25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: DerbyRed on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 18:53:17

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: DerbyRed on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 18:53:17
I sent an e-mail to the FL a while back just asking what their stance would be on punishment should any club re-negotiate its CVA.  Got a reply today.  Here's my original e-mail:

Hi there,

This probably isn’t the right address to write to regarding this but I am looking to find out some information regarding CVA’s and the rules surrounding them.

Following on from Scarborough’s 10 point deduction for re-negotiating their CVA in Conference North, would the Football League follow suit with the same punishment should a league club successfully renegotiate a CVA?  Would this be seen as beginning a new CVA and therefore see the 10 point punishment put into affect?

I look forward to your response.


Chris Rooks.

And here's the reply:


We are in receipt of your communication.

Any application of sporting sanctions will depend upon the cirumstances of the case.  As we have not received any communication from any club in this regard, we are unable to comment further.

A copy of the League Regulations regarding Sporting Sanctions is attached for information.

Thank you for contacting The Football League.

Not a huge amount of info there but it seems if the board are still trying to re-negotiate the CVA they have not contacted the Football League yet to confirm what punishment would be received!

If anyone wants to see a copy of the sanction document that was attached in the e-mail then give me a shout and I'll send it your way.

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: DerbyRed on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 19:00:26
Ignore this - just seen the other thread from the thisisstfc site!!  :oops:

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: Fred Elliot on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 19:48:10
Fair play to you Derby for getting off you arse and e mailing them.

I salute you

Dont worry about the twin thread

Good for you mate

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 20:24:15
I'm starting to think that some people want us to get a penalty just to use it as ammunition against the board...

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 21:11:49
Quote from: "sonic youth"
I'm starting to think that some people want us to get a penalty just to use it as ammunition against the board...

Go and lie down for a bit, I'm sure the feeling will pass.

Title: Renegotiating the CVA - Football League Response
Post by: DerbyRed on Thursday, April 26, 2007, 19:52:51
Quote from: "sonic youth"
I'm starting to think that some people want us to get a penalty just to use it as ammunition against the board...

Not at all - with all the talk of the CVA being re-negotiated I thought it might be an idea to see what the Football League made of it all.  I decided it best not to mention what team I was enquiring on behalf of!