25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: STFCere on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:08:58

Title: Trust response?
Post by: STFCere on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:08:58
So thats it, the only outcome i can see now is the club going out of the business.

The last glimmer of hope we have of getting the takeover through is to persuade the board to sell up, no strings attached.

how are we going to achieve this?

i feel the trust has a responsibility to organise an emergency meeting to discuss options.

protests? boycotts? we need maximum coverage, local and national media, posters round town, radio slots etc etc

whatever we organise has to be BIG and UNITED.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: OneAndrewFitton on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:11:29
Something big needs to be done, protests etc are no good, i think we all know that now, it's either boycott the game and stand outside or delay the game by invading the pitch or by cutting the power off and that will get us very good media coverage.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:11:56
only money will do any good.and even that seems has to have tie ins with pie in the sky ground redevelopment cash gains for wills and co.
fans can and should protest how they can to show their disgust. but thats all it can do

Title: Trust response?
Post by: STFCere on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:12:25
i feel standing outside and protesting as vocally as possible would have maximum effect

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Arriba on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:13:00
Quote from: "STFCere"
i feel standing outside and protesting as vocally as possible would have maximum effect

its done fuck all to date

Title: Trust response?
Post by: STFCere on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:14:00
i mean during the game!

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Phil_S on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:14:17
Money will do no good at all unlees it's enough to satisfy the inherent greed. That is about £8,000,000 / and giving up the rights to develope the ground.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: OneAndrewFitton on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:14:48
They wouldn't like hundreds and hundreds of fans boycotting the game and standing outside the arkells and giving them more shit than ever before.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: janaage on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:15:54
We should have boycotted weeks ago, fuck supporting the players, most of them won't even be here in two years time.  We should have put the club before any match.  But we didn't.  

Hindsight's a wonderful thang.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: STFCere on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:16:46
will the club last until the next home game?

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:39:05
Quote from: "STFCere"
will the club last until the next home game?

Probably - winding up orders take 14 days so presuming it doesn't get served until today or tomorrow we won't end up in court for another fortnight.

That's all unless we decided to go into liquidation which is another story entirely ...

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Reeves for King on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 17:54:46
Pitch invasion is the one to do. Maximum impact. BBC get your reporters there for our next home game.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Fred Elliot on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 19:25:15




Title: Trust response?
Post by: Panda Paws on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 19:26:45
Quote from: "Reeves for King"
Pitch invasion is the one to do. Maximum impact. BBC get your reporters there for our next home game.

But only ITV will be allowed to film it ...

Title: Trust response?
Post by: The_Plagiarist on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 23:14:33
Quote from: "janaage"
We should have boycotted weeks ago, fuck supporting the players, most of them won't even be here in two years time.  We should have put the club before any match.  But we didn't.  

Hindsight's a wonderful thang.

I've been boycotting for weeks as have many others, pity not enough have done the same. sad times, but it's been coming.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Simon Pieman on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 23:16:29
I did it last season. Couldn't do it this season.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: flammableBen on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 23:20:46
I think the trust are working on something as we speak. Well I'd imagine they are. Those cunts tend to work pretty hard as it is anyway. They're like the Village people.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: RobertT on Thursday, December 6, 2007, 23:51:16
Quote from: "flammableBen"
I think the trust are working on something as we speak. Well I'd imagine they are. Those cunts tend to work pretty hard as it is anyway. They're like the Village people.

What, all Gay and banging on about having a good time at the YMCA?  I'm not sure that counts as hard work, or maybe it does?

Title: Trust response?
Post by: sonic youth on Friday, December 7, 2007, 00:04:39
Quote from: "flammableBen"
I think the trust are working on something as we speak. Well I'd imagine they are. Those cunts tend to work pretty hard as it is anyway. They're like the Village people.

if they are i've not been told  :D

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Fred Elliot on Friday, December 7, 2007, 00:47:30
I am working on stuff but I want it put down on the record that

I am Charles Bronson

I am not acting on the behalf of the membership

I have just bought a Harley and a leather jacket

I now wear boots

I have shaved my head to save the hospital doing it

Mr Diamandis, I have mental condition, I now ride a motorcycle,


Title: Trust response?
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, December 7, 2007, 00:56:15
Don't lie Fred, you're not allowed to ride a motorcycle  :D

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Fred Elliot on Friday, December 7, 2007, 00:59:10
Fake ID Si

dont you remember you gave me that dudes name that sorted you out with your fake 18 ID last month

cheers fella

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Simon Pieman on Friday, December 7, 2007, 01:01:12
I've still got a license card Fred, more fool you  8)

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Fred Elliot on Friday, December 7, 2007, 01:08:00
Quote from: "Si Pie"
I've still got a license card Fred, more fool you  8)

I aint


Title: Trust response?
Post by: pauld on Friday, December 7, 2007, 01:13:05
Quote from: "RobertT"
Quote from: "flammableBen"
I think the trust are working on something as we speak. Well I'd imagine they are. Those cunts tend to work pretty hard as it is anyway. They're like the Village people.

What, all Gay and banging on about having a good time at the YMCA?  I'm not sure that counts as hard work, or maybe it does?

Not so much the YMCA but certainly leather chaps.

At this precise moment in time, the best bet for everyone is that Fitton's takeover can still proceed. Should that not happen the consequences will likely be dire and we are preparing contingency for that.

In terms of protests etc, if the situation is not resolved by the time of the Brighton game (assuming there is one), we will of course be calling for vigorous and effective protests from fans to make the point to the current regime that they are not wanted. In the meantime, I'd urge everyone to recognise that there are certain constraints that a Trust has to operate under and to be imaginative and creative in making their voices heard as to the appalling mismanagement of our club over the last decade, while, of course, remaining within the bounds of the law.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, December 7, 2007, 01:16:50
It's got to the point that as I was reading that in my head, it was PaulD's voice I was hearing. I even noticed that I was pausing for the occasional errmm....

That's a bit mental.

Or scary if you're using some sort of hypnotelepathy. The likes of which have only been seen in the scariest sci-fi film.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: pauld on Friday, December 7, 2007, 02:49:30
Quote from: "flammableBen"
It's got to the point that as I was reading that in my head, it was PaulD's voice I was hearing. I even noticed that I was pausing for the occasional errmm....

That's a bit mental.

Or scary if you're using some sort of hypnotelepathy. The likes of which have only been seen in the scariest sci-fi film.

You my mind bitch. I owns you head.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: flammableBen on Friday, December 7, 2007, 03:09:14

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Phil_S on Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:55:01
I just got an e-mail from the TRUST, saying that they are working on contingency plans etc.

Title: Trust response?
Post by: Luci on Monday, December 10, 2007, 13:09:29
Quote from: "Phil_S"
I just got an e-mail from the TRUST, saying that they are working on contingency plans etc.

Same as.

We are entering what will (one way or the other) prove to be a decisive week in the club's history. We remain hopeful that Andrew Fitton's proposed takeover will succeed, however it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare for the worst should it not. If the takeover has not been done by the time of Saturday's game against Brighton, we will again be calling for fans to demonstrate their concern for their club's future in protests.

An email will be sent out to Trust members and information sent to the local media should that prove necessary. I hope by now that most people are aware that if this takeover does not succeed, any talk of Plan B is simply deluded - the most likely outcome is receivership. The club was told when we entered administration a 2nd time that the court would not permit a 3rd period of administration, therefore receivership remains the most likely outcome. The only question would be the timetable - if the directors voluntarily put the club into receivership it could be within days of the takeover finally failing, or if the final blow comes from the Revenue issuing a winding up petition, it may take a few weeks.

As I say we very much hope it will not come to that, but it would be irresponsible of us a Trust not to prepare for that nightmare scenario.

We have a contingency plan for such an eventuality and the early stages of that plan are being put into effect, establishing discussions with the various parties that would need to work together to attempt to rescue the club should it go into receivership. In this we are receiving excellent advice and support from Supporters' Direct, who probably have more experience than anyone else of football clubs on the brink of extinction. Their assessment of our club's situation at the moment is extremely grim.

We sincerely hope this effort will prove to have been a waste of time and that Mr Fitton's takeover succeeds. But if it does not, we are ready. Here's hoping that next Saturday we're celebrating a new era for the club, and not still protesting at the current incumbents' ongoing failure to put the club's interests first.

Best Regards and thanks for your continued support

Paul Davis

Title: Trust response?
Post by: bashful01 on Monday, December 10, 2007, 13:22:53
Time to break out the photos of Mike D and the lady boys hookers and animals ...

Someone must have some ...

Take the rot out of the club and the club will prosper