25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Samdy Gray on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:24:33

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Samdy Gray on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:24:33
From  today's Adver:


Wise tells Sturrock to stop moaning
By Gareth Moorhouse

FORMER Town chief Dennis Wise has urged Paul Sturrock to stop moaning about the transfer embargo, insisting the current Swindon squad is strong enough to mount a successful League One challenge.

After masterminding his Leeds United team to a 2-1 victory over his old club at Elland Road on Saturday, Wise was anything but sympathetic for his successor at the County Ground.

The former England and Chelsea midfielder has steered Leeds from rock-bottom on minus 15 points to an incredible fourth in just four months - a grade A lesson in how to overcome adversity.

With Swindon facing the prospect of an empty Christmas stocking on the player front, Wise seemed more than happy to play the role of Scrooge.

He said: "Paul, please stop crying. We've all had that situation, it's how you deal with that situation that matters.

"At the present moment he can't do anything and I know how frustrated he is, but get on with it.

"He's got some decent players. I know there's more he wants to bring in but he has got some players that caused us problems today.

"I'm sure they'll do very well in this league."

The Leeds chief also had a dig at his opposite number about some of the pre-match verbal sparring before the match.

Sturrock was quoted in The Sun on Saturday as saying that, with the right resources, Town "could be as big as Leeds - even bigger.'' Wise retorted: "I read somewhere this week, Paul Sturrock had said that Swindon were a bigger club than Leeds. I think Paul must have been drinking, bless him.'' Sturrock however, was more concerned with clinging to the hope that prospective buyer Andrew Fitton will settle the club's outstanding £900,000 CVA before the loan window closes on November 22.

But with the takeover not due to be completed until November 26 at the earliest, he knows he could be clutching at straws.

He said: "Cap in hand I will go to the new owners and the current owners to see if I can come to some agreement where the CVA - which is the stumbling block - gets paid enabling us to bolster the squad.

"The CVA is going to have to be paid by somebody some time, either by the current owners or the new owners when they come in.

"I'm just trying to get one of them to pay it as quickly as possible. I'm sure there's ways of negotiations between the two which will enable us to get the help the players need.

"We are screaming out for a bit of help with the loan system. People are carrying injuries. They deserve an opportunity to have a rest, to be taken out and to get themselves fit.

"We can't afford to have these people playing on injuries and being out for the whole season."

With no fewer than nine fixtures between the closure of the loan window and January 1, Sturrock admits his squad face an uphill struggle to remain competitive.

After seven players picked up bookings, suspensions will come into play as well.

He said: "The embargo is not helping. It's causing us a lot of concern at a difficult time of the season. We need to bring two or three people in, not just loans but from January 1, people who will be long-term members of the football club.

"Managers at other clubs realise we're in a desperate situation and the bargaining power goes to them, but I do feel that the players deserve these personnel to come in.

"Also, the wages need paying which plays on people's minds because they have mortgages to pay.

"We had a takeover before which kept us in limbo land. Now this one is dragging on again, but the players have worked so hard to get into this position.

"I would be gutted for everybody involved in Swindon if, due to the circumstances we're in, we go tumbling down the league."

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:36:28
A lot of my last dregs of respect for Wise went with these comments, hes a tit.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: STFC_Gazzza on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:37:07
To an extent I can see what Wise is saying. You have to deal with it no point crying about it and all that as its not going to change things. The only way this can change is to pay the CVA and even if we get taken over I cant see the CVA being paid bang on the day the ink settles on the contract. It will effect the team (even more so as I am sure it already is) if he keeps harping on about it. Wise is a cock though.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:40:08
You mean like how Wise thre his toys out of the pram when the majority of clubs agreed to dock them the 15 points.

The pot has truly called the kettle black.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: RobertT on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:41:58
While I don't agree with a fellow Manager having a bit of a swipe, and considering Leeds' constant whining about the 15 points (even if I can understand that from a fans perspective as well), I do wish Sturrock would shut up about it.  If he wants to have a whinge about not being able to buy players then he need look no further than the Boardroom.  It's through the Exec lounge and past the kitchen Paul.  It's why clubs get a penalty for going into a CVA these days, or Admin etc, to avoid clubs who can't afford it from buying up players.  If the CVA had been paid last summer when a big cash influx occured, then we'd be in the market right now.  He really does seem to have been completely oblivious to the state our club was in.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Tails on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:44:26
Wise telling someone to stop moaning, fucking priceless!  :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

I think I agree with everyone... He's a cock.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: janaage on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:47:18
I agree with Wisey, if Sturrock wants to moan about the situation go and have a moan at these wonderful people that are currently running our club so well, as he keeps on telling us.  Or is the embargo in place due to supporters protesting against the current board.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: figgis on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:51:35
nasty little of the type who thinks hes a superstar and the rest of us are peasants. totaly ignorent prat with no sence of decency its easy for him to tell sturrock to shut up after winning a game in which they were gifted a penalty and had 90% of dubious decisions go their way. would he be so chopsy if we were talking about a draw which we deserved at least. giving it large saying teams like us will come up here raise their game and shut up shop. leeds are in div 1 deservedly and got very lucky saturday but i doubt he will pass comment on that.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:58:09
The irony being Wise is serving a 3 match touchline ban for "using abusive and/or insulting words towards referee Danny McDermid ". Coupled with the massive chip Leeds have regarding the -1 points (read their program) it is complete hypocricy.

On Sturrock - yes we have a fair and just emargo placed on us. I'm not sure what good whining about it to the press does, maybe he was simply letting off a bit of steam when asked the question.

Personally I can't see why Fitton would bail us out until he is 100% bone fide new owner. An 11th hour hitch and how would he get his money back? And if the current board can afford 900K why haven't they paid it? I'm afraid we are stuck with what we have until January. It's not like they aren't capable in this league so it isn' t all bad.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Lumps on Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:59:26
Devil's advocat time (as it's nearly Christmas :D).

Bearing in mind that Wise had a transfer embargo in place up until the start of the season, AND then started with a 15 point deduction, I can sort of see his point.

Sturrock should bear in mind that he's got a fairly big squad for this division, and that he bought the overwhelming majority of the players in it. We signed a shit load of players in the summer.

If he's not got sufficient cover at the moment then the only people to blame are the Board for allowing the club to waste money we couldn't afford on the 3 amigos and Luggy himself for bringing in a couple of players in Blackburn and Mohamed that he clearly now feels aren't good enough.

Frankly we're fucking lucky we're still in business and even luckier that we've not had points deducted.

Transfer embargo. Meeeeeeh!

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Frasier3 on Monday, November 19, 2007, 11:02:38
Sturrock needs to build the belief levels up of the current squad while quietly trying to influence the decision makers behind the scenes. This constant harping on about in public could have a negative effect on the existing players.

Perhaps he shouldn't have been so quick to stand by the people who have got him in this postion when the momentum for the protests was gaining.

Whilst I acknowledge we are weakened in a few areas it will be interesting to see how he copes as manager when he can't top up the squad, despite having a decent crop of fit players at his disposal already. It seems like only recently he was hoping to ship players out on loan.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Chubbs on Monday, November 19, 2007, 13:32:40
Whats gets me is people are talking about a mirracle happening with the position leeds have got, its not down to that pygmy cunt.

Leeds should not even be in this division, they are by far the best team in the division, so it shuoldnt really be a supprise, i could be in charge of em and do the same

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Tails on Monday, November 19, 2007, 13:37:09
I disagree with that entirely... They have a great squad yes, but I think under another manager they wouldn't have had the start they've had...

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: WorcesterRed on Monday, November 19, 2007, 13:45:24
Quote from: "Tails"
I disagree with that entirely... They have a great squad yes, but I think under another manager they wouldn't have had the start they've had... he did really well six months ago keeping them up didn't he?

I'm afraid that I am on the 'pygmy cunt' side of the fence.

What also gets me is how people think that 28000 attendances are amazing. 18 months ago, Leeds were on the verge of the Premiership. A few years ago, they were getting crowds approaching 40,000. Rather than pat themselves on the back for getting attendances of 28000, why aren't they asking where the missing 12-15000 supporters are? Yeah, well done Leeds, lose 30% of your gate and let's crow about how miraculous that the crowd is 28000.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: janaage on Monday, November 19, 2007, 13:47:02
Anyone know what Man City's average attendance was the year they spent in Div 3?  just out of interest.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Colin Todd on Monday, November 19, 2007, 13:58:37
I'm pretty sure it was over 30,000

And wise should shut the fuck up. Why were you in the stand on saturday Dennis? Nothing to do with having a pop at a ref when things didnt go your way was it?  You should have shut up and got on with it mate  :wanker:

The blokes a hypocrite of the highest order (see O'hanlon, S)

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: sonic youth on Monday, November 19, 2007, 14:01:40
don't give a fuck about wise, he was only here ten minutes.

the thing that concerns me is whether fitton does agree to pay off the debts in order to clear the transfer embargo, the ball is no longer in his court and the club can fuck him about.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 19, 2007, 14:07:19
the average of Man City in 1998-99 in the second division was 28,300 but that was including cup games, not sure what it was for the league season.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: hobodan on Monday, November 19, 2007, 15:32:38
28,273  man city average for this leauge in 1998/99

notice leeds average attendance for last season in a higher leauge... 20,831  (just because your winning!)

all attendances on here

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Matchworn Shirts on Monday, November 19, 2007, 15:48:50
Quote from: WorcesterRed
Quote from: "Tails"
IWhat also gets me is how people think that 28000 attendances are amazing. 18 months ago, Leeds were on the verge of the Premiership. A few years ago, they were getting crowds approaching 40,000. Rather than pat themselves on the back for getting attendances of 28000, why aren't they asking where the missing 12-15000 supporters are? Yeah, well done Leeds, lose 30% of your gate and let's crow about how miraculous that the crowd is 28000.

I agree, weren't we told to expect a 32,000+ attendence. I bet they wish then didn't have that stupid sale or no return on tickets when we could have shifted at least a couple of hundred more.
Big club my ass, big city & only one team

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Monday, November 19, 2007, 18:09:51
Wise has a point. Sturrock should stop being a fucking moaning minnie about the squad, especially when he was saying how top heavy it supposedly was just a few short weeks ago.

We've got the players in place who can get us promoted. I honestly cannot see where we are so thin on the ground. There's a lot of clubs in our league who are a lot worse off than us.

With regards to Wise, I think he's proven himself to be a damned good manager, both at Swindon and Leeds. There's a hell of a lot of managers who could not have done what he has done at Leeds this season, given the circumstances in which they find themselves.

All of that said, I don't think this club could possibly have a better manager than Sturrock. I'm sure that once the financial saga is completed, that he can get us re-established as a decent Championship side. I don't feel any animosity to Wise at all. As far as I am concerned, Wise came in and did an excellent short-term job and left the club in good shape for Sturrock to carry on the work long term.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: pumbaa on Monday, November 19, 2007, 18:15:26
:bow1:  :clap:

My sentiments exactly OST.

Although you forgot to add the obligatory 'Wise is still a pygmy cunt', otherwise perfect.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: lebowski on Monday, November 19, 2007, 18:16:04
spot on ost.

sturrock moans about absolutely everything, last season, for example, it was about the wind and rain at the training ground.

i haven't heard much about that this season so presumably they've rectified that now.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: herthab on Monday, November 19, 2007, 19:18:54
Quote from: "lebowski"
spot on ost.

sturrock moans about absolutely everything, last season, for example, it was about the wind and rain at the training ground.

i haven't heard much about that this season so presumably they've rectified that now.

Well he's a jock isn't he?

It's their national pastime :D

Sturrock can moan as much as he likes as far as I'm concerned, the blokes a quality manager and we're lucky to have him.........

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Batch on Monday, November 19, 2007, 19:32:56
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
Wise came in and did an excellent short-term job and left the club in good shape for Sturrock to carry on the work long term.

He did but he fucked off at the first opportunity. For that reason he is a pygmy cunt.

It is irrelevant that we now have Sturrock, who for me gives us a far better chance of promotion on our resources than Wise ever would.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Peter Venkman on Monday, November 19, 2007, 19:40:40
Quote from: "herthab"
Quote from: "lebowski"
spot on ost.

sturrock moans about absolutely everything, last season, for example, it was about the wind and rain at the training ground.

i haven't heard much about that this season so presumably they've rectified that now.

Well he's a jock isn't he?

It's their national pastime :D

Sturrock can moan as much as he likes as far as I'm concerned, the blokes a quality manager and we're lucky to have him.........


Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: glos_robin on Monday, November 19, 2007, 20:18:49
I'm going to be a minority on here and I know that but I don't mind.....

I have no real problem with Wise. At the end of the day he was betrayed by the club when Bob Holt broadcast a private meeting over the radio prior to the Wycombe match. He got offered more money at a higher league club (as they were then) and we would all of done the same, including Sturrock.

People may not like it but 99% would have done the same, if you get shafted by your employer you are hardly likely to show loyalty towards them. Add in the fact his dad is good friends with Power and probably knew the truth why would he stay? Wise did a good job for us at the time and I hold no grudges, alot of people just hate anyone that leaves and it's abit childish at times. I could guarentee that even if Sam Parkin played against us a few idiots would boo him!

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: mexico red on Monday, November 19, 2007, 20:45:27
i would boo parkin judas cunt.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, November 19, 2007, 21:06:47
Quote from: "glos_robin"
I'm going to be a minority on here and I know that but I don't mind.....

I have no real problem with Wise. At the end of the day he was betrayed by the club when Bob Holt broadcast a private meeting over the radio prior to the Wycombe match. He got offered more money at a higher league club (as they were then) and we would all of done the same, including Sturrock.

People may not like it but 99% would have done the same, if you get shafted by your employer you are hardly likely to show loyalty towards them. Add in the fact his dad is good friends with Power and probably knew the truth why would he stay? Wise did a good job for us at the time and I hold no grudges, alot of people just hate anyone that leaves and it's abit childish at times. I could guarentee that even if Sam Parkin played against us a few idiots would boo him!

Possibly the best post I have read from you on this Forum.  Spot On

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: reeves4england on Monday, November 19, 2007, 22:55:35
I can't stand that Parkin bloke. Blatantly only in it for the money and never gave a toss about the club or the supporters


Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 08:07:12
Dirty Northern ginger cake. Should stick to bonfire night.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: stfctownenda on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 08:43:08
Quote from: "sonic youth"
don't give a fuck about wise, he was only here ten minutes.

the thing that concerns me is whether fitton does agree to pay off the debts in order to clear the transfer embargo, the ball is no longer in his court and the club can fuck him about.

I agree with this 100% I would rather see us slide down the league and Fitton gets everything signed and sealed before handing over any money than him paying the CVA and the board shafting him like they have every other investor.  Sorry Mr Sturrock but we can wait till January for players if we have a bad December it wont be the end of our season.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 09:11:01
"if we have a bad December it wont be the end of our season."

no but it could spoil Toni's Christmas, you cold hearted bastard!!

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Robinz on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 09:12:23
Totally agree with the last post...Fitton, do the job properly and don't give the existing bastards an inch..
STFC will benefit in the end...

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: stfctownenda on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 09:32:02
Quote from: "janaage"
"if we have a bad December it wont be the end of our season."

no but it could spoil Toni's Christmas, you cold hearted bastard!!

 :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick:

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:03:54
Quote from: "sonic youth"
don't give a fuck about wise, he was only here ten minutes.

the thing that concerns me is whether fitton does agree to pay off the debts in order to clear the transfer embargo, the ball is no longer in his court and the club can fuck him about.

As I understand it, the Fitton crew will pay the £900k as part of the deal. With completion on 26/11 latest hopefully, the CVA should be settled within days. Is it not possible for them to underwrite the CVA payment subject to the successful completion, allowing the current owners to settle it, if that can be arranged, in time to lift the embargo? Puts the onus on the seller to ensure the deal goes through whilst the buyer still has the balls.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Phil_S on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:20:04
The last time an "investor" parted with some money to pay the CVA he was shafted. His name was Bill P. I would hazard a guess that Fitton has learnt by this, & does NOT intend doing the same thing.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:42:09
Read it again Phil. I said Fitton would underwrite subject to completion and the current owners may be able to arrange settlement. So he doesn't get shafted because he doesn't part with any money until he would have done anyway.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: ahounsell on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:46:51
Quote from: "wheretherealredsare"
As I understand it, the Fitton crew will pay the £900k as part of the deal. With completion on 26/11 latest hopefully, the CVA should be settled within days. Is it not possible for them to underwrite the CVA payment subject to the successful completion, allowing the current owners to settle it, if that can be arranged, in time to lift the embargo? Puts the onus on the seller to ensure the deal goes through whilst the buyer still has the balls.

The current owners dont have the cash to pay the CVA. If they did they could have paid it in June when it was due.

Fitton could privide whatever guarantees you want, but unless he hands over 900,000 notes, they cant pay the CVA. He quite rightly isnt going to hand over any more cash until the deal is completed.
To be honest he's been extremely generous to hand over enough cash to stave off the revenue for another month.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:58:17
Not sure I understand that at all wheretherealredsare.

Fitton agrees to pay the 900K on completion, so SSW stumps up now?
Surely paying the CVA is a condition of sale anyway so I'm not sure what difference underwriting makes.

Either the current board have the 900K (plan B), or they don't.

edit: ^^^^ what AH  said ^^^^ Arse, must refresh thread more often before posting.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: wheretherealredsare on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 11:53:32

The current owners dont have the cash to pay the CVA. If they did they could have paid it in June when it was due.

Plan B or whatever, if the current owners could raise the money for 7 days until reimbursed by the purchaser on completion it may enable the embargo to be lifted.


Fitton agrees to pay the 900K on completion, so SSW stumps up now?
Surely paying the CVA is a condition of sale anyway so I'm not sure what difference underwriting makes.

As the sale seems to be completing 4 days after the loan window closes, a guarantee or some form of underwriting may enable the CVA to be settled prior to completion.

The point is if AF & co. are going to pay it anyway why can't the men in suits find a way of sorting it out to the benefit of all parties? Being subject to successful completion should make sure that SSW doesn't allow anything to derail the deal and AF gets a business that could still challenge instead of possibly fighting a relegation battle after points deduction.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: neville w on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 13:06:17
It may be finally agreed by the 26th, but that doesn't mean completion.  BEST was all supposed to be agreed at one point.

"Show me the money" and I'll believe it's a done deal. I'm encouraged that

The Fitton crew appear to be acting carefully and thoroughly.

Title: Wise = cock / Sturrock = legend / Embargo / Takeover
Post by: ahounsell on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 13:35:40
Quote from: "wheretherealredsare"

The current owners dont have the cash to pay the CVA. If they did they could have paid it in June when it was due.

Plan B or whatever, if the current owners could raise the money for 7 days until reimbursed by the purchaser on completion it may enable the embargo to be lifted.

It may indeed, but there is no indication that the current owners can raise this kind of cash. If they could why have they been playing russian roulette with the club for the last 4 months?


The point is if AF & co. are going to pay it anyway why can't the men in suits find a way of sorting it out to the benefit of all parties? Being subject to successful completion should make sure that SSW doesn't allow anything to derail the deal and AF gets a business that could still challenge instead of possibly fighting a relegation battle after points deduction.

You could try to convince the league that they should lft the embargo, because Mr X has agreed to pay the CVA once the deal is completed. I expect this is exactly what Starnes was doing when he went cap in hand to the league the other week, but they werent having any of it.

Remember, even without an embargo, the league have to approve every incoming transfer we make due to the fact we are operating under the CVA. They've cut us plenty of slack already allowing the signings of Paynter, McGovern etc... no doubt on the basis that they were told a takeover was imminent.

Having seen that go up in smoke, it seems that nothing other than hard cash is going to convince them this time and to be honest you cant blame them one bit.

As for SSW being motivated to ensure a successful completion, I would suggest that paying the CVA before completion would have the opposite effect. As it stands, if he fails to do this deal he, and the club, could very well lose a lot more than a few points.