80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Crispy on Friday, September 10, 2010, 23:25:31

Title: September 11th 2001
Post by: Crispy on Friday, September 10, 2010, 23:25:31
9 years ago today, time flys.

Rest in peace.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: herthab on Friday, September 10, 2010, 23:28:57
9 years ago today, time flies.

Rest in peace.

Quite. Rest in Peace also all the civilians in the middle east that have been killed as a direct result of US foreign policy, years before 911.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Talk Talk on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 00:00:39
Quite. Rest in Peace also all the civilians in the middle east that have been killed as a direct result of US foreign policy, years before 911.

Hundreds of thousands have died in the middle east because of American imperialism and the biggest suckers are the US taxpayers who have coughed up for these wars. That also applies to Korea and Vietnam.

Unfortunately it is the man in the street (or the ignorant brainwashed soldiers) who gets killed, not the ruling elites.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Batch on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 06:53:05
Unfortunately it is the man in the street (or the ignorant brainwashed soldiers) who gets killed, not the ruling elites.

Exactly, RIP those people who one one morning went to work, like we all do, and didn't come home.

I do think the plans to build a mosque at ground 0 are insensitive. Obviously its meant as a symbol to show that America does not hold Islam responsible for the murdering hijackers. But in my opinion it equally could be used by the extremists as a symbol of victory.

More importantly, I'd imagine it would upset a fair few victims families. In effect it would be like building a giant beach towel monument in London after the Blitz.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 07:09:35
It still horrifies me to this day watching those towers come down
I will be hopefully going to New York in January and ground zero is definatly one place I will visit

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 07:31:15
Exactly, RIP those people who one one morning went to work, like we all do, and didn't come home.

I do think the plans to build a mosque at ground 0 are insensitive. Obviously its meant as a symbol to show that America does not hold Islam responsible for the murdering hijackers. But in my opinion it equally could be used by the extremists as a symbol of victory.

More importantly, I'd imagine it would upset a fair few victims families. In effect it would be like building a giant beach towel monument in London after the Blitz.

I guess it would, but it shouldn't upset them any more than someone wearing a Town shirt in Plymouth. What am I on about? Remember the stabbing of a Plymouth fan outside the County Ground a few years ago? Done by a Swindon fan. Does that make all Swindon fans knife wielding maniacs? No.

The people who did the 9/11 atrocities were vulnerable mixed up people who were manipulated by evil twisted people who, like many of their kind, used religious bullshit to further their political ambitions.

A terrible, terrible day in history that we shouldn't forget. Easy to blame Muslims, but factually not correct.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: tans on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 07:33:20

I too still remember it like it was yesterday.

So so sad

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Nomoreheroes on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 07:35:34
On a more jolly note:

Today is the 36 anniversary of The Stranglers! Happy birthday boys!

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: leefer on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 08:01:12
On a more jolly note:

Today is the 36 anniversary of The Stranglers! Happy birthday boys!

Nice n Sleazy does it...does it every time...
As for 9/11 such a sad day in the history of man,for that day and the innocent people who have died since that day.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Bennett on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 08:17:18
I do think the plans to build a mosque at ground 0 are insensitive. Obviously its meant as a symbol to show that America does not hold Islam responsible for the murdering hijackers. But in my opinion it equally could be used by the extremists as a symbol of victory.
were it placed on "ground zero" i can see their point, but it's planned to take over a building 2 blocks away. charlie brooker wrote a good piece on it here:

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 08:23:47
Its something that you'll always remember where you were when you heard the news.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: erictheexile on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 08:27:27
It's about 150-200 yards away from the Cortlandt Street side of WTC so close enough to monumentally offend those who lost loved ones I suppose.  Worth looking at the Cordoba Inititative Website - does seem a very noble movement but couldn't they have picked somewhere just a little further away?
9/11 was the first day of our honeymoon. Got to our hotel in Florence and spent the first two hours watching the whole thing??

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: tans on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 08:33:43
Its something that you'll always remember where you were when you heard the news.

I was working behind the bar and the pub went silent whenthe newsflash came on. So eerie

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 09:16:40
A big RIP to all those who died and I feel for all of those who lost a loved one.

However, I am going to say something quite controversial now with: My word, don't they half milk it.

"God loves America"

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Benzel on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 09:29:24
RIP Every person that has died as a result of this vile act.

Isn't it odd how you can remember what you were doing when such huge moments in history like this occur.

I was walking home from Warneford having just started year 11. It was blazing hot and when I got in, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My dad watching a film?! He never watches films!? Such was the surreality of the whole situation, you just couldn't believe it was actually happening.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 09:44:13
US Government conspiracy....that is all.

RIP all those involved in this long conflict from every nation...yes Crispy even the muslims.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 10:14:23
US Government conspiracy....

Grow up.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 10:20:29
Grow up.

:D I was waiting for such a reponce, its surprising how many yanks do actually believe in that.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 10:24:41
:D I was waiting for such a reponce, its surprising how many yanks do actually believe in that.

Reponce?! Bit of a freudian slip there you kiddy fiddler x

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 10:30:48
Reponce?! Bit of a freudian slip there you kiddy fiddler x

I was waiting for such a response from that too!

Fuck it, I can't be assed with speeling or doing gramma rightly today!

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Doore on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 12:08:14
It was a bit weird travelling up to the West Brom game that day.  We put in a great performance as well.  It was only the next day that I really understood the full extent of what had happened.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: pauld on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 13:11:06
It was a bit weird travelling up to the West Brom game that day.  We put in a great performance as well.  It was only the next day that I really understood the full extent of what had happened.
I had that too. At a meeting in Brum during the afternoon and left straight from the meeting to go to the game. So I only found out what had happened when I put the radio on in the car and then listened to the full story slowly begin to unfold as I fought my way thru the traffic. But it wasn't till I got home around midnight that I saw the TV pictures. Just horrible

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Summerof69 on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 18:36:26
Saw the 9/11 CSI programme on Five the other night showing how they cleared the site, and it showed pictures neve been seen before.

RIP those who died especially the fire fighters/policemen who got caught up trying to save people from the first tower and lost their lives when the second tower came down.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: land_of_bo on Saturday, September 11, 2010, 18:48:07
I was in Cairo, they were dancing in the streets; I had to stay there for 6 weeks afterwards...was not a happy time

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: flash on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 09:56:11
I think of the way the Americans dropped millions of tons of bombs with absolute impunity in their carpet bombing of North Vietnam killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people yet such a fuss is made of the single 9/11 attack which is almost insignificant in comparison.

I am genuinely puzzled by why this is so.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Abrahammer on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:47:39
maybe because nothing on that scale had happened in the modern-day western world before?

It was hardly going to be a story buried away in the middle pages of the papers.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 13:55:39
I think of the way the Americans dropped millions of tons of bombs with absolute impunity in their carpet bombing of North Vietnam killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people yet such a fuss is made of the single 9/11 attack which is almost insignificant in comparison.

I am genuinely puzzled by why this is so.

It's because god loves America.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Highland Robin on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 16:05:43
Yep....the problem is that deep down lots of Americans (and perhaps lots of Brits too) believe that only our way of life is really valid, and believe that all other cultures should just adopt our lifestyle, and believe that US Foreign Policy (ably supported by us) is about helping all those poor oppressed Asians, Africans, South Americans and others to see what they are missing.  Sadly, quite a lot of them see it differently, and so allow space and energy for extreme responses, of which 9/11 was the most outrageous because it actually happened in America.... previously thought to be impossible!  And that is very, very sad for all the victims and their families; and it gave the US and British governments the opportunity to launch their unforgiveable 'war on terrorism'.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Batch on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 17:05:13
I think of the way the Americans dropped millions of tons of bombs with absolute impunity in their carpet bombing of North Vietnam killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people yet such a fuss is made of the single 9/11 attack which is almost insignificant in comparison.

I am genuinely puzzled by why this is so.

Its not really about numbers though is it, more the circumstances and location.

America were in a state of war and there were pretty big protests about the war and the carpet bombings, surely that's what lead to the withdrawal in the end.. Its hardly surprising the media and public don't want to go and dig that up that as the strategy of killing hundreds of thousands of civilians is probably a bit of a national embarrassment.

In fact, 4 unarmed US students were shot dead by the Ohio National Guard when the US entered Cambodia. Land of the free my arse.

With "9/11" it was a terrorist attack on national soil during peace time. Something America didn't think would really happen to them I guess despite their foreign policies. The images and the 24/7 coverage made it more real to the world too. It was literally shocking.

Title: Re: September 11th 2001
Post by: Don Rogers Shop on Sunday, September 12, 2010, 17:22:21
To be fair i couldn't care about war etc in regards to this actual incident. Whether you agree with what they do or not the simple fact is that it's fucking heartbreaking when you see the footage of the events that day.

The wrongs and rights of what happened before and after shouldn't take away from the fact it was a horrible horrible thing that happened.