25% => Players => Topic started by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:21:59

Title: James Collins
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:21:59
Interesting posts on the Shrews forum about them trying to sign James Collins back in the transfer window, they genuinely don't like us!

I actually find quite humerous but sad sacks of shit is probably closer to what they should be called.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: adje on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:34:57
why do we owe them money?

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:40:14
why do we owe them money?

No idea, I am certain we paid them up, hence the M'Bongo. They seem to think we do though.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:44:37
That forum is just silly.

JJ, you should know better than pay any attention to it mate.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 19:45:41
That forum is just silly.

JJ, you should know better than pay any attention to it mate.
I just wanted to share the laugh more than anything mate :)

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:33:43
They're a bunch of cunts! Sadly, it would appear they've secured their pitiful existence in this division. They are the new Oxford United. Bring it on Salop bastards  ::)

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:37:19
Traipse along to your legoland stadium with your knuckles dragging. 5 against 1 at your local retail park, you dirty bastards. You are my number one hate figure in this division.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Saxondale on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:37:59
Oh god, dont mention shrewsbury.  It starts im off again.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:40:33
Saxondale, I lived there for many years, I harbour a great deal of embitterment towards them. These are the muppets who'd happily see Man Utd and Liverpool fans in their pubs watching Premiershite, but when they found out I was a Swindon fan I got collosal grief. They victimise weak targets. They are fucking cowards.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:46:20
I am heartily sick of them dragging our club down. They have an affixation with us that borders upon perversion.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 20:52:30

Savour that, Salop dollop of turd.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:05:30
This is what Graham Turner has written in today's programme notes-

The resignation of Paolo Di Canio and his staff from Swindon at a time when they have gone top of the table has brought plenty of media attention to the situation. While not disputing their right as a team to be league leaders - they certainly have a good squad of players - the way it has been achieved for me is totally wrong. They have signed players who they clearly could not afford resulting in them going close to administration, but only the prospect of a last minute takeover saved them from a third insolvency event. How they run their club is up to them and clearly Paolo Di Canio did an excellent job there, however their lack of good business practice impacts on others.
Our own involvement and why the situation bugs me is that they owe us money for the transfer of James Collins. They are over a month later with their payment and we have no indication of when it might be paid. The Football League cannot or will not come to our aid in our efforts to receive payment. We even made an effort in the transfer window to buy James back and, although the amount owed will not put too great a strain on our cash flow, perhaps others who are owed money are not in such a fortunate position. It is not a level playing field when one club can top the league table with players they can't afford while others strive to live within their means but are then perhaps accused of lacking ambition.

Read more:

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: fittons_coaching_badge on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:09:02
This is what Graham Turner has written in today's programme notes-

The resignation of Paolo Di Canio and his staff from Swindon at a time when they have gone top of the table has brought plenty of media attention to the situation. While not disputing their right as a team to be league leaders - they certainly have a good squad of players - the way it has been achieved for me is totally wrong. They have signed players who they clearly could not afford resulting in them going close to administration, but only the prospect of a last minute takeover saved them from a third insolvency event. How they run their club is up to them and clearly Paolo Di Canio did an excellent job there, however their lack of good business practice impacts on others.
Our own involvement and why the situation bugs me is that they owe us money for the transfer of James Collins. They are over a month later with their payment and we have no indication of when it might be paid. The Football League cannot or will not come to our aid in our efforts to receive payment. We even made an effort in the transfer window to buy James back and, although the amount owed will not put too great a strain on our cash flow, perhaps others who are owed money are not in such a fortunate position. It is not a level playing field when one club can top the league table with players they can't afford while others strive to live within their means but are then perhaps accused of lacking ambition.

Read more:

Bitter old cunt!

IIRC wasnt the reason we had the embargo because we paid the Collins/TAH fees upfront?  The remainder was if we went up.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Flashheart on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:10:08
That is stupid on so many levels.

Title: Re: Re: James Collins
Post by: Batch on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:14:00
If we are late paying them he is entitled to be pissed of isn't he?

Though he has missed the point most league teams are funded by a benefactor and that finances can change.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:21:22
Comment from jackyt87

We hate Swindon!!!!!!! Dirty cheating barstewards!!!!


In a new incarnation you'd fall at our feet salivating to follow our club, you wretched imbecile. You will never have our legacy and our bright future. Good luck with your mundane, lower league plodding future.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: adje on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:38:49
do we owe them money or not-Im getting worried/confused.If we do why are we not in trouble?

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:42:17
do we owe them money or not-Im getting worried/confused.If we do why are we not in trouble?

ADJE, if this is untrue, I think the club need to consider charging Mr Turner with slander. He is bringing our club into disrepute. Effectively, any future transfers could be hindered by these comments- we're being labelled as reneging upon our obligations.

Mr Turner, think before you speak.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: manc_red on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:45:27
This is what Graham Turner has written in today's programme notes-

The resignation of Paolo Di Canio and his staff from Swindon at a time when they have gone top of the table has brought plenty of media attention to the situation. While not disputing their right as a team to be league leaders - they certainly have a good squad of players - the way it has been achieved for me is totally wrong. They have signed players who they clearly could not afford resulting in them going close to administration, but only the prospect of a last minute takeover saved them from a third insolvency event. How they run their club is up to them and clearly Paolo Di Canio did an excellent job there, however their lack of good business practice impacts on others.
Our own involvement and why the situation bugs me is that they owe us money for the transfer of James Collins. They are over a month later with their payment and we have no indication of when it might be paid. The Football League cannot or will not come to our aid in our efforts to receive payment. We even made an effort in the transfer window to buy James back and, although the amount owed will not put too great a strain on our cash flow, perhaps others who are owed money are not in such a fortunate position. It is not a level playing field when one club can top the league table with players they can't afford while others strive to live within their means but are then perhaps accused of lacking ambition.

This troubles me. My understanding was that the Collins fee decided by the tribunal had to be paid UPFRONT and that this was the reason we went into embargo. I'm certain the club were on record at the time stating that this was the case.

So either the club lied about that at the time, which seems unlikely - I'd be absolutely stunned if the FL had cleared the takeover whilst we still owed another club money for fees set by an FL tribunal - or Turner is a bitter old bullshitting cunt who in an attempt to suck up to their fans and deflect from his own shortcomings has knowingly and deliberately sought to tarnish our reputation.

If it's the latter then the club should be made aware of it and should sue the fucker for defamation.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Benzel on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:50:29
I thought we had to pay more after Collins played x amount of games, which he passed when he played vs Crawley?

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 21:53:39
Brilliant post Manc Red :nod:

The club need to look into this. Mr Turner has gone on the record in today's programme notes of accusing us of not being financially responsible, worse still, that we are withholding due payment. It's there in black and white. I don't want to cause the guy ill health, but think before you make flippant comments that could cause our club to be regarded in very bad faith in the football fraternity.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Summerof69 on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:03:34
Turner's still bitter about the non 'penalty' last season.

He's got a massive chip on his shoulder.

If we were due them a payment, and we are late, there is no doubt the FL would put an embargo on us quicker than Usain Bolt runs the 100m.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Batch on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:17:29
I thought we had to pay more after Collins played x amount of games, which he passed when he played vs Crawley?

Yes that makes more sense, and he did say the money wouldn't affect Shrews cash flow so it has to be under £5 rather than the tribunal fee.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: ghanimah on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:22:02
I thought we had to pay more after Collins played x amount of games, which he passed when he played vs Crawley?

Yes, from Shrewsbury's own OS
James Collins - Shrewsbury Town to Swindon Town

The PFCC decided that Swindon Town should pay Shrewsbury Town an initial compensation fee of £140,000

Additionally, Swindon Town are to pay Shrewsbury Town a further £20,000 after the player has made 15, 30, 45 and 60 appearances i.e. a total further payment of £80,000

Swindon Town should also pay Shrewsbury Town 20% of any profit made by Swindon Town in selling the player to another club at any point in the future

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: joteddyred on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:23:41
do we owe them money or not-Im getting worried/confused.If we do why are we not in trouble?

On the basis the takeover was held up due some money being owed in relation to a loan player, I'd be very surprised if we owed money for Collins as it would have been uncovered at the same time?

If it is in relation to number of appearances, it may be a genuine oversight.  Let's be honest, there's been quite a lot going on since the Crawley game.

The fact that Graham Turner has felt the need to write in the Shrewsbury programme about us is incredibly sad and pathetic and uprofessional.  As others have said, it's also quite defamatory.  I hope he finds himself in trouble over it, stupid old tosspot.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: kerry red on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:43:55
Be fair here, guys, Turner is in desperate need of £20,000 for his monkey gland treatment.

He is 103 FFS

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:48:39
Quote from  KL8

Good man.

Hope Swindon go bust.


What have you ever fucking done? Ross McClaren, Chic Bates and James Collins went in our direction, and you got Austin Berkeley in return! Sums you lame fuckers up. You'll never amount to us. 

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: sonicyouth on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:50:34
Why are you posting responses to them on this forum? It's highly unlikely they'll read it. Perhaps you could try aiming your responses to those you're responding to?

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: bigbobjoylove on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:52:17
What is it with these clubs being obsessed with us? All rather amusing.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 22:56:57
Why are you posting responses to them on this forum? It's highly unlikely they'll read it. Perhaps you could try aiming your responses to those you're responding to?

SonicYouth, they are definately watching. They've done it before and had a war of words. I am contacting Swindon Town asap regarding Mr Turner's remarks today. He can't be allowed to make unfounded accusations. I have apologised about Bradley Wiggins so I am not being hippocritical. I was out of order.

All the best.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: kerry red on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:06:26
This is what Graham Turner has written in today's programme notes-

The resignation of Paolo Di Canio and his staff from Swindon at a time when they have gone top of the table has brought plenty of media attention to the situation. While not disputing their right as a team to be league leaders - they certainly have a good squad of players - the way it has been achieved for me is totally wrong. They have signed players who they clearly could not afford resulting in them going close to administration, but only the prospect of a last minute takeover saved them from a third insolvency event. How they run their club is up to them and clearly Paolo Di Canio did an excellent job there, however their lack of good business practice impacts on others.
Our own involvement and why the situation bugs me is that they owe us money for the transfer of James Collins. They are over a month later with their payment and we have no indication of when it might be paid. The Football League cannot or will not come to our aid in our efforts to receive payment. We even made an effort in the transfer window to buy James back and, although the amount owed will not put too great a strain on our cash flow, perhaps others who are owed money are not in such a fortunate position. It is not a level playing field when one club can top the league table with players they can't afford while others strive to live within their means but are then perhaps accused of lacking ambition.

Read more:

Boo fucking hoo.

It's no different to Man City, Chelsea etc. If spending money was a guarantee of success why are QPR so fucking useless?

Why not bang on about Bornmuff who have pissed much more cash up against the wall than we ever did.

If the old cunt ever got any money to spend, it'd all go on Oil of Ulay

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Posh Red on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:21:28
He is still bitter about us beating them last season, senile old cunt

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:24:01
From their forum

That Swindon board is a lot of hot air and not a lot of brain cells.

It's not defamation if it is true.


Read more:

The operative word being "if", you moron. That's yet to be decided. If your manager is going to sketchily, half arsedly accuse us of finacial malpractise he better get his facts right.  Printed in black and white in your programme notes.

Graham better be having a few stiff drinks tonight because this is not going to be ignored.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:24:25
He is still bitter about us beating them last season, senile old cunt
Well they don't have any local rivals do they? Telford and Wrexham are in the Conference so they've had to reinvent us as their figure of hate. Every club needs one. We should probably be flattered.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: manc_red on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:26:11
If an installment kicked in after Crawley then we can't be a month in arrears, Crawley was only 3 weeks ago.

This just doesn't ring true. As has been mentioned, if the takeover was held up over a few quid owed for Giles Coke's loan then would the FL really have ratified the takeover if we were in arrears for Collins???

Smells like bullshit to me. More likely to be Turner sucking up to their fans to deflect from his own failings by grasping the same ill-informed and largely false 'insolvency' narrative as the Football League Paper and Talkshite.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Dostoyevsky on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:27:05
and Hereford and Chester. Perhaps we ought to be afraid. They have the voodoo sign :(

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Fred Elliot on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:41:21

Graham better be having a few stiff drinks tonight because this is not going to be ignored.

Oh I bet he is sat there just shitting himself

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: JanAageisGod on Saturday, February 23, 2013, 23:56:48
This would be the same Graham Turner who basically got Hereford up into League One by using a load of loan players, including Gary Hooper, who they no doubt couldn't afford to sign permanently.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Notts red on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 00:22:28
Yes, from Shrewsbury's own OS
I make it Collins 30th game for us was at home to Shrews on the 19th Jan?
So if that's correct? we would of owed them £20,000 from then.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: jonny72 on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 00:33:42
This troubles me. My understanding was that the Collins fee decided by the tribunal had to be paid UPFRONT and that this was the reason we went into embargo. I'm certain the club were on record at the time stating that this was the case.

Think we were expecting the payment to be made over two seasons and the tribunal said one season, so all the money went on to this seasons wage bill which is what pushed us over the wage cap.

His 15th game was Scunthorpe on the 20th Oct, 30th was Shrewsbury on 19th Jan. Which doesn't clear anything up. The first payment would now be 4 months late and surely if anything was still owed wouldn't Shrewsbury have with held the ticket money for the game on the 19th (don't know how many they brought but surely it would have covered a good chunk of the £20k). Unless the initial fee was staggered over the season.

Finding it hard to believe unless it was just an oversight. Black gave the impression everything was paid up to the end of January and surely the FL would have blocked the sale if money was outstanding?

Bit surprised they printed it after what happened with the football league paper. Whilst it's not as bad there are still a few false claims in there, so I guess they'll be getting a phone call next week.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Exiled Bob on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:11:42
Whilst it may possibly be true that we owe them a tny amount of money for Collins the statement by Turner that we bought players we couldn't afford is bollocks. The fact is that we could afford them at the time that we bought them because our owner was a nice chap who was kindly providing the money necessary to pay for them. As has been pointed out many times to morons like this we had no debts (or only very minor debts at worst) when the story broke that we were going to be sold, except to the club's owners who were willing to write off those debts to sell the club.

Our situation is no different to probably 90% of the clubs in the Football League. Very very few clubs make a profit so, technically, the ones that don't are equally as "guilty" of buying players they can't afford. That almost certainly includes Shrewsbury.....if not this season then definitely in previous seasons and definitely in seasons to come.

The bloke's a twat of the highest order and should know better that to come out with crap like that.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:14:19
Whilst it may possibly be true that we owe them a tny amount of money for Collins the statement by Turner that we bought players we couldn't afford is bollocks. The fact is that we could afford them at the time that we bought them because our owner was a nice chap who was kindly providing the money necessary to pay for them. As has been pointed out many times to morons like this we had no debts (or only very minor debts at worst) when the story broke that we were going to be sold, except to the club's owners who were willing to write off those debts to sell the club.

Our situation is no different to probably 90% of the clubs in the Football League. Very very few clubs make a profit so, technically, the ones that don't are equally as "guilty" of buying players they can't afford. That almost certainly includes Shrewsbury.....if not this season then definitely in previous seasons and definitely in seasons to come.

The bloke's a twat of the highest order and should know better that to come out with crap like that.

With two notable exceptions:

1. We beat Shrewsbury to the League 2 title last season.
2. We signed one of their top players in the summer.

It's sour grapes; nothing more, nothing less.  I do wish they would stop.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Peter Venkman on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:18:28
Turner is a twat and TBH from reading that forum almost to a man every poster is an utter cunt, they are a laughable little club.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: leefer on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:21:07
Two points to this for me.....point one.

Turner is bang out of order stirring stuff like this up in program lacks class and to be honest does his cause no good.

The second point is this...if Pompey owed us money we would probably be going ape at them.

So in short.....yes he has a point in what he says in my opinion......but making it in program notes is antagonistic and to be frank childish.
Turner seems to have an intense dislike for us.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:41:06
It's Shrewsbury. We've played them about half a dozen times in 16 years. Therefore, I couldn't really give a fuck.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: wigglesworth on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 12:55:27
Starting to think we're more disliked than the average club. :headhurts:

Fans of quite a few clubs seem to have what I think is an irrational dislike of us, when I couldn't give a flying fuck about them. not really sure why but we aint exactly leeds are we, I mean, everyone hates leeds

Shrewsbury for fucks sake? the only thing I know about shrewsbury is we beat them at gay meadow a few years ago and danced around the terrace in the pissing rain, phil smith played an absolute blinder that day, and that there was once something on football focus about some dude in a boat who used to collect balls from the river. pretty sure that was shrewsbury, but that is the sum total of how much they register to me.

on the wigglesworth richter scale of football club hatred they're barely tippping a 1.1, along with your colchesters, grimsbys and your prestons. they're just places in britain.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Txil on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 19:51:06
Walsall are there main rivals.

Title: Re: James Collins
Post by: Stegenfreud on Sunday, February 24, 2013, 21:14:41
Turner comes across like a bitter old cunt.

If there are issues surrounding payment the football league would be involved, much like they were earlier in the season when we under umbongo. They have recently been going through all our finances and monies owed (Giles Coke loan fee) ahead of the takeover and if it came to light there was an issue it would have been raised. We'll see what transpires... My guess is nothing.

As for Shrewsbury fans disliking us...  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick: