80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 01:44:31

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 01:44:31
Invented the roast spud sandwich and attempted to drink all the rubbish booze that was left in my fridge from christmas.I can recomend a cider and Wkd (original)  cocktail with a bit of cheap lager :roll: .
Ive also given up smoking (again) my last one was new years eve at 12.00,or is that new Years Day? Anyway im alright until i think about never having a fag again then I panic ! I'll see how it goes.....

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: Amir on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 01:49:41
Keep the faith, brother yeovil.  I've given up drinking for two months(at least) and may try to give up fags soon as well, but then the misses has been giving me shit about smoking so I might smoke twice as many.

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 01:57:36
Please please please tell me you didnt give up drinking to please the Mrs.Acutually im thinking of only drinking red wine (its good for you blah! blah! blah!)
Ive given up smokin loads of times (well 3) and each time Ive put on between 1/2 a stone to a stone :shock: The thing is when i start again the weight stays on and the smoking becomes heavier so im on to a hiding no matter what.
But Im shit scared of the heart attack so i must jack the fags!

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: Onion_Jimbo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 01:57:48
two of my mates have given up too. but they havent even almost given up. 10 a day. Losers

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: Amir on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:09:41
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Please please please tell me you didnt give up drinking to please the Mrs.Acutually im thinking of only drinking red wine (its good for you blah! blah! blah!)
Ive given up smokin loads of times (well 3) and each time Ive put on between 1/2 a stone to a stone :shock: The thing is when i start again the weight stays on and the smoking becomes heavier so im on to a hiding no matter what.
But Im shit scared of the heart attack so i must jack the fags!

No, she thinks it's great though, says I can give her loads of lifts.  It was ruining my motivation and making me feel quite ill.  I generally do things in excess and was going to the pub almost every night, and if not drinking at home.  Just can't have a couple see :(

I've given up smoking countless times and used to be able to do it for at least a couple of months before I gave in.  Been smoking more than half my life now and can't seem to go without more than a couple of days.  My mistake is to just have one.

If you are truly motivated it can be done though.  Ever tried any gum or owt?  A friend of mine was given some tablets on clinical trial that stop the nicotene having any effect if you smoke(like those inplants herion addicts can get).  Hopefully they'll release those soon.

Good luck.

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:16:52
Yes Im with the gum at the moment..
Your allowed 15 bits a day Ive averaged 2.My problem is love fags and can think of nothing nicer than having one with a pint in the local.Im telling myself its about the money at the moment  if i dont smoke for a year thats the best part of 2 grand :shock:   That will either pay my credit cards ( well part of one of them) or take me to Vegas 8)

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: Amir on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:22:43
This is probably a shit bit of advice but you could try herbal tobacoo.  A large part of the addiction is inhaling/doing something with you're hands.  I've smoked them beadies(sp. West Indian things made of eucalyptus) before when I've given up, and it sure is better than nothing.

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:25:17
Do they smell funny ? where do you get them?

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: Amir on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:31:58
Don't bother with beadies, they're pretty expensive and very few places would sell them.

I can find out about herbal tobacoo for you though if you want.  A couple of my mates smoke it, you roll you're own and they smell of honey.

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:33:24
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Honey !

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: DMR on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 02:57:47
I've had tio put up with the fuckidng womenb from over the1 road

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: ron dodgers on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 17:53:03
Yeovil - would that be cold or hot roast spuds?
Finished off the lager last night
Finishing off the bitter tonight
Finishing off guinness and scrumpy jack tomorrow

Then the red wine and port and sherry - woohoo!!

Title: Tonight I have....
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 18:54:06
Quote from: "ron dodgers"
Yeovil - would that be cold or hot roast spuds?
Finished off the lager last night
Finishing off the bitter tonight
Finishing off guinness and scrumpy jack tomorrow

Then the red wine and port and sherry - woohoo!!

Hot roaster sarnies 8)