex says:
well soapy tit wank to a certain extent
The ex says:
im sorry i got so mad

Ohh for fucks sake.  Why is everyone forgiving me lately?  Won't anyone be fucking made with me anymore?

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:33:53
She wants u back mate, decission time.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:36:13
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Quote from: "Walrus"
Trimmed not cut, still as sexy as ever.  I'll be sporting the old girl tomorrow hehe  :D

My mate at work (he's 34) is married to a hairdresser and she is trying to make him look younger by giving him the short sides and long back haircut  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

He's receading though so looks like a fucking indian with a mohawk  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Mullets are back!!!

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Spud on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:37:28
Walrus = Harsh cunt.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Kinky Tom on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:38:05
I have a mullet mate.  It's about time it got chopped off though, I get bored of my hair very quickley so it's always changing, not like a mate of mine who has had the same cut for 7 years. :shock:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: mexico red on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:45:48
if i was you i would get over to horsham and fuck her like a banshee, then try and dip your wick in her mother. that should sort things out

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 9, 2005, 14:45:58
Dont bother getting back with her yet Walrus, at least see what the pussy is like at Uni first before you grovel

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: sonicyouth on Friday, September 9, 2005, 15:12:08
... most importantly come to the Merlin tomorrow, I'll comfort you.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 9, 2005, 15:13:34
I once finished with my then girlfriend on her 21st birthday, I still feel like a prize wanker now, which is kind of hard to disagree with.

It wasn't planned, but she asked if I still wanted to be with her....

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Piemonte on Friday, September 9, 2005, 15:31:42
Quote from: "Batch"
I once finished with my then girlfriend on her 21st birthday, I still feel like a prize wanker now, which is kind of hard to disagree with.

It wasn't planned, but she asked if I still wanted to be with her....

Batch, your guilt is undeserved.

Women will ask these fucking stupid questions........... :D

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Asher on Friday, September 9, 2005, 15:31:53
Always send flowers!

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: blinkpip on Friday, September 9, 2005, 15:46:41
Quote from: "Batch"
I once finished with my then girlfriend on her 21st birthday, I still feel like a prize wanker now, which is kind of hard to disagree with.

It wasn't planned, but she asked if I still wanted to be with her....

nasty. But at least you told the truth. Which you shouldve told her earlyer.

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Batch on Friday, September 9, 2005, 16:24:00
Quote from: "blinkpip"

nasty. But at least you told the truth. Which you shouldve told her earlyer.

I was young, but I have learnt the lesson...

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Sippo on Friday, September 9, 2005, 16:33:59
Quote from: "Ralphy"
She wants u back mate, decission time.

I reckon for the hair!!

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, September 9, 2005, 21:07:42
Quote from: "Asher"
Always send flowers!

Yes they were very nice.

Thank you ash xx

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Bennett on Friday, September 9, 2005, 22:24:51
i once broke up with a lass on new years eve, via text, purely so i didn't feel guilty nobbing another lass.

i felt rather poo until the nookie started and i felt remarkably good.

since then i've been a good boy and it's paid off. i've weened myself off mentalists and only onto girls that miss birthdays  :cry:

(leggett u utter any of these words to anyone we know and you're a deadman)

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, September 9, 2005, 23:14:29
I think you should have sent a link to this thread via msn, but it's a bit late now. If you're just going to be 'friends', you will soon fall out of touch when you go to uni

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Leggett on Saturday, September 10, 2005, 05:09:43
Quote from: "bennett"
i once broke up with a lass on new years eve, via text, purely so i didn't feel guilty nobbing another lass.

i felt rather poo until the nookie started and i felt remarkably good.

since then i've been a good boy and it's paid off. i've weened myself off mentalists and only onto girls that miss birthdays  :cry:

(leggett u utter any of these words to anyone we know and you're a deadman)

lips are sealed fella.

i broke up with one of my ex's via txt, and regretted it ever since, she was fucking ace  :(  and i felt like a prize cunt. i still do :(

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Spud on Saturday, September 10, 2005, 05:11:15
Quote from: "Leggett"
Quote from: "bennett"
i once broke up with a lass on new years eve, via text, purely so i didn't feel guilty nobbing another lass.

i felt rather poo until the nookie started and i felt remarkably good.

since then i've been a good boy and it's paid off. i've weened myself off mentalists and only onto girls that miss birthdays  :cry:

(leggett u utter any of these words to anyone we know and you're a deadman)

lips are sealed fella.

i broke up with one of my ex's via txt, and regretted it ever since, she was fucking ace  :(  and i felt like a prize cunt. i still do :(

I agree with that, so you should. :mrgreen:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Leggett on Saturday, September 10, 2005, 05:13:41
i just love the moral support some people offer on this forum.

i'm going to string myself up to a loft beam now :P

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Spud on Saturday, September 10, 2005, 05:18:59
Quote from: "Leggett"
i just love the moral support some people offer on this forum.

i'm going to string myself up to a loft beam now :P

Shit! edit previous post,edit previous post. 8)

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: walrus on Sunday, September 11, 2005, 18:23:51
I seem to be back on speaking terms with my ex now, so thanks for the help guys.

The one thing I forgot to mention was the girl I got with had a boyfriend of 4 years, and she's been persistently texting me ever since.  I'm finding it hard not to be a little bit curious....   :D  :oops:

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Spud on Sunday, September 11, 2005, 19:17:16
Quote from: "Walrus"
I seem to be back on speaking terms with my ex now, so thanks for the help guys.

The one thing I forgot to mention was the girl I got with had a boyfriend of 4 years, and she's been persistently texting me ever since.  I'm finding it hard not to be a little bit curious....   :D  :oops:

Yeah i think the other fella may want some Walrus action  :mrgreen:  :?

Title: Walrus Reaches a New Low
Post by: Sussex on Monday, September 12, 2005, 09:37:06
Quote from: "Walrus"
I'm finding it hard not to be a little bit bi-curious....   :D  :oops:

Each to their own and all that.