25% => The Reg Smeeton Match Day Action/Reaction Forum => Topic started by: Arriba on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:45:41

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:45:41
i fucking hope you read this forum because if i didn't have my children with me today you would have been laid out.
calling people wankers as they walk out of the ground for going home.
the verbal exchange you got from me is fuck all compared to if i see you cunts again.
cards are marked.
 bloke in 40s and chavvy son(i presume)in fake burberry hat.wankers!

i wont be going to football for the forseable future.our board and alot of fans are shit and i've had enough.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: DiV on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:46:17
so why were you just walking away at the end then?

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: ghanimah on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:48:00
Emotions are running high - we're about to lose our club and to be fair the majority of Swindon fans are doing their best to appear not to give a shit. Perhaps we don't deserve a club.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:48:43
because my 7 year old daughter was cold and i was minding a friends child who was waiting to pick him up.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: STFC_Gazzza on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:53:29
I admit I was surprised at people being abused forget the song "if you dont give a shit fuck off home" or something which was pretty bad taste to all those elderly people and kids and all that walking home.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Uncle Albert on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:54:21
i got verbal abuse cos of swearing in Kingswood few weeks ago from some 70 yr old. I mean, no offence but as i pointed out to him it was a fucking footy match then he got up and grabbed my face... prick. would have laid him out if he was 30 yrs younger. If you want an easy quiet life, fuck off to the Arkells stand.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:54:49
Come to Spurs on the 19th Arriba? :wink:

I saw that,which means I saw you :o .If im honest I think they were out of order but feeling are running high and all that.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Panda Paws on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:56:08
Quote from: "STFC_Gazzza"
I admit I was surprised at people being abused forget the song "if you dont give a shit fuck off home" or something which was pretty bad taste to all those elderly people and kids and all that walking home.

I thought that was aimed towards the board to begin with, but was out of order to our own fans, not everyone can hang around in the cold to protest, like already has been said.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: DiV on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:58:26
to be fair, people obviously have their reason (like arriba has just explained) but so many people just not giving a toss is disgusting.

Do people not realise we wont have a club soon?

I left with about 5 minutes left and alot of people had already gone and all the chav idiots in the Kingswood corner were there chanting swindon till i die and loyal supporters.

Where were they after the game eh? no where to be fucking seen.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: STFC_Gazzza on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 18:59:37
Some guy had a go at me for Protesting saying "well the board aren't going to sell for nothing" I thought crawl back into your hole....

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:00:03
Quote from: "DV"
to be fair, people obviously have their reason (like arriba has just explained) but so many people just not giving a toss is disgusting.

Do people not realise we wont have a club soon?

I left with about 5 minutes left and alot of people had already gone and all the chav idiots in the Kingswood corner were there chanting swindon till i die and loyal supporters.

Where were they after the game eh? no where to be fucking seen.

Tbf though protesting at this stage wasn't going to change anything. That's why i didn't bother. Fair play to those that did though.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:00:47
so abusing fellow fans who turned up to watch their team is excusable?
protest is a right to take part in or not.doesn't make a fan better than another.and i was their post cheltenham and post tranmere.and would have done today if it wasn't due to HAVING to go

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: stfc11 on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:04:19
I thought it was awful, our own fans abusing each other! If you want to protest fair enough and if you don't think i think fair enough, i don't like this view that people who aren't joining in the protests are completly oblivious to what is going on in the boardroom. Everyone is entitled to express their feelings how they want, but it doesn't mean that we all have to do it exactly the same in a form of protest.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:08:44
i'd say almost everybody there today cares or why would they attend games?
people shouldn't have to explain why they do or dont protest!
all those pricks did today was isolate people.i aint seen either of em before but fucking hope to again.i doubt they were the only ones giving it out too

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: STFC_Gazzza on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:25:10
WESTERN DAILY PRESS - Almost 1,000 fed-up Swindon supporters protested long and loud after the game calling for boardroom changes and for the proposed takeover of the club to be pushed through as soon as possible.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Peter Venkman on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 19:30:02
There is no excuse for any Town fan abusing another Town fan, even if they dont agree with the way they feel, totally out of order.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: pauld on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 21:28:27
That's fucking bang out of order arriba. Hope the kids weren't upset by it

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 21:50:17
Has aribba been banned?


Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: axs on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 21:53:19
voluntarily unsubscribed i believe.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: sonic youth on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 21:55:05
Quote from: "Oevil red"
Has aribba been banned?

he asked for his account to be deleted.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 21:55:40

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: sonic youth on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:02:13
fuck knows, i assume he has his reasons and if he can't read what's being said it stops him from responding.

edit: didn't phrase that very well. i don't know him very well but i know he has a tendency to post before he thinks, if he can't access the forums he can't say anything he'd regret. i'm sure he'll be back soon and he'll be as welcome as ever.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:03:28

he'll come back. they always do

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:05:23
I miss him :cry:

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: spacey on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:11:58
Quote from: "Oevil red"
I miss him :cry:

What about me? I like being missed. I didn't mean that stuff about killing yourself.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:19:39
My last post on thisis was my 1000th post, not for footballing reasons mind you. I just got sick of the tossers that where there.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: STFC4LIFE on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:37:43
I liked Arriba  :(

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Batch on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:38:57
Drama queen, though obviously getting grief when you have kids in tow i out of order

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 22:42:25
Quote from: "STFC dave"

he'll come back. they always do

Talk Talk still hasn't yet....

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Ralphy on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 23:19:17
I didn't go today due to work commitments with xmas post and to be honest, i'm glad I didn't.

Losing 3-0 at home is one thing but being abused by our own fans is another.

I won't be at the Hartlepool game either due to work, I'm enjoying the time away.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 23:25:53
You stink shorty 8)

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Ralphy on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 23:32:48
I'm tired  :(

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: yeo on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 23:34:06
No excuse

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Red81 on Saturday, December 15, 2007, 23:36:12
Quote from: "Uncle Albert"
i got verbal abuse cos of swearing in Kingswood few weeks ago from some 70 yr old. I mean, no offence but as i pointed out to him it was a fucking footy match then he got up and grabbed my face... prick. would have laid him out if he was 30 yrs younger. If you want an easy quiet life, fuck off to the Arkells stand.
:D  I rememeber that.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: mexico red on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 05:14:34
i think arriba is a cunt and he should have forced his kids to storm the boardroom.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Forza_Swindon on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 08:53:46
A couple of things:

Protest - I went to see what was going on but had to drive to London straight after the game so couldn't stay long.  People do have reasons for not standing outside all night shouting at people.  

"Fan apathy" - I just think some people will always stick their heads in the sand, whatever club you look at.  And the people who do demonstrate and make their feelings heard eventually have the fight drained out of them.  It gets to the stage where you feel it just isn't going to make a difference anyway so why waste your energy, time and money - especially this close to Christmas - on getting angry?  

Going to the game yesterday was my worst experience at the CG since Franchise when we got relegated.  In fact, it was even worse as things are so much more serious.  

I'd like to say I'd keep going until the bitter end, but paying £15 a pop to stand and feel like crap for 90 minutes, get angry about the board and come home and feel depressed for the rest of the evening just isn't worth it for me.  I've just bought a house and things are tight so spending money on things I don't enjoy has to stop.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Luci on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:19:41
I didn't go yesterday as Im not going now till takeover is sorted but sounds like emotions were definitely running high.

I think its a disgrace town fans abusing each other for not protesting.  Although I would have protested myself I certainly wouldnt expect everyone to have the same view, nor make a child stand there in the freezing cold amidst an array of bad language.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Ardiles on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:25:38
What a fractured fan base we have.  Next week, hopefully, the rebuilding job starts.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: DMR on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:32:18
I think I've only been once since Leeds, I just can't be bothered with it. I get too wound up- our team is shit, the management duo are shit, the board are robbing cunts and half our fans are morons too.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:45:27
Quote from: "STFCLady"
I didn't go yesterday as Im not going now till takeover is sorted but sounds like emotions were definitely running high.

I think its a disgrace town fans abusing each other for not protesting.

  Same as Lady....I think its a disgace that some fans actually went.

  I was surprised that it really was quite easy.....first home game I've missed since Parkin's debut.

  I thought  as 3:00 approached I'd crack.....but a combo of things to do, monster hangover,  one of my sons coming around for a heart to heart, made it ever so easy.

  Even with a new set up....I think we're in a relegation battle.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Spud on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:51:24
If i miss a game im usually pissed off but yesterday when 3pm came along i was surprisingly not bothered at missing it at all.

So if nobody from here were the one's abusing Arriba and his kid then why the fuck has he asked for his account to be deleted?

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:55:05
Because he's a bit mental.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Spud on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 11:55:33
Quote from: "flammableBen"
Because he's a bit mental.

Ahhh that could be it.  8)

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Luci on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 12:10:16
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
Quote from: "STFCLady"
I didn't go yesterday as Im not going now till takeover is sorted but sounds like emotions were definitely running high.

I think its a disgrace town fans abusing each other for not protesting.

  Same as Lady....I think its a disgace that some fans actually went.

  I was surprised that it really was quite easy.....first home game I've missed since Parkin's debut.

  I thought  as 3:00 approached I'd crack.....but a combo of things to do, monster hangover,  one of my sons coming around for a heart to heart, made it ever so easy.

  Even with a new set up....I think we're in a relegation battle.

I found it remarkably easy not to go either.  Didnt even bother with the radio as that fed up with it all.  Horrible how this situation has this effect on people though as I'm pretty sure theres loads more who are also fed up and had enough.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Red81 on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 12:11:31
Arriba seemed like an alright bloke. I certainly wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him.

Has anyone seen 'Give Us An S' in recent times or know him? He seems to have disappeared too.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: axs on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 12:35:35
saw him on friday briefly.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: sonic youth on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 12:39:52
Quote from: "Forza_Swindon"
A couple of things:

Protest - I went to see what was going on but had to drive to London straight after the game so couldn't stay long.  People do have reasons for not standing outside all night shouting at people.  

undoubtedly so, but if you consider the estimates of people protesting were between 700-1,000, did the other 4,500-5,000 people really have better things to do? there are too many people who don't realise the graveness of the situation and i'm not sure what more can be done to inform them.

Quote from: "Forza_Swindon"
"Fan apathy" - I just think some people will always stick their heads in the sand, whatever club you look at.  And the people who do demonstrate and make their feelings heard eventually have the fight drained out of them.  It gets to the stage where you feel it just isn't going to make a difference anyway so why waste your energy, time and money - especially this close to Christmas - on getting angry?  

not neccesarily so, as a club we have a very solid fanbase of hardcore fans - the problem is that despite this, a lot of these same hardcore fans either don't do anything or criticise others for not doing enough.

as soon as i saw the red cards being held up at kick-off yesterday, the life drained out of me. i'm not sure what i was expecting but it was such a disappointment. i protested after the game but i felt the whole time that it was an exercise in futility.

i've got protest fatigue. i won't give up but i can understand why others would but it upsets me when i see fans criticising each other for not doing enough, doing too much, not protesting, not being militant enough and so on and so forth.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Bushey Boy on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 15:14:25
Give us an S has had a few things lately (I hope he dont mind saying that)

Hes fine though saw him on Friday and at game.

Ive kind of given up on this team of late

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: red macca on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 16:30:24
On the flip side we were abused for protesting

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Spencer_White on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 17:26:02
Im all for a bit of bias and a bit of front when we are talking to other fans, but on here we might as well take a look ourselves with some honesty.

I was hoping that we would come out of this vowing that we wouldnt allow this to happen to the club again. But the majority of town fans are just too boring and too apathetic to have that sort of mentality. Has to be said some town fans (a minority) are just downright weird and inbred the way they have backed the board until the brink of extinction.

However it is out of order to be slagging off blokes with kids. Unfortunately, this is another indication of failure and desperation on some supporters part that we havnt seen the reaction and passion from Town supporters that we would have liked.

On the other hand, the club has been run as a private concern since Wills took over (fans frequently told their views arent wanted) and I can fully understand why some people view it as someone elses problem. Most out of touch club (with the people of its own town) in the football league I rekon.

Fingers crossed next week is a new dawn.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 19:16:48
I think most fans aren't apathetic, they just don't see how protests do anything

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 19:22:29
Yeah, I've chatted to a few people who say they agree with the sentiment but just don't think it will make any difference. I'm generally of the opinion that I might as well try; but I do understand where they're coming from.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: axs on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 19:23:30
and very few with kids/ old people are gonna turn up in the cold when there might be perceived trouble. that probably takes out 1-2000.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 19:33:19
Quote from: "Si Pie"
I think most fans aren't apathetic, they just don't see how protests do anything

I used to be apathetic, now I just can't be bothered.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: axs on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 19:35:22
I used to be peripatetic but now i can't be arsed.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: JOHNNY REEVES on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:13:24
pro :x testing to get rid of your frustration is about all it will achive.theres 100s of thousands of £ at stake what do you think the owners think "oh look some noisey fans outside telling us to go ,fuck the money it grows on trees and they would do the same if they were in our in our shoes so we give in"dont pick on fans who have just spent hard earnt cash getting froze trying to support players who are as fucked off as them.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: flammableBen on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:15:21
well put JR.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Simon Pieman on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:16:46
If Diamandis continues to be an apparent stumbling block, then protesting on large scale could give Wills a nudge in the right direction.

Of course this is assuming the numbers and organisation is there.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: axs on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:16:49
anything that makes their decisions to fuck the club over harder has an effect, however small.

and can you use more punctuation please, i'm tired and that was confusing, thanks.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: JOHNNY REEVES on Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:28:33
sorry haven,t been to school since 1980

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: Spencer_White on Monday, December 17, 2007, 10:29:09
Quote from: "JOHNNY REEVES"
pro :x testing to get rid of your frustration is about all it will achive.theres 100s of thousands of £ at stake what do you think the owners think "oh look some noisey fans outside telling us to go ,fuck the money it grows on trees and they would do the same if they were in our in our shoes so we give in"dont pick on fans who have just spent hard earnt cash getting froze trying to support players who are as fucked off as them.

To be fair, we were dealing with a couple of bar room bruisers (Diamandis and Holt) in financial terms. 9 out of 10 directors would have done the right thing and abandoned ship in June.

But these people have frequently acted in an illegal fashion to stay in control.

Like I said, we were dealing with people who acted in a way that was immoral, disgusting and ruthless. Most directors wouldnt have been prepared to sully their reputations like that in public. But we got Diamamond Mike because we ruined ourselves at the back end of the 1990's.

Still keeping fingers crossed. Hopefully not long to go now.

Title: pair of pricks abusing people for not protesting today
Post by: JOHNNY REEVES on Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 11:11:27
i tend to think 9 out of ten directors are bar room bruisers and none would walk where money was involved.