80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:19:55

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:19:55
Been down my local gym again today, really pleased with myself.

Managed 50 mins on treadmill covering a distance of 10 KM. Constant speed of 12 KM/H.

Done 10 mins on rower then and some free weights and then cool down.

First time i've ever ran 10 KM (6.25 miles) and i was surprised i found it quite easy! All the hard work running on road and treadmill has paid off at last  :)

What are your fitness regimes?

My post round is a good workout too, lugging 20 kg bags up and down driveways.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: dogs on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:31:11
I mainly do free weights at home, i've only been back at it 3 months. I could post my whole routine but it would probably be a bit long.

Monday - Back and Biceps/Forearms
Tues - Abs
Wed - Chest/Triceps
Thurs- Abs
Fri- Shoulders and Legs

As I am looking for mass I only do cardio on a machine once a week at the moment (elliptical trainer) obviously this doesn't mean I don't do walking etc. When I will 'cut' i.e lose bodyfat this will be upped to 3 times a week and mean I have to eat very clean. Really I should be 'clean bulking' now but it is about 65% good 35% not so. Still I try and get around 200g protein each day and only supplement with Whey protein and glutamine.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:35:16
Sounds a good routine you have there.

I am toning rather than building mass so plenty of running is needed.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 15:56:51
5 right hand reps with a a pint of Guiness at slowly decreasing weight.Repeated 10 times with a cool down walk home.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:00:19
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
5 right hand reps with a a pint of Guiness at slowly decreasing weight.Repeated 10 times with a cool down walk home.

Your bigger than me, else i'd laugh!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Asher on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:01:13
ha ha, love it!

I play 5 a side three times a week, and then a match on sunday mornings thats about it.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: DV on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:03:52
Depends, I try and stick to some routine but its goes out the window in the summer

Football Monday nights
Tuesday lunch time, sometimes tuesday night
Wednesday Night
Some Thursday Nights
When the season starts Sunday mornings again

Sadly when night draws in, I only play football tuesday lunch, wednesday and sunday so then I spend more time doing weights and some running.

I just do it to keep fit, because im never going to be able to build up any sort of muscle mass

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:05:47
Actually I cycle to and from work and walk the dog twice a day.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:06:25
The self love gives massive biceps  :wink:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:08:28
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Actually I cycle to and from work and walk the dog twice a day.

Yeovil, the way you described yourself on here i was expecting to meet someone resembling Jim Royle but was shocked when i met you.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:09:33
:Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: thanks I think :|

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:10:33
I just need to quit the cancer sticks now  :doobie:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:13:08
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
Actually I cycle to and from work and walk the dog twice a day.

Yeovil, the way you described yourself on here i was expecting to meet someone resembling Jim Royle but was shocked when i met you.

harsh but true, Yeovil cuts a slender figure of a gentleman!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:33:23
7 a-side most weeks on a monday or Tuesday for an hour and a half. Weds more football training for 2 and a half hours. 6-a-side on Thurs for 28mins ( :shock: ), then 11-a-side on sunday mornings.

Football, football...obviously do strenous stuff everyday at work aswell.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:35:08
My cocks so big I have to vigourously wank it off using both hands.

Gives the old biceps and triceps a good going over :nuts:  :nuts:  :mrgreen:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:40:50
my recent hernia operation is a very good excuse to do fuck all exercise for a long time

 :king:  :king:  :king:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:45:01
Oxford fan, are you coming to the Wycombe game for sure?

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:48:16
pretty sure, i'll let you know later tonight if thats alright

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Whits on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:49:04
i'm naturally stacked  :?  :D

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:49:53
Ok mate.

Can you give me an exact location where to meet you, i.e a road name.

I'll look it up in my Oxford A-Z  8)

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:51:02
Quote from: "Whits"
i'm naturally stacked  :?  :D

Your 16 stone of hunk Whits  :kisskiss:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:52:20
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Ok mate.

Can you give me an exact location where to meet you, i.e a road name.

I'll look it up in my Oxford A-Z  8)

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 16:54:48
I know where that is now mate, under by-pass and by the post office?

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 17:10:02
ive started going to the gym for the last month or so. im doing more weights than fitness like treadmill, cross trainer etc...

i usually do about 15 minutes on the bike, i would go on the treadmill more, but buggers my knee up!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 17:33:54
Quote from: "Ralphy"
I know where that is now mate, under by-pass and by the post office?
the post office is one of the shops along the front of elms parade opposite the seacourt pub, yes

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 17:35:15
Let me know later then.

We could just get the tickets on the night, can't see it being a sell out  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: unclemark on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:08:39
I just went for a 4 mile run.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: walrus on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:15:25
Quote from: "nozza"
I just went for a 4 mile run.

What do you want a fucking medal?  

I just climbed the stairs to my bedroom.  You don't see me pining for fucking accolades do you?


My regime of late has been 10 mins running at about 10.5km/h, then 2 sets of 8 on bench press, bicep curl, pec deck, leg thing, lateral pull-down, free weights, another 10 min run.  But it tends to vary every month as I get bored!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: unclemark on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:17:05

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: walrus on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:19:49
Quote from: "nozza"

Apologies.  Very impressive nozza.

How long did that take you?

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: unclemark on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:22:09
I was running with other people and I didn't know the way, so I had to go at their pace and I couldn't run ahead.  I am not quite sure about the time, all I remember is lots of hills.
Up then Down
Up then Down

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Whits on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 18:34:46
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Quote from: "Whits"
i'm naturally stacked  :?  :D

Your 16 stone of hunk Whits  :kisskiss:

huggable i think the phrase is  :oops:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Nils on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 19:51:38
I used to be well fit but then at the end of last season I had to give up rugby so that I could concentrate on getting the grades to go to a god uni. So I really have only played village cricket to get any exercise. I look forward to taking rugby back up again in a couple of years though.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Nils on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 19:51:55
I used to be well fit but then at the end of last season I had to give up rugby so that I could concentrate on getting the grades to go to a god uni. So I really have only played village cricket to get any exercise. I look forward to taking rugby back up again in a couple of years though.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Sussex on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 20:09:24
Quote from: "Nils"
getting the grades to go to a god uni.

Bearing in mind your career choice, that must be the best Uni for you to go to!

No offence, obviously.

You do swear on here a lot for a (future) man of the the cloth mind  :shock:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Nils on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 20:19:08
Yes I know I swear a lot but it is all about the people that you are around. I go to the pub and to football and swear a lot. On sunday I don't go to church and swear.

Can I also note that although I swear a lot I never blaspheme.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: STFC Village on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 00:51:56
Until i fucked up my knee playing footy last week, my gym routine was as follows....

30 mins treadmill (around 6-7km)
15 mins rowing (around 2-2.5km)
Various weight machines for the lower body
Various weight machines for the upper body
30 mins swimming
30 mins steam room

Try to do that at least thrice a week, injury has put paid to that :x  for the time being, just doing swimming and upper body weights at the moment :(

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 09:38:36
nice work village, flip, compared to most of you lot, im pretty unfit!!

im off to the gym at 11, so, try to do 20 mins on treadmill at best!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: fatbury on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 09:49:14
I generally do twice a week at gym - tho you could split it into 4 times a week if you did just weight or cardio on a day each

Day 1 - 1 hour of weights - large muscles
3 sets each of 15 for Stomach Crunch, Side Abs and Back Muscles
Then 15 mins on Cross country cross trainer
15 mins of Rowing Machine
10 Mins of running machine (flat out!)
5 mins Step Machine
5 mins warm down on bike

Day 2 - 1 hour of weights - small muscles then the same as above

seems to be working well at present


Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 10:10:11
I never go to the gym, don't eat salad, and drink too much beer.

As you can imagine, i am not likely to be used in an advert for a healthy lifestyle...

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 10:32:00
Blackcurrant, wanking is exercise, you must be quite fit.  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:12:08
i did 10 minutes on the running machine, and my knee was playing me up so stopped.

then did all the weights (about 30 reps for each one)  then went on the bike for 10. pretty rubbish really.

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: fatbury on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:13:53
Johno if your knee plays up on the running machine .. try a flat (incline zero) EFX? :?

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:14:51
that is on a flat incline!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:15:50
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Blackcurrant, wanking is exercise, you must be quite fit.  :soapy tit wank:

Oi, you fucker!!!  :x  :evil:

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: fatbury on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:17:30
yes but the EFX takes the weight off your knees .. EFX = cross trainer

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:19:02
oh right! yeh the cross trainer is much easier. should use that really!

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: fatbury on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 13:21:00
but use a flat incline on the EFX cross trainer in place of a run

Title: Gym & Fitness
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 14:35:48
Cross trainer feels like your moon walking !

Johno, allways stretch before and after running and warm up and then warm down after.

You can really damage your muscles otherwise and yours knees were probally hurting because you didn't stretch and warm up before hand.