80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: leefer on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:12:59

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: leefer on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:12:59
I hated school,was thnking about it today,can only remember one good one teacher..a Mrs Howard at Richard Jefferies who tried to encourage me,but the teacher i hated was a Mr Summers at Headlands,whos still there i think..if you didnt like rugby you were fucked basicly,he would delight in getting the strapping rugger types to poleaxe you for fun,ive tried to look back and think good things about school but i cant,truth be known i hated every minute of it!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:14:07
Pe teachers were the best

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: sonic youth on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:16:13
the best teacher i had at secondary school was the headmaster.

he commanded an instant respect and it meant he could get on with teaching, something he was also very good at. very nice bloke too.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:18:32
my best teacher was my english teacher, he was proper old school and had a witty put down for whenever someone tried to be clever

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: sonic youth on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:19:12
you learnt much from him then?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:19:24
apart from the wit yes

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: sonic youth on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:20:39
was that a god given gift, chum?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:23:10
allah trully loves me and wants others around to smile at the expense of a selected weaker one of the group (the ralphy's etc)

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Barry Scott on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:33:06
There weren't many teachers i didn't like. My H.E. teacher loved me because i enjoyed cooking and was good at sewing. :fag:

My maths teacher was a teacher i wasn't keen on. She seemed to like me at times, but she used to enjoy pushing me, both to biting point and in the academic sense, she was a cunt.

I quite enjoyed school. I thought it was a fucking riot. I got kicked out before i completed my A-Levels, but i'd love to do it again and not even bother with grades and just have even more fun.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: DiV on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:38:52
my school was full of crap teachers and it wasnt untill I got to College I realised my grades should have been so much better.

Only decent teacher I ever had was my maths teacher Mrs. Britnell....

She was the type of teacher, that treated you with respect and in turn you gave her respect. Get on like that and her classroom was a fun but decent learning environment. It was much more like college, everyone adults....

Hell, at one point we had about 3 kids that had been kicked out their maths class....and came into ours, and she still taught them.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:40:58
Miss Bellinger- Fit english teacher, allways willing to stay at the end or class and collect the books

Sister Mary, Dappy R.E teacher but she was ace

Mr rogers at new college was top class, came in dresses as morpheus from matrix for comic releif one year.

Can think of any others at the mo

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Luci on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:43:09
Quote from: "sonic youth"
the best teacher i had at secondary school was the headmaster.

he commanded an instant respect and it meant he could get on with teaching, something he was also very good at. very nice bloke too.

We had a few teachers like that too and when I look back now I realise how much respect they did earn and how much I learned from them.

Schooling nowadays isn't like it was 7/8 years ago.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Leggett on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 21:51:24
i went to kingsdown, woop.

my DT teacher was nice, cant remember her name tho. she was well into motorsport and she was gonna take me to watch the silverstone qualifying one year with her fella, but it rained really heavily and we couldnt go :(

my maths teacher was ace, proper sharp voice but was nice if you worked. Mr cole his name was.

mr edmundson was mental, a colourblind chemistry teacher. used to hold the litmus paper up and ask what the colour was, naturally everyone shouted the wrong ones. heused to put videos on and then fall asleep, his lab coats were really vibrant colours, he always wore the biggest kipper ties ever, he had a purple skoda favorit, and best of all, the window level with his desk was covered in tin foil, to stop the aliens reading his mind. the guy was ace, completely nuts. died of a brain tumour a few years back :(

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 22:10:54
Quote from: "STFCLady"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
the best teacher i had at secondary school was the headmaster.

he commanded an instant respect and it meant he could get on with teaching, something he was also very good at. very nice bloke too.

We had a few teachers like that too and when I look back now I realise how much respect they did earn and how much I learned from them.

Schooling nowadays isn't like it was 7/8 years ago.

How do you know?  :D

Commonweal was alright, there was a mix of good and bad. I was an arrogant little fucker though, especially in year 10/11. Too many years of people telling me I was clever reinforces itself after a while, makes you believe it a bit too much. Mr J (fuck knows if I can spell Jellis? properly) was pretty ace, but getting preferential treatment for being in his special top set didn't really improve my attitude. Teachers telling you that you've got the potential to do better and that you're one of the brightest blah blah... was never the right way to encourage me. It kept me in the safety zone of not trying and still getting attention for being clever, whilst risking putting effort in and maybe not succeeding seemed like a big bet for little gain in my immature short thinking mind. That sounds a little bit excusey though.

I was still an arrogant tosser at New College, but I'd grown up enough to be funnier with it. I think the only teacher I really respected there was a dude called Ned Pegler(sp? again), it helped that I ended up being in fuck loads of his classes. He was a genuinely an interesting person to listen to. Don't think he's there anymore.

I had shit loads of stuff in the Maths department there as well, what with doing maths/further maths/super maths etc. There were some characters in the Maths department at New College, but I never really got on with any of them. Was probably more my fault than there's though.

It's a shame that your most important years of intellectual development coincide with the growing up, experimenting with your personality, and acting like a bit of a twat years. Oh well, but there must be a fair bit of wasted potential out there.

It's struck me over the last few years that it's become much harder to focus on things and develop new skills; as much in starting and following things through as much as my brain not being so good. I suppose that might be because of several years of alcohol abuse. Still, I regret not doing more when things seemed easier.

Well that was a bit long. Honest though.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 22:22:49
Quote from: "bennett"
my best teacher was my english teacher, he was proper old school and had a witty put down for whenever someone tried to be clever

Mr. Cobb?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 22:24:48
I hated school, generally I just knuckled down and got on with it though, in the grand scheme I knew it was never forever.

You get the odd prick of a teacher and the odd great one too. The decent ones were the ones that respected you and you them.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: yeo on Thursday, June 5, 2008, 23:05:23
I had one good teacher a Mrs Axe,a history teacher.Obviously she was called Battle Axe and she was a formidable big nosed fat woman.But her she brought her lessons to life and gave me a life long love of the subject, she only taught me from 12 to 14.I tried history again as an adult and it wasnt the same.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Friday, June 6, 2008, 06:54:13
Quote from: "flammableBen"
Quote from: "bennett"
my best teacher was my english teacher, he was proper old school and had a witty put down for whenever someone tried to be clever

Mr. Cobb?

yes indeedy

a true legend

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Sippo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 07:17:14
Quote from: "bennett"
Quote from: "flammableBen"
Quote from: "bennett"
my best teacher was my english teacher, he was proper old school and had a witty put down for whenever someone tried to be clever

Mr. Cobb?

yes indeedy

a true legend

I went to the same school as both of you and don't remember any of you lot!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Power to people on Friday, June 6, 2008, 07:38:25
I think the best teacvher I had at Churchfields was the typing teacher - Bristo - if you didn't want to turn up to the lesson he wasn't bothered and if he kicked you out the lesson you could clear off out of school and he never reported you....I was a good boy at school  :D

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, June 6, 2008, 07:53:11
Quote from: "STFCLady"

Schooling nowadays isn't like it was 7/8 years ago.

You're on the money with that statement. A friend of mine has matured into a teacher, he says the kids are fatter, lazier and extremely disruptive and disrespectful. The disruptive pupils don't get kicked out or even suspended, because the stats the schools have to work towards are hurt by expulsion.

He has lads and lasses in his lessons that refuse to do work and even sit there and call him a cunt and a prick in front of the whole class. He then has to get another pupil to fetch a "teaching assistant", who has to remove the pupil from the class. He/she will then go to the head teacher's or head of year's office, get told off and then be back, as usual, in the next lesson as if nothing has happened. This cycle repeats over and over and clearly hurts those there to learn.

Some kids want to be excluded, but no matter how hard these kids try the school can't remove them, as it will ruin the pathetic targets they have in place. It's a good illustration of exactly what this country is a becoming.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Sippo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 07:56:42
Tis very true. The 'bad kids' now get treated if they're 'good' for a week.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Leggett on Friday, June 6, 2008, 08:28:46
yup, my mum teaches kids that have been expelled or are school-phobic, if they behave for a month they get a day trip out somewhere, they've been to some pretty cool places (as well as some shitty ones too)

i kinda understand the carrot and the stick rule that they're using, but its still not exactly fair.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: sheepshagger on Friday, June 6, 2008, 09:45:12
Quote from: "Leggett"
i went to kingsdown, woop.

my DT teacher was nice, cant remember her name tho. she was well into motorsport and she was gonna take me to watch the silverstone qualifying one year with her fella, but it rained really heavily and we couldnt go :(

my maths teacher was ace, proper sharp voice but was nice if you worked. Mr cole his name was.

mr edmundson was mental, a colourblind chemistry teacher. used to hold the litmus paper up and ask what the colour was, naturally everyone shouted the wrong ones. heused to put videos on and then fall asleep, his lab coats were really vibrant colours, he always wore the biggest kipper ties ever, he had a purple skoda favorit, and best of all, the window level with his desk was covered in tin foil, to stop the aliens reading his mind. the guy was ace, completely nuts. died of a brain tumour a few years back :(

Leggett - when were you there ?  

Edmunson was great - was he still calling people "cherubs" when you were there ?

Mr Stewart (Metalwork) and Mr Astin (Maths) were the funniest teachers for me - used to crack me up and Stewart used to let me go in his office for a ciggie during Metalwork which was cool !

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Rich Pullen on Friday, June 6, 2008, 09:53:46
I went to Matravers in Westbury (same as Sade) - It was a breeze really - I never really liked school but could never complain as I had a trouble free time.

Best teacher was my tutor in Year 9. He was a Town fan too.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: janaage on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:06:06
Best teacher Mr O'Leary - PE Teacher, left after a short while to go up to County Durham, I was gutted as he was my tutor!

Also special mention to City fan Mr Tucker, legend, the stick he took in 93, every Monday morning we'd go to his class room and stick our Swindon Scarves up in his room as we were on our way up!!!  And City were crap!!

John Bentley was class, brilliant days back then.  Mr Guilfoyle (history) was good, strict Yorkshire man, put the fear of God into me, but did it because he respected you.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:19:43

I had shit loads of stuff in the Maths department there as well, what with doing maths/further maths/super maths etc. There were some characters in the Maths department at New College, but I never really got on with any of them. Was probably more my fault than there's though.

Maths teachers there are weird. Did you ever have the dude with a green jumper and a massive frizzy fringe?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:21:03
I think I know who you mean but I can't remember his name. And yeah.

Edit: Richard Chamberlin or something?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: McLovin on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:22:06
Mr Denley at Greendown was a legend. Born and raised in Bristol so had a think oo arr accent, but was an avid Town fan. He was proper cool and made his lessons fun yet worthwhile. Top bloke.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:23:53
Quote from: "flammableBen"
I think I know who you mean but I can't remember his name. And yeah.

Edit: Richard Chamberlin or something?

He was weird. He does stuff like the cube root of 341 in his head and near enough gets them right every time. the freak

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Nemo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:28:18
Mick Dams>All.

New College Maths Department is ace, shame i'm bad at it.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:29:27
Yeah he was pretty ace. I don't think I ever had him for properly though. He used to randomly stop and chat to me though.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:30:26
Is he the one who wears his tie round his head rambo stylee??

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:32:54
Quote from: "Nemo"
Mick Dams>All.

New College Maths Department is ace, shame i'm bad at it.

I always found his nutiness a bit distracting.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:45:45
I had David Stephenson for maths at new college, bit of an eccentric fellow.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bushey Boy on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:47:22
Makes me laugh when 21 year olds say how things have changed etc, but suppose they may have.

I went to Dorcan, was a little wank due to them not pushing people in what they were good at.  Teachers who stood out was Mr Coombes, took no shit, and a geaography teacher who supported rovers?! foprgot his name but was ace

College different matter, one women said I would work in a burger place for life on my third day but an ecomomins teacher called Alan Wright (sunderland bloke) was the best teacher person I have met in life.

Whole education needs overhaul but under this government wont do that

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:48:00
Gerard was as geeky as you could possibly imagine a maths tutor to be but he was definitely a good tutor.

Wanted me to do a maths degree the crazy fool.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:51:04
Bob ayre off of business studies is also the best teacher ever. Just makes a tit of himself, and uses silly examples that just stick in your head for even the most boring of topics. A proper ledgend

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Samdy Gray on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:58:40
Quote from: "STFC dave"
Bob ayre off of business studies is also the best teacher ever. Just makes a tit of himself, and uses silly examples that just stick in your head for even the most boring of topics. A proper ledgend

Tap-dancing bears. FACT!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: DiV on Friday, June 6, 2008, 10:59:58
Quote from: "Bushey Boy"

I went to Dorcan, was a little wank due to them not pushing people in what they were good at.  Teachers who stood out was Mr Coombes, took no shit, and a geaography teacher who supported rovers?! foprgot his name but was ace

The teacher that supported Rovers was Mr. Haskins.....but he was my tutor and taught history....not Geography. Unless there was another one....

I never really liked Mr. Coombes.....but at least he was a Town fan.....

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bogus Dave on Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:04:11
Quote from: "Samdy Gray"
Quote from: "STFC dave"
Bob ayre off of business studies is also the best teacher ever. Just makes a tit of himself, and uses silly examples that just stick in your head for even the most boring of topics. A proper ledgend

Tap-dancing bears. FACT!


Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: McLovin on Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:14:12
Anyone at New College is better than Duncan Webster. That can't be denied. My tutor was pretty good by all accounts, but i never turned up. Sarah Kanavas be her name.

Michael Law rules over everyone at New College.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bushey Boy on Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:19:46
Quote from: "DV"
Quote from: "Bushey Boy"

I went to Dorcan, was a little wank due to them not pushing people in what they were good at.  Teachers who stood out was Mr Coombes, took no shit, and a geaography teacher who supported rovers?! foprgot his name but was ace

The teacher that supported Rovers was Mr. Haskins.....but he was my tutor and taught history....not Geography. Unless there was another one....

I never really liked Mr. Coombes.....but at least he was a Town fan.....

Nah not haskins, he was  bit odd! Miss white was my tutor, lovely arse

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: tans on Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:28:46
I cant remember my teachers at college partly due to the fact that i probably only went one day a month, instead of 4 days a week. Course cant have been that hard though, as i still passed 8)

I think there was a welsh cunt there though, he was a bastard on the odd occasion i went though, i think he must have been bullied when he was younger.  

Oh, and our class made another lecturer have a breakdown i think.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:46:57
Quote from: "janaage"
Best teacher Mr O'Leary - PE Teacher, left after a short while to go up to County Durham, I was gutted as he was my tutor!

Also special mention to City fan Mr Tucker, legend, the stick he took in 93, every Monday morning we'd go to his class room and stick our Swindon Scarves up in his room as we were on our way up!!!  And City were crap!!

John Bentley was class, brilliant days back then.  Mr Guilfoyle (history) was good, strict Yorkshire man, put the fear of God into me, but did it because he respected you.

I knew you would say Mr Tucker! - I remember I always used to see him at City away - still in his flared suites and hand knitted scarves and he always used to say hello which was mortifying at the time!

Didnt Mrs Guilfoyles wife teach too?

Do you remember Mrs Cuggy the supply teacher? she as like a million years old and reeked of fags?

Mrs Spencer was my tutor - she was ace to be honest -its so weird to think shes now my friends mother in Law - at her wedding - I was like "Hello Mr Spencer hello Mrs Spencer" they were like "please Charlotte call us Pam and John" I just couldnt!

You know some kids now a days dont even know the school used to be on two sites - some of the 18/19 year olds I work with at the sports centre laughed at me when I was talking about "North Wing and South Wing"
They missed out on those daily trudges up the link road in all weathers!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: janaage on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:04:43
Commuting was ace, you'd get your walkers, bike riders and runners!!  

Mrs Cuggy, heart attack in a classroom she was, she must have died by now.

Mr Spencer was a nice bloke, Mrs Norgrove (remember when she was called that) was nice too.  Calling teachers by their first names is wrong!!

North Wing was much nicer than South Wing, the verranda for example, used to enjoy Mr Wharton's maths lessons in there!!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:29:50
i went to greendown and jools dowling was a cool guy.
he taught drama and was respected by everyone but wasn't in the least strict.
my form tutor was rowena brookes and she was one scary woman.she used to go ballistic if you fucked about, and had boys in their teens in tears regularly.
probably the most scary woman i've ever met.still kind of liked her and she deffo had the classes respect.
andy larter was ok as was ball bags bullion.
rumour was mr o had a plastic penis. he got it on witrh a parent of a kid in my year.i think they got married in the end.
how he made headmaster baffles me.
that fucker caught me smoking and i had a week outside the staffroom every break.also when getting bollocked for something or other by him i was outside the staffroom then just ran out of school and into lydiard then home. 8)

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:30:18
Didnt Mrs Cuggy die at school? maybe that was a vicious rumor?

yeah I had Mr Wharton for Maths too on the verranda- he was at Kim and Nicks wedding too!! it was a bit of a JBS teacherthon actually!

oh my god do you remember enrichment! everyone always wanted to do motorbikes with Mr Enright!

and do you still call people Vindons if they smell?? I do ha ha ha!

There was always fights on the link road too! and people cutting through the estate for a fag!  :soapy tit wank:

I wanna go back to school!!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: reeves4england on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:45:10
Quote from: "Jamiesfuturewife"
Quote from: "janaage"
Best teacher Mr O'Leary - PE Teacher, left after a short while to go up to County Durham, I was gutted as he was my tutor!

Also special mention to City fan Mr Tucker, legend, the stick he took in 93, every Monday morning we'd go to his class room and stick our Swindon Scarves up in his room as we were on our way up!!!  And City were crap!!

John Bentley was class, brilliant days back then.  Mr Guilfoyle (history) was good, strict Yorkshire man, put the fear of God into me, but did it because he respected you.

I knew you would say Mr Tucker! - I remember I always used to see him at City away - still in his flared suites and hand knitted scarves and he always used to say hello which was mortifying at the time!

Didnt Mrs Guilfoyles wife teach too?

Do you remember Mrs Cuggy the supply teacher? she as like a million years old and reeked of fags?

Mrs Spencer was my tutor - she was ace to be honest -its so weird to think shes now my friends mother in Law - at her wedding - I was like "Hello Mr Spencer hello Mrs Spencer" they were like "please Charlotte call us Pam and John" I just couldnt!

You know some kids now a days dont even know the school used to be on two sites - some of the 18/19 year olds I work with at the sports centre laughed at me when I was talking about "North Wing and South Wing"
They missed out on those daily trudges up the link road in all weathers!
Seriously?! I'm pretty sure everybody in my year knew that. Half the books in the library still had "North Wing" inside the cover when I left!

Mr Spencer was a great teacher, never really knew Mrs Spencer what with her being a PE teacher and me being male but she seemed ok. As janaage mentioned, Mr Guilfoyle's history lessons were always pretty good. Mr Stagg deserves a mention though - was gutted when he had to retire half way through my maths A-level. He really made you want to do well and made you believe in yourself, and was great dealing with the arseholes too, of which Bentley has a high proprtion.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:49:51
Quote from: "arriba"
i went to greendown and jools dowling was a cool guy.
he taught drama and was respected by everyone but wasn't in the least strict.
my form tutor was rowena brookes and she was one scary woman.she used to go ballistic if you fucked about, and had boys in their teens in tears regularly.
probably the most scary woman i've ever met.still kind of liked her and she deffo had the classes respect.
andy larter was ok as was ball bags bullion.
rumour was mr o had a plastic penis. he got it on witrh a parent of a kid in my year.i think they got married in the end.
how he made headmaster baffles me.
that fucker caught me smoking and i had a week outside the staffroom every break.also when getting bollocked for something or other by him i was outside the staffroom then just ran out of school and into lydiard then home. 8)

Jake the fake  :soapy tit wank:

I know most people didn't like her but I liked Suzanne Cox, the french teacher. She was oddly also my french teacher at New College when I did A-Level french.

Who was the teacher who walked round like he had a hard on all day? Got kicked out of his class several times...didn't he catch me drawing that picture of him saying "FEED ME" (he was a fat fucker as well) - he told me to take it to the headmaster so I just went for a walk round, threw it away and came back. He asked what the head said and I replied "He liked it."

Then there was the gay jewish vegan science teacher, Lawrie something? He didn't get much shit at all  :|

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:52:30
haha mr magaylisp canoe shoe.
fuck knows who the hardon one was? mr noble maybe?he was a cock!

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:55:21
Can't remember. Steve something I think, might have been Noble.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, June 6, 2008, 12:59:49
Mr Noble (Tim) became increasingly obsessed with Shakespeare and left to go teach drama some place iirc.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:01:21
a lad in our year chucked tipex over his car.he never removed it

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:04:03
He was a complete cunt though so that's quite amusing.

Mr Denley was a pretty cool teacher - he realised the class could finish the work in 20 minutes so he just let us doss for the rest of the lesson, once he was sure we had done it all. Either that or we'd bring up the time he was arrested at football  :soapy tit wank:

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:07:41
wasn't there during my time and bo were in the first intake of the school

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: tans on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:11:16
you old fuckers.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: McLovin on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:22:35
Mr Larter was cool. I think i may have upset his daughter a few months back though, so i'd rather not bump into him again...

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:25:09
did you shag her?also do you have a cousin called paul?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: yeo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:38:58
How come you know your teachers first names?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: McLovin on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:42:22
Quote from: "arriba"
did you shag her?also do you have a cousin called paul?

God no... i think thats what the problem was!

Yes, yes i do.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:44:48
Andy Larter teaches at New College now I think.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Lumps on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:46:32
This is all quite depressing.

Half of you went to schools that didn't even exist when I was at school, and I think my school, (Park which got renamed Oakfields) probably closed before some of you were born.

Half my teachers are probably dead.

 :old: I'm bloody ancient. Bastard.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 13:49:58
Quote from: "McLovin"
Quote from: "arriba"
did you shag her?also do you have a cousin called paul?

God no... i think thats what the problem was!

Yes, yes i do.

paul mulley yeah? he was a class mate of me and bo,and regarded as the hardest lad in the school.he never started fights but all the so called harder lads used to want to fight him and paul always won.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: McLovin on Friday, June 6, 2008, 14:02:38
Quote from: "arriba"
Quote from: "McLovin"
Quote from: "arriba"
did you shag her?also do you have a cousin called paul?

God no... i think thats what the problem was!

Yes, yes i do.

paul mulley yeah? he was a class mate of me and bo,and regarded as the hardest lad in the school.he never started fights but all the so called harder lads used to want to fight him and paul always won.

That'd be the one, yeah...

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: land_of_bo on Friday, June 6, 2008, 14:25:12
Quote from: "McLovin"
Quote from: "arriba"
Quote from: "McLovin"
Quote from: "arriba"
did you shag her?also do you have a cousin called paul?

God no... i think thats what the problem was!

Yes, yes i do.

paul mulley yeah? he was a class mate of me and bo,and regarded as the hardest lad in the school.he never started fights but all the so called harder lads used to want to fight him and paul always won.

That'd be the one, yeah...


What's he up to these days. Used to knock around with him a lot, was in a couple of his classes at college after leaving school as well.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Gelbfüßler on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:26:24
I went to Bassett School and one of my teachers tried to jump out of a tower block window, then he left because of a nervous breakdown. What a hero!

I used to feel sorry for a lot of the teachers who used to take constant shit. Like the english teacher who used to get ridden around the class room like a rodeo bull (slight exaggeration) or the music teacher who used to cry at least once, without fail, every single time we had a lesson with her. Apparently she didn't like all the musical instruments being thrown out of the windows or hidden in the roof.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: JPC82 on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:34:12
i snogged my old music teacher in Lava Lounge  8)

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:39:00
Quote from: "JPC82"
i snogged my old music teacher in Lava Lounge  8)

I bet he enjoyed it

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:39:51
Jan or any other Calners of a certain age - do you remember Mr Thornton the technology teacher?- he had a nervouse breakdown didnt he? - I think some people in the year above me locked him in that little tool cupboard between the two woodwork rooms in South wing technology block

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:45:58
I can't remember school it was that long ago....well apart from the interesting bits like birds and that.   I was talking to a bloke a while back, and mentioned the school I attended , he said you may have known my ex wife and gave me her name, I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd been up her pipes in Y11 (as it is now)

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:51:13
Quote from: "JPC82"
i snogged my old music teacher in Lava Lounge  8)

Tell someone who cares:

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: tans on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:54:35
Quote from: "JPC82"
i snogged my old music teacher in Lava Lounge  8)

some of thoses youth teamers must be really intelligent to be teaching at that age.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: JPC82 on Friday, June 6, 2008, 15:57:26
Quote from: "tans"
Quote from: "JPC82"
i snogged my old music teacher in Lava Lounge  8)

some of thoses youth teamers must be really intelligent to be teaching at that age.

Tans all u mention is the youth teamers, u jealous that im shagging them and u aint?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: tans on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:01:06

once again you fall for the bait  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: JPC82 on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:01:37
Quote from: "tans"

once again you fall for the bait  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

 :roll: yeah cos i was being deadly serious aswell :P

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:13:38
Quote from: "JPC82"
Quote from: "tans"

once again you fall for the bait  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

 :roll: yeah cos i was being deadly serious aswell :P

I think he just was desperate to post the fishing emoticon, because it certainly didn't look like a bite. I think many try to bring up your "private times" with youth teamers in an effort to make you bite, but i do think it's worth their time because it does amuse me. :)

I love crazy and stupid school stories, love the one about chucking musical instruments at the window. In science once, we heated up loads of china bowls, to evaporate water and leave salt and were told not to put them in cold water because they shatter.

Being about 13, this was too much to resist and we managed to smash every single one and fucked off the evaporation part. We then threw all the Bunsen Burners and Tripods out the window.

We used to have this ace French French teacher, one day we ripped the tights off some tasty thing in the lesson and the teacher freaked.

I also got floured with a hook to the face by a games teacher. I fucking loved school.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Arriba on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:15:25
a hook handed teacher chucked flour over you?

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:16:45
I nicked loads of stuff from science and tried to make explosives. If I tried some of that now I'd be arrested for terrorism. Well I wouldn't because I'm white.

Hahaha fooled them. I've secretly converted to islaam.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: tans on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:18:51
We had a supply teacher in one day and we told him because we were Year 7's we got to leave school half an hour before everyone else. Mr Purvis was his name, he was a right odd fucker.

Chemistry teacher blew up the class room in a lesson one day, that was hilarious.

Chucked a snowball at the deputy head and it smacked him straight on top of his bald head, i got in shit for that one.

We also got caught skateboarding down the corridors in the lunch break.

Oh and asking the RE teacher if she got a good fucking from the CDT technician, that was funny.

Christ id love to go back to school one day, just to see how long id last. I went back there on a job on the fire engine recently and its all changed  :(

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Barry Scott on Friday, June 6, 2008, 16:30:46
Supply teachers were fucking ace. We used to get presented with a blank register sheet, to write our names onto. The teacher would read them back to check people in. It used to have about 40-50 spaces, and with only 30 people in the class it always ran out of room...

You had the usual suspects, R. Soul, P. Ness, Hugh Janus, Mike Hunt, them some less obvious ones like Dawn Syndrome, Paul Backskin, Peter Phile and just so we could all laugh ourselves saw for a few minutes, Des Cuntface often appeared as well. Sadly no teacher was ever stupid enough to read that out, but their face or loud reaction was enough to allow you weeks of amusement. :D

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Leggett on Friday, June 6, 2008, 22:56:40
i just remembered, a german teacher called Mrs Campbell, worked in st joes before kingsdown, apparently got sacked from st joes for chucking stuff at pupils. anyways, she was a really heavy smoker, she had some problem with her throat, she was off for months, then when she came back was under strict instructions not to shout. she had this tiny crappy 1970s era amplifier and clip-on microphone, which she left on her desk. every lesson she'd make the naughty kid in the class, ashley holloway or summat like that, come and sit infront of her desk, and by the end of every lesson he turned her amplifier off and she was screaming at the kids again. was ace :D

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Crozzer on Friday, June 6, 2008, 23:51:34
Went to St Joe's, famous for capital, errr I mean corporal, punishment.     I was told I wouldn't amount to anything, Uni was too good for me.  They were right of course.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Kinky Tom on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 02:33:38
I had quite a few decent teachers over the years, my English teacher was quite an inspiring chap and gave me 10/10 for a piece of homework titled 'My favourite place' which was set during our Prem season - my place was my seat at the CG - apparently I'd never showed so much passion before...

Also I had a truly fantastic physics teacher who would get so excited about the subject matter he would literally jump up and down in the middle of the classroom - it was impossible not to take it in.

One of my maths teachers was good too - she was vice-principal but knew her stuff, I had a great deal of respect for her.

Naturally I had some horrible teachers too, one in my early educational career actually took a cane to my knuckles - I remember not why...

At the time I hated school I suppose, I wish I'd made more of it - my younger sister and her mates had a great time...

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Barnard on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 08:56:18
Quote from: "Jamiesfuturewife"
Jan or any other Calners of a certain age - do you remember Mr Thornton the technology teacher?- he had a nervouse breakdown didnt he? - I think some people in the year above me locked him in that little tool cupboard between the two woodwork rooms in South wing technology block

Bob Thornton, a nice guy that wasn't cut out for teaching. He wasn't being locked in cupboards when I was at JBS in the 80's though, that was reserved for Mr Pilcher-Clayton.

All of the teachers you and Janaage have mentioned were there when I was. Mr Tucker was a star, and a proper football fan. He also took me to see Iron Maiden when I was in the 2nd year, the years of crap he took about his flares and fondness for Rick Wakeman never really took their toll. Mr Guilfoyle was a good guy to, very sharp sense of humour.

Mr Griffin was a top bloke, and as he tried to teach latin to teenagers from Calne, must have been one of the worlds great optimists.

John Spencer was a great guy, as was Steve Simpson, who was probably a bit before your time (he left to play professional rugby league in New Zealand).

I actually quite miss it, even though at the time I hated every minute I spent there.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Ralphy on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 10:54:29
Quote from: "bennett"
allah trully loves me and wants others around to smile at the expense of a selected weaker one of the group (the ralphy's etc)

Fuck off knobhead.

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: strooood on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 11:29:04
mr larter, absolute legend, his son's a good mate of mine... maybe i wouldve thought differently if i'd gone to his school.

apart from ben any commonwealers on here?
been really strange recently, i'm mates with the son of my old english teacher and he rings me up every so often to ask if i can play 6 a side with all my old teachers.

really peculiar, they're all so small and shit at football, if only i had known back in school.

although saying that, one of the teachers who i hated with a passion in year 7,8,9 actually turned out to be alright in my final two years... turns out he's a massive gills fan and a top fella to boot. had a few pints with him and a handful of the other teachers last summer in the steam talking about the priestfield trouble a few seasons back and also turns out i played youth footy with his son. always make sure i crop him early on in the footy though  8)

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: reeves4england on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 12:17:03
Quote from: "Barnard"
Quote from: "Jamiesfuturewife"
Jan or any other Calners of a certain age - do you remember Mr Thornton the technology teacher?- he had a nervouse breakdown didnt he? - I think some people in the year above me locked him in that little tool cupboard between the two woodwork rooms in South wing technology block

Bob Thornton, a nice guy that wasn't cut out for teaching. He wasn't being locked in cupboards when I was at JBS in the 80's though, that was reserved for Mr Pilcher-Clayton.

Bob still works at Bentley. He had some sort of breakdown or something a few years back. He now works as a sort of caretaker and does a lot of preparation work for woodwork and metalwork classes and also does odd jobs around the school. Nice bloke

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, June 7, 2008, 21:18:22
Quote from: "strooood"
apart from ben any commonwealers on here?


Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, June 8, 2008, 09:34:17
Quote from: "Sippo"
Quote from: "strooood"
apart from ben any commonwealers on here?



Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, June 8, 2008, 09:34:38
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Quote from: "bennett"
allah trully loves me and wants others around to smile at the expense of a selected weaker one of the group (the ralphy's etc)

Fuck off knobhead.

you make it hard to love you at times ralphy x

Title: Your Teachers..
Post by: swindon_chick on Sunday, June 8, 2008, 16:01:31
Quote from: "Bushey Boy"
Makes me laugh when 21 year olds say how things have changed etc, but suppose they may have.

I went to Dorcan, was a little wank due to them not pushing people in what they were good at.  Teachers who stood out was Mr Coombes, took no shit, and a geaography teacher who supported rovers?! foprgot his name but was ace

College different matter, one women said I would work in a burger place for life on my third day but an ecomomins teacher called Alan Wright (sunderland bloke) was the best teacher person I have met in life.

Whole education needs overhaul but under this government wont do that

Coombes is a town fan which works in his favour but I never really got on with him.

That geography teacher wouldn't have been Mr Fuller would it?
I swear he a fan of one of the Brizzle sides.