80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:22:12

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:22:12
OK, listen up you bums!

I haven't posted a 'new topic' for a while so I suppose I'd better do my bit.  Where are you going on your holidays then?

My 'big' holiday this year won't be until November when I am going with the good lady wife (well, she's not actually a lady or my wife but you know what I mean!) to Florida for a couple of weeks.

I've already had a bit of time off for Torquay away and other stuff so that leaves a week or so free in the Summer.  Has anyone got any  original ideas for holiday destinations?  I'm sure a fair few of you will be visiting the fair Isle of Ibiza or possibly Aya Napa and fair play to you - have a few/give her one from me :wink:  but is anyone going to anywhere a bit more adventurous?? (I know Florida isn't exactly the most adventurous destination but the OST winter vacation is not going to be the usual Orlando/Disneyworld/Busch Gardens gig I can assure you!)

So where you going Home Boys?

Suggestions please!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Titch on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:32:18
I am going to Tenerife with the Mrs for two weeks at the beginning of July, should be good!  We are going to some really nice 5* jobby in a quiet part of the island!  Just a small one this year as we have so much on but i am really looking forward to the break none the less!  We did not have a holiday last year as we were just so busy with work and everything, just had a few weekends away!

Then, probably next year, we are going travelling for 6 months, which i am really excited about!  Just all the hassle surrounding that like having to rent the house out etc!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:34:55
I'm going to florida in October.

Whereabouts you going OST? We're off to Fort Myers on the west coast. Went there last year (not very adverturous I know) but it was a fucking great holiday so we're going back to the same place.

We're renting a villa complete with pool and a boat out back on a canal complex that leads into the gulf of mexico eventually 8)  8)  8)

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:35:11
where are you planning to go travelling, titch? or have plans not reached that stage yet...

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:45:14
Quote from: "Piemonte"
I'm going to florida in October.

Whereabouts you going OST? We're off to Fort Myers on the west coast. Went there last year (not very adverturous I know) but it was a fucking great holiday so we're going back to the same place.

We're renting a villa complete with pool and a boat out back on a canal complex that leads into the gulf of mexico eventually 8)  8)  8)

We're flying to Miami and we're going to have about 4 days or so on South Beach staying in a nice little Art Deco style appartment thingy.  We will then hire a big fuck off American car and travel around.  I quite fancy the Keys and I also want to drive accross 'Aligator Alley' and then maybe up to Naples on the Gulf Coast before heading back.  It's all quite fluid once we leave Miami though which is how I like it.  I would like to get tickets for the Dolphins before we go (the NFL franchise that is, not the mammals!) and maybe see a bit of live music and stuff.  I want to go now!!!!!!!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Titch on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:48:49
Quote from: "oxford_fan"
where are you planning to go travelling, titch? or have plans not reached that stage yet...

Depends how long we go for!  Ideally we want to do 12 months but will prob have to settle for 6.  We are going to do Australia and New Zealand definately and maybe some other places.  But the main part of the holiday is volunteer work in, most probably, Africa!  that is the part i am most excited about!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: McLovin on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:49:17
I am probably not going anywhere apart from Spain next week, and Glastonbury.

I was meant to be booking a summer holiday to Egypt with the missus just after the new year, but due to her ceasing to be my missus, that never happened.  I really want to go there one day though.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Asher on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 14:53:32
Titch - I can sort your house no probs give me a personal message thats what I do.

Im off to Turkey in June for a week with a lass I know  :soapy tit wank:

Thinking about taking a week somewhere in september but considering all my mates are either bumns or with lasses it looks likely I might have to treat someone to a hol!  Next years the big one hopefully going toi germany fro the euros but might have to fly back for work a couple of times!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Dazzza on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 15:10:55
Well my plans have all been shot to pieces by purchasing a house.  

Got Glastonbury lined up for June, possibly a road trip across France and into Spain ending up in Barca (depending on fundage) and again money permitting hopefully 3-4wks in Thailand in October for a bit of full mooning.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: JMH75 on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 15:17:28
Butlins,  Minehead :\/

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 15:26:39
Quote from: "dazzza"
Well my plans have all been shot to pieces by purchasing a house.  

Got Glastonbury lined up for June, possibly a road trip across France and into Spain ending up in Barca (depending on fundage) and again money permitting hopefully 3-4wks in Thailand in October for a bit of full mooning.

I believe Mr Weller will be at Glastonbury this year???

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 15:50:56
I'm not going anywhere  :?

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Sade on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:00:46
I've been to florida twice and its amazing!so much to do(American accents do your head in after a while though,all they say is 'have a nice daaaay'!)
I'm going to cyprus for two weeks in july, and its going to be bloody hot.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Zurich Red on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:16:55
I've had my big trip for this year already. 2 weeks in and around Cape Town at the end of March as a friend of mine got married down there at Easter. An ex-girlfiend has relatives there so I got free accomodation most of the time which helped offset the cost of getting there...although it did mean I had to take the ex with me.

The other problem is that I now have nothing to look forward to for the rest of the year. :cry:

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:19:20
Quote from: "Zurich Red"
I've had my big trip for this year already. 2 weeks in and around Cape Town at the end of March as a friend of mine got married down there at Easter. An ex-girlfiend has relatives there so I got free accomodation most of the time which helped offset the cost of getting there...although it did mean I had to take the ex with me.

The other problem is that I now have nothing to look forward to for the rest of the year. :cry:

What do you mean? The fixtures are out on June 23rd!!!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:22:33
well i have my gcse this year so finish school earlier so i am going to somerset c.c to watch the mighty sabres for 4 days which will be cool. Then i don't know  :-))(

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Amir on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:25:23
I've mentioned it before, but I'm going to Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia, ending at the Ural mountains(where Europe becomes Asia).  Not a holiday as such, but not a bad way to spend 3 months I reckon 8)

And Belgium I've just remembered.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:26:59
you git.  :x

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Sade on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:27:48
what day do you finish school johno? :)

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:29:45
um... i believe i am finishing on the 19th of May. then going on our leavers trip on the friday (20th) why? bet you finish 2 weeks sooner or something....

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:34:55
Can't wait! One month left!

Going to France for a couple of weeks (again!). Always seem to go to France, apart from the time I went to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Germany!!!

I would quite like to go somewhere like Iceland someday just to see what is there etc. Apparently it can be quite good

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:36:04
the only place i bloody go is wales and that don't count! think i'll jump in the back of your car haysie  :wink:

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: reeves4england on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:38:23
Have fun! We're staying in a big house that's split into two appartments that share a pool.

Hopefully there'll be somebody nice staying next door!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Sade on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 16:41:54
We finish on 19th of may too!We go to school on that day and do feck all basically and have our ball that night too.Then have a weeks study leave I think then back to school for gcse's :( (oh yeah and I have been voted female class clown in the year book :D hah!)

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 17:03:43
we have our prom at the end of june! after all our exams. i don't have anyone to go with

class clown? im happy for you? i doubt i'll get anything. im a nobody :(

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: mexico red on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 17:28:15
ost, try this for an idea, a nice 10 day break is madeira/porto santo, firstly spend 5/6 days on the island of madeira which is a mental volcanic place covered in rain forest, its spring time all year round so it might well rain but the island has loads to see and funchal the capital is a nice little city, after that go to the neighbouring island of porto santo, which is a tiny place with a beautiful beach very very quiet and very warm.

top tip, only pay for a flight only to funchal, the packages are expensive, me and my ex paid £250 each for flights got a cab into funchal and ended up in a lovely hotel overlooking the cathedral for a fiver a night.
also only book porto santo when you get to madeira as the difference in price to booking here is ridiculous. you can get a good package deal in funchal harbour.
hope this is a help

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 18:20:07
i'd rather play cricket every day than go on holiday

my last a-level exam is on the 23rd of June. 2 days before my 18th. now thats a double whammy cause for celebration if ever i've seen one

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: mexico red on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 18:24:54

check it out its lush

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: spacey on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 18:26:05
Quote from: "Boeta"
i'd rather play cricket every day than go on holiday


Bloody cricket!! One of these days I'm gonna come down that there cricket ground of yours and bowl you some spacey specials.You'll shit yourself and no mistake.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Onion_Jimbo on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 18:33:20
im going to butlins like i did last year.

Then in July me and bob (and two others who dont post here) are flying to Los Angeles (Long beach) for a week then Las Vegas for a week. Booked flights last night. Cost £666... Sounds Satany.

It will rule as 3 people are going with me and we are meeting two people in LA at the end of their 4 month travelling adventure. Plus for the second week we are meeting 2 more people in Vegas. Cant wait!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 19:59:47
I might go to a place in Cornwall where I can take my dog,but I doubt I'll be arsed.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: DMR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 20:06:53
Spain with the family, then more importantly, a week camping with my mates in Bournemouth  :beers

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 20:09:54
Quote from: "dave_m_russell"
Spain with the family, then more importantly, a week camping with my mates in Bournemouth  :beers

Dave you might meet THAT girl you fell in love with last time :)

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 20:10:54
don't be so cruel to him. I'm his big brother now so I'll have to beat you up.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: DMR on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 20:11:52
That was fucking harsh  :(  do him over SY

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: yeo on Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 20:15:24
sorry :(

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:10:15
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
Quote from: "Piemonte"
I'm going to florida in October.

Whereabouts you going OST? We're off to Fort Myers on the west coast. Went there last year (not very adverturous I know) but it was a fucking great holiday so we're going back to the same place.

We're renting a villa complete with pool and a boat out back on a canal complex that leads into the gulf of mexico eventually 8)  8)  8)

We're flying to Miami and we're going to have about 4 days or so on South Beach staying in a nice little Art Deco style appartment thingy.  We will then hire a big fuck off American car and travel around.  I quite fancy the Keys and I also want to drive accross 'Aligator Alley' and then maybe up to Naples on the Gulf Coast before heading back.  It's all quite fluid once we leave Miami though which is how I like it.  I would like to get tickets for the Dolphins before we go (the NFL franchise that is, not the mammals!) and maybe see a bit of live music and stuff.  I want to go now!!!!!!!

We'll be about 1.5 hours drive south of Naples. I'm well up for going to see some american sport too. Drinking in the stands. cashback :beers

Its pretty quiet where we'll be, but with the boat it dosnt matter. Take some beers out with us and heard to a beach on an island just off the mainland in the gulf of mexico. we had dolphins swimming right under our boat at one stage last year. They left when I tried to join them though. Anti-social wankers.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:13:12
Quote from: "Boeta"
i'd rather play cricket every day than go on holiday

my last a-level exam is on the 23rd of June. 2 days before my 18th. now thats a double whammy cause for celebration if ever i've seen one

are you guna play for a first class team boeta? i finish my a levels on 24th june i think. not sure

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:16:45
one of the gloucs u16s coaches (edit: who coached at some nets i went to) said i should be playing gloucs u19s, in the winter. im not too fussed though, i love playing at cirencester

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:19:11
fair enough. do you bat or bowl? im pretty good but cant be bothered to play for a team

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:39:05
im an opening batsman, you?

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 12:43:02
bowler/ all rounder when i feel like batting. aint played for a while though (i mean like a year) so im probably not very good until i start playing a lot again.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 14:05:26
Quote from: "mexico red"
ost, try this for an idea, a nice 10 day break is madeira/porto santo, firstly spend 5/6 days on the island of madeira which is a mental volcanic place covered in rain forest, its spring time all year round so it might well rain but the island has loads to see and funchal the capital is a nice little city, after that go to the neighbouring island of porto santo, which is a tiny place with a beautiful beach very very quiet and very warm.

top tip, only pay for a flight only to funchal, the packages are expensive, me and my ex paid £250 each for flights got a cab into funchal and ended up in a lovely hotel overlooking the cathedral for a fiver a night.
also only book porto santo when you get to madeira as the difference in price to booking here is ridiculous. you can get a good package deal in funchal harbour.
hope this is a help

We went to Madeira a few years ago.  It was pretty cool (I've not heard of Porto Santo though, which is surprising).  The scenery is absolutely spectacular - like the Alps without the snow and the roads all have gradients of about 1 in 2 and are only wide enough for one car.  We went to see Maritimo play Boavista and it was probably the most boring game in the history of football!  Still, I could drink Sagres the whole game so wasn't complaining :wink:   Their ground is only a running track with a few seats scattered around it (a bit like the Withdean in fact) but if there is a ground in a more amazing setting I would like to see it!  The other thing that sticks in my mind is the local delicacy of espada (A kind of black eel like fish with big fuck off teeth) and bananas (!!!!) I gave that a miss :wink:

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: walrus on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 14:08:32
Kavos, Corfu with 7 mates.  330 quid, not bad, plenty of money left for booze.  Am staying there a week, going in first week of August.  It's gonna be superhot.  :?

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 14:25:54
I went to Kavos, good fun, but it smells.

Why does every thread spiral into a boring cricket dialogue these days?

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 14:41:06
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I went to Kavos, good fun, but it smells.

Why does every thread spiral into a boring cricket dialogue these days?

Agreed. its worse than those wankers that were flirting / being filthy all the time. :wink:

Cricket sucks donkey balls. FACT

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Sade on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 16:53:28
I find it really boring  :?  maybe because I just don't understand it at all.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: strooood on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 17:22:59
nah, it's because it's shit sade.

it seems anyone who gets any more involved than knocking it about in the nets at school becomes as dull as gravel.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Marie on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 17:34:24
Im going gran canaria with 5 of my mates, then another 11 are going out a couple of days later but staying in our hotel. Will be amusing.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:12:26
Cricket can yes get boring, but love to play it as im good  8)  watching it can be a bore depends what type of match it is. twenty20 matches are amazing.  :D

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:33:43
to enjoy and appreciate cricket you need to understand it, be paitence and have a certain amount of intellect. The beauty of football is its simplicity, the beauty of cricket is its complexity. I find football a bit dull and predictable these days, but each to their own.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: reeves4england on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:37:04
Quote from: "Boeta"
to enjoy and appreciate cricket you need to understand it, be paitence and have a certain amount of intellect. The beauty of football is its simplicity, the beauty of cricket is its complexity. I find football a bit dull and predictable these days, but each to their own.
I have said that for many years! To enjoy cricket you must understand the complexity and traditions of the game. It is a gentleman's sport and these modern day footy 'ooligans don't appreciate its worth in society!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:43:12
i wouldn't say it's a 'gentleman's game' - that died in the 1880s with WG Grace. It is not full of twats like football though. Just of load of blokes relaxing, drinking and few beers and watching Spearman/Pietersen etc. clear the boundary.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 20:20:52
Like our football team, going nowhere

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Johno on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 20:26:14
Spearman?  :soapy tit wank:  thats a joke. Ian Blackwell more like!

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 20:33:16
dont talk bullshit for the sake of it

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 21:20:21
Thread successfully hijacked - Congratulations to all concerned! :twisted:

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 21:25:13
Dear OST in admin........maybe a cricket forum for the duration of summer might be in that lovers of the summer game can keep their thoughts off other fora.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 21:32:12
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
Dear OST in admin........maybe a cricket forum for the duration of summer might be in that lovers of the summer game can keep their thoughts off other fora.

I had forgotten that I can just delete any post I want to.  I would prefer it though if people stuck at least vaguely to the subject.   I think a cricket/summer persuits forum is a very good idea :wink:

How do I do that then :?:

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 21:38:18
Ask Yeovil he set up Bird's knocking shop, but it only lasted 2 days.

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 23:01:26
Ask Dazzza he'll sort it.

I wont be here I'll be fishing..

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Dazzza on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 23:14:10
Like Mr Ben...

As if by 'magic'.

Sorry to hijack the thread again but anyone any suggestions what to do with the play for your club bit or just delete it?

Right back on track.

Discovered today that myself and 8 mates are buying a big maroon camper van and driving accross France.  Cheap & cheerful style living off cheese, bread and bottles of cheap plonk.

Then on to Spain for I'm not sure quite what.

All I can say is I'm glad I can't drive.  8)

Title: Summer Holidays
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 23:20:52
Quote from: "dazzza"
Like Mr Ben...

As if by 'magic'.

Sorry to hijack the thread again but anyone any suggestions what to do with the play for your club bit or just delete it?

Right back on track.

Discovered today that myself and 8 mates are buying a big maroon camper van and driving accross France.  Cheap & cheerful style living off cheese, bread and bottles of cheap plonk.

Then on to Spain for I'm not sure quite what.

All I can say is I'm glad I can't drive.  8)

yup delete that forum, it's of no use anymore