80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:42:44

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:42:44
I have been clinically diagnosed with it recently. At first I argued the diagnosis but after some googling ect it makes some sense.

My Googley research also confirms that I am inflicted with depression (I have the symptoms), which basically confirmed what the doctor told me.

The Doc. wanted to give me all sorts of drugs but I only accepted valium, which I will only use that should I really need it to sleep. Asides from that I am determined to use will-power to get me through.

My misses is outstanding in terms of support, and I am fairly certain of where my problem lies, and I am trying my damndest to sort it out. And despite being depressed I am grateful that at least can recognise it otherwise it could be so easy to bottom out completely.

I didn't post this looking for sympathy, I did so because apparently one of the best remedies is talking about it.

I am also looking for advice should anybody else here have suffered before (Apparently clinical depression is not that un-common).

P.S. I ain't gonna slit my wrists or something else stupid.

Title: Depression.
Post by: JPC82 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:44:20
u seem to get very down bout work mate, which seems to make u drink, any news on the job front?

Title: Depression.
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:46:27
been there, done that.....

I know exactly how you feel....and the only thing I can suggest is....sort out the problem (easier said that done).

I identified what mine was, sorted it and I was like a different person afterwards. It was literally the world off my shoulders.

Sure, life was still pretty always....but I didnt have the problem and I felt so much better for it.

However, I seem to have come full circle pretty much spot on a year....time for a new direction, but again its finding which direction to go in

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:48:24
I dont mean to be rude and you can tell me to fuck off but what are your symptons?

Title: Depression.
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:50:13
Not had depression as such, but anxiety about my health. In the end drugs (antidepressents) worked to kick me out the cycle. I knew there wss no real reason for feeling how I did, but being concious of this fact didn't make them go away. Weird eh.

Thankfully I didn't need them for too long.

Title: Re: Depression.
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:51:44
Quote from: "BANGKOK RED"
I have been clinically diagnosed with it recently. At first I argued the diagnosis but after some googling ect it makes some sense.

My Googley research also confirms that I am inflicted with depression (I have the symptoms), which basically confirmed what the doctor told me.

The Doc. wanted to give me all sorts of drugs but I only accepted valium, which I will only use that should I really need it to sleep. Asides from that I am determined to use will-power to get me through.

My misses is outstanding in terms of support, and I am fairly certain of where my problem lies, and I am trying my damndest to sort it out. And despite being depressed I am grateful that at least can recognise it otherwise it could be so easy to bottom out completely.

I didn't post this looking for sympathy, I did so because apparently one of the best remedies is talking about it.

I am also looking for advice should anybody else here have suffered before (Apparently clinical depression is not that un-common).

P.S. I ain't gonna slit my wrists or something else stupid.

  I'd take the drugs on offer....probably wont do any good in a clinical sense, but a hit is a hit.

  Failing that you could send Red Cross drug parcels to fB.

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:51:57
It's the work front that is causing it all, again thankfully I can recognise that there is a specific problem.

I was informed today that I missed out on a job, which could have been a great job for me. Despite being well qualified for the job the interview was atrocious as not only was my confidence gone, but also I had a sleepless night the night before. It's a viscous (SP) circle.

Title: Depression.
Post by: axs on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:54:22
Quote from: "BANGKOK RED"
It's the work front that is causing it all, again thankfully I can recognise that there is a specific problem.

I was informed today that I missed out on a job, which could have been a great job for me. Despite being well qualified for the job the interview was atrocious as not only was my confidence gone, but also I had a sleepless night the night before. It's a viscous (SP) circle.

I'm not making light of a serious subject I promise, just had to say I love that spelling mistake - a small puddle of jam springs to mind  :D

Title: Depression.
Post by: JPC82 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:56:22
Quote from: "DV"
been there, done that.....

I know exactly how you feel....and the only thing I can suggest is....sort out the problem (easier said that done).

I identified what mine was, sorted it and I was like a different person afterwards. It was literally the world off my shoulders.

Sure, life was still pretty always....but I didnt have the problem and I felt so much better for it.

However, I seem to have come full circle pretty much spot on a year....time for a new direction, but again its finding which direction to go in

i never realised u went through this mate, glad to hear its got better

Title: Depression.
Post by: Sippo on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:56:54
PM'd you BR

Title: Depression.
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:57:22
Quote from: "axs"
Quote from: "BANGKOK RED"
It's the work front that is causing it all, again thankfully I can recognise that there is a specific problem.

I was informed today that I missed out on a job, which could have been a great job for me. Despite being well qualified for the job the interview was atrocious as not only was my confidence gone, but also I had a sleepless night the night before. It's a viscous (SP) circle.

I'm not making light of a serious subject I promise, just had to say I love that spelling mistake - a small puddle of jam springs to mind  :D

   A lubricated opening springs to my mind

Title: Depression.
Post by: Bushey Boy on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:58:21
If you can afford it book a week away and take your lady and child with you, really hope you find a new job sir

Title: Depression.
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 22:58:26
Quote from: "JPC82"
Quote from: "DV"
been there, done that.....

I know exactly how you feel....and the only thing I can suggest is....sort out the problem (easier said that done).

I identified what mine was, sorted it and I was like a different person afterwards. It was literally the world off my shoulders.

Sure, life was still pretty always....but I didnt have the problem and I felt so much better for it.

However, I seem to have come full circle pretty much spot on a year....time for a new direction, but again its finding which direction to go in

i never realised u went through this mate, glad to hear its got better

I'm really crap at opening up to people and I keep all sorts of shit bottled up....

....not even my parents or best mate know half of the shit I went through

Title: Depression.
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:00:39
Do you still drink a lot BR?

That's not meant to sound patronising

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:13:16
Quote from: "Si Pie"
Do you still drink a lot BR?

That's not meant to sound patronising

Yeah, although less than usual because I have not been in the mood recently.

I (My misses) did ask if it was down to booze and the doc pretty much said nope, although of course it could potentially become a major factor if I don't get myself sorted.

Title: Depression.
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:20:21
don't resist anti-depressants. valium, fair enough - not really the sort of mood stabilisers i'd think would be usual :?

i'm not going into any detail on here but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me as i've been there and am still there.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:22:23
I used to intoxicate myself with a fair bit of green and a shit load of alcohol, on practically a daily basis. I didn't realise it at the time but I think I found that my way of coping. Trouble is what I also didn't realise at the time is that it was making me even worse.

Old habits are hard to break. I still drink more than I should, but at least this is only once a week. I don't smoke the reeeeefer any more though.

I haven't felt down like I had done for quite a while now. Maybe because cutting down on stuff forced me to come to terms with the issues I had and also getting rid of the effects of the green and the constant depressant of alcohol.

I wouldn't say I was clinically depressed so I'm not saying it will cure your problems but maybe help towards the solution.

Title: Depression.
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:24:58
Im just miserable. 8)

Title: Depression.
Post by: JPC82 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:27:07
Quote from: "sonic youth"
don't resist anti-depressants. valium, fair enough - not really the sort of mood stabilisers i'd think would be usual :?

i'm not going into any detail on here but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me as i've been there and am still there.

hope things get better soon mate

Title: Depression.
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 23:46:27
Quote from: "Oevil red"
Im just miserable. 8)

Same as. Never been seriously depressed. Just a miserable cunt  8)

Title: Depression.
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 00:04:41
Quote from: "DV"
Quote from: "JPC82"
Quote from: "DV"
been there, done that.....

I know exactly how you feel....and the only thing I can suggest is....sort out the problem (easier said that done).

I identified what mine was, sorted it and I was like a different person afterwards. It was literally the world off my shoulders.

Sure, life was still pretty always....but I didnt have the problem and I felt so much better for it.

However, I seem to have come full circle pretty much spot on a year....time for a new direction, but again its finding which direction to go in

i never realised u went through this mate, glad to hear its got better

I'm really crap at opening up to people and I keep all sorts of shit bottled up....

....not even my parents or best mate know half of the shit I went through


i never open up to people, just keep all my worries bottle up, hoping they will miraculously dissapear, or try and deal with em my self.

Right now, i dont really have any mega ones, but in the past i have.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 00:20:36
I think talking to people is a great step, and I think the fact you have a wife that is understanding will do you the world of good. A person quite close to me was depressed, never told anyone and it ended up claiming their life... So opening up is a good thing IMO. I've never been depressed myself so tbh what I say could be irrelevant to you, but whatever happens I wish you all the best.

Title: Depression.
Post by: janaage on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 09:35:01
When I was growing up my mum always used to say to us kids

"if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"

So I pretty much went through my first 25 years or so letting people irritate me, bottling up my thoughts and never really expressing the way I felt about certain things.

Luckily my Mrs has sorted all that out, took fucking ages, but nowadays I try to talk things through.  She used to hate the way I'd never let her know the way I truely feel about relationship stuff etc.  I wouldn't say I'm 100% of the way there but I do feel better getting things off my chest.

Don't think I've ever been depressed, although I do get down at times, especially at milestone events, 30th birthday, it's like I hate chapters closing in my life, getting old I suppose - that freaks me out a bit.

Jesus this is like a Dr Phil thread!!

Title: Depression.
Post by: Jamiesfuturewife on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 10:05:22
I feel sorry for boys - I think you are kind of brought up not to show emotion or talk about your feelings

I fiond it hard to understand depression but I think thats because Im pretty much hyper active 24/7

Title: Depression.
Post by: mexico red on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 10:07:14
concentrate on the positives dont dwell on  the negatives, beautiful kid, lovely wife, not living in swindon  :D

fuck it man life could be worse.

Title: Depression.
Post by: jayohaitchenn on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:02:24
Get to the route of the problem and sort it! That's the best advice i can give.

Don't expect instant results either, you'll have a good day followed by a week of shite and frustration.

Anti-depressants are not the answer.

Title: Depression.
Post by: tans on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:11:31
Try and talk about it mate, tis the best way.
Just yesterday i had a defusing session after and incident we went to

Title: Depression.
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:17:47
Quote from: "jayohaitchenn"
Get to the route of the problem and sort it! That's the best advice i can give.

Don't expect instant results either, you'll have a good day followed by a week of shite and frustration.

Anti-depressants are not the answer.

Excellent post!

Title: Depression.
Post by: Gazza's Fat Mate on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:22:37
been here before.

The best advice I can give is to not take any illegal drugs including drink. I tired that and it did't work it just made things worse.I now have a problem where my brian doesn't produce enough happy hermoes which is a problem.

The best thing is get soem talking therpy I know it sounds gay but it workks plus if your lucky like me you get a realy fit bird and can stare at her breasts!

My problem worked it self and now I am ok despite the problem with the chemical inbalnce. But I take Saint Johns Wort and that keeps me topped up with happy hermoes in my head.

I would suggest you reasherch saint jons wort.

Also it is worth mentioning that you need to surround yourself with good mates as mine help me hugley. particuley one on this forum  :wink:

Title: Depression.
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:32:55
i think there are different levels of depression.for some its the end of the world and they cannot see any light in the tunnel for anything.for others its just a blip. your lifestyle seems unhealthy to say the least from what you have said on here.
i suggest you get outside more on walks,cut down booze and fags and eat well.also try st johns wort before prescription drugs.
but the only real cure to depression comes from within.
good luck with it

Title: Depression.
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:42:04
I thought about trying to persuade a doctor that I was suffering from depression just to get some drugs. Then I realised that my sitting about all day, never really wanting to do anything, everything seeming to be a bit of an effort, not drinking etc. might actually be signs of depression. That confused and scared me so I locked those thoughts up into a bit of my brain that we will never speak of again.

Title: Depression.
Post by: strooood on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:50:27
just to let everyone know, i'm fine  :smile1:

Title: Depression.
Post by: JPC82 on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 12:53:08
Quote from: "strooood"
just to let everyone know, i'm fine  :smile1:

if u wanna talk about how great everything is mate, just PM me, ill be here for u

Title: Depression.
Post by: strooood on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 13:28:18
thanks bessie mate x

Title: Depression.
Post by: Bogus Dave on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 16:00:58
Quote from: "arriba"
i think there are different levels of depression.for some its the end of the world and they cannot see any light in the tunnel for anything.for others its just a blip. your lifestyle seems unhealthy to say the least from what you have said on here.
i suggest you get outside more on walks,cut down booze and fags and eat well.also try st johns wort before prescription drugs.
but the only real cure to depression comes from within.
good luck with it

I'd emphasise that point. Its one of the biggest remedies for depression. Whenever i'm down i go out on a run and come back feeling much better. Endorphins or somefink. And i'm sure the scenery is alot better in thailand than in swindon!

Good luck whatever you do fella

Title: Depression.
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 17:47:03
i went to counselling. it worked very well. i'm now happy at times.


Title: Depression.
Post by: Chubbs on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 17:52:47
Quote from: "bennett"
i went to counselling. it worked very well. i'm now happy at times.

pull the other one!  :D

Title: Depression.
Post by: Bennett on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 17:54:30
Quote from: "Chubbs"
Quote from: "bennett"
i went to counselling. it worked very well. i'm now happy at times.

pull the other one!  :D

i love you x

Title: Depression.
Post by: sonic youth on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 18:18:30
yeah, right.

i bet you've got an illegal stash of seroxat

Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 19:09:12
Quote from: "sonic youth"
yeah, right.

i bet you've got an illegal stash of seroxat

That stuff is hardcore ace

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 19:24:44
Thanks for all of your comments and support chaps.

This thread has made me feel better, not only through the supportive words but the fact that so many others suffer tells me that I am not some manic depressive freak, rather it can be a common condition.

At first I thought that the Doc's Diagnosis was a bit OTT, but now I agree with it and I think that I know what I have to do

My problem lays fairly and squarely with my job, that much is clear to me as not only is it a dead-ender but also working from home is compounding it all.

I have been very pro-active with my new job hunting, I should hear from one tomorrow, with another interview next week and another that I applied for today.

Yours gratefully.


Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 19:54:10
Good luck with everything BR !

Title: Depression.
Post by: warksred on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:26:25
May be a bit late with this reply but here goes.
  1. valium will possibly only be effective if you are experiencing anxiety/panic attacks.

  2. Anti-depressants that increase the brains production of serotonin (happy hormone) may be more appropriate but you need to guadually wean off these drugs to prevent a relapse.

 3. counselling is extremely effective as there are often under lying causes that you have not yet recognised. If you decide to access counselling it can make you feel worse before you begin to feel better and the use of anti-deppressants at this time can be of great assistance.

 4. there are also depression support websites that you can access that provide peer support.

Sorry you are feeling emotionally low but there is light at the end of prehaps a long tunnel.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:28:51
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
yeah, right.

i bet you've got an illegal stash of seroxat

That stuff is hardcore ace

A woman I work with (the really fat one) is suing GlaxoSmithKline for £50,000 because Seroxat made her suicidal.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Tails on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:32:17
I never realised so many people on here have / had depression.

I've had a few panic attacks before, does that come from depression? If so I was but I never realised.  :shock:

Title: Depression.
Post by: Samdy Gray on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:34:10
No, panic attacks are when you get really nervous or apprehensive about something. I've only ever had one before and it really shit me up, couldn't breathe properly and thought I was going to pass out.

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:35:10
Quote from: "Samdy Gray"
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
yeah, right.

i bet you've got an illegal stash of seroxat

That stuff is hardcore ace

A woman I work with (the really fat one) is suing GlaxoSmithKline for £50,000 because Seroxat made her suicidal.

Iv'e done some googling on that, lets just say that I hope to stick with the will-power method.

Title: Depression.
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:36:45
I may pick up some Saint Johns Wort though.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Sussex on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:44:41
Was on anti-depressants for about 18 months a few years ago, and thought the counselling seemed to be much more helpful than the tablets.

Probably didn't help when the doctor said you can take these and still go out for a couple of pints, and I took that to mean carry on getting as lashed as usual.

Good luck BR.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Sussex on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:48:14
Quote from: "BANGKOK RED"
I may pick up some Saint Johns Wort though.

There's a bit in The Sun today about pros/cons of St Johns Wort (vitamin feature), you might find it on their website.

Title: Depression.
Post by: sonic youth on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 22:53:14
Quote from: "Tails"
I never realised so many people on here have / had depression.

I've had a few panic attacks before, does that come from depression? If so I was but I never realised.  :shock:
it's a symptom but it's not mutually inclusive, you can have panic attacks without depression and vice versa.

i don't know what the health system in thailand is like, especially for rich people like you BR ( 8) ) but sadly there are many problems with mental health in the UK - overwillingness of GP's to prescribe. unavailability of non-medicated therapies (i.e. CBT, counselling) and a general lack of support for individuals.

there's no simple fix-it-all cure for depression as in my experience it's an illness that varies hugely from one individual to another. different people have different symptoms and suffer on different levels. what one person might find particularly helpful might not benefit another. my only advice would be to approach any treatment with an open mind, regardless of what you may have heard or seen and don't rule out anti-depressants until you've at least given them a go.

i'd definitely steer clear of electro shock therapy though!

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:02:18
It also depends on the Dr you see, i went last year and saw older Dr and he said i wasn't depressed and basically should get out more!
Perhaps he was right but its not that easy, i just carry on in my own little world pretending everythings fine, which aint good obviously.

Title: Depression.
Post by: yeo on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:12:54
Quote from: "STFCBIKER"
It also depends on the Dr you see, i went last year and saw older Dr and he said i wasn't depressed and basically should get out more!
Perhaps he was right but its not that easy, i just carry on in my own little world pretending everythings fine, which aint good obviously.

To be honest I see his point(not in regards to you as I dont know you).I don't doubt that for some people depression is a very real problem but I also think alot of people use it as some sort of excuse and need to get a grip and pull themselves together.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:18:21
Quote from: "Oevil red"
Quote from: "STFCBIKER"
It also depends on the Dr you see, i went last year and saw older Dr and he said i wasn't depressed and basically should get out more!
Perhaps he was right but its not that easy, i just carry on in my own little world pretending everythings fine, which aint good obviously.

To be honest I see his point(not in regards to you as I dont know you).I don't doubt that for some people depression is a very real problem but I also think alot of people use it as some sort of excuse and need to get a grip and pull themselves together.

In all honesty, whilst it is better now than 20 years ago (it is now recognised as a clinical illness, which opens up treatments etc that would never have be available unless you were in Rampton), it is still an illness that is often mis-diagnosed.

There are so many tangibles associated with depression, it is not like going to the doctors with a cold or chicken pox. Depression can manifest itself in many many guises, and it sometimes takes a switched on GP to recognise it

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:23:56
I didnt actually go for that reason he asked how i was generally and told him but he didnt really see anything other than what Oevil said about pulling yourself together. Trouble is i probably dont want to admit it myself.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:28:16
You need to Bikey, otherwise you will never get through it mate

sorry if that sounded condescending and harsh BTW

Title: Depression.
Post by: yeo on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:27:56
Maybe im your Doctor!

I'd have prescribed a bottle of Wine and some Carrot Cake.

Always cheers me up.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:31:17
Quote from: "Oevil red"
Maybe im your Doctor!

I'd have prescribed a bottle of Wine and some Carrot Cake.

Always cheers me up.

Carrot cake is the king of cakes, and it is a highly guarded fact in the medical world that it cures the bad AIDS

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:34:20
Quote from: "Fred Elliot"
You need to Bikey, otherwise you will never get through it mate

sorry if that sounded condescending and harsh BTW

No not at all, the only person i talk to about it is my sister who's in worse situation than i am.
I think about my life, decent job, house, car, bike etc and think i shouldn't be unhappy, i guess money doesn't make you happy.

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:36:31
Never had carrot cake whats it taste like? :wink:
Wine does help too :D

Title: Depression.
Post by: yeo on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:38:29
It doesnt taste of Carrot.

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:39:46
Oh :(
I do need to get out more!

Title: Depression.
Post by: Colin Todd on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:49:41
Quote from: "STFCBIKER"
Oh :(
I do need to get out more!

and get a grip :wink:  :D

Title: Depression.
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, March 6, 2008, 23:51:53
Quote from: "Oevil red"
It doesnt taste of Carrot.

Its lush, a really fresh taste

My old dear used to make it with some sort of weird icing on top (ala Vicar of Dibley)

was gert lush (in a brizzle stylee)

Title: Depression.
Post by: STFCBIKER on Friday, March 7, 2008, 00:01:22
Quote from: "Colin Todd"
Quote from: "STFCBIKER"
Oh :(
I do need to get out more!

and get a grip :wink:  :D

Oh of course ill go and do that now :wink:
Is it 12 already? Ought to go to bed really.

Title: Depression.
Post by: Ralphy on Friday, March 7, 2008, 14:10:25
PM me if you want a chat.

I was off work for 4 months last year with depression.

Abit of advice. Stop drinking, eat healthy and do alot of exercise.

Title: Depression.
Post by: leefer on Friday, March 7, 2008, 19:45:43
My parents both had severe depresion,which resulted in me and my sis being put in care,my mother had electric shock treatment which gets rid of the depressed cells,but alas good cells advice RED is take on one days problems at a time,wake up,forget about yesterdays probs,forget about tomorows probs....just get through that days probs,everyone gets depresion but as human beings weve all got different thresholds that we can deal with......GOOD LUCK MATE.