80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:46:29

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:46:29
Been using my local gym for 5 years now and gone from 5ft 8in fat git who weighed 15 and a half stone to 5ft 8in chubby who weighes 11 and half stone.

I still go out now and again drinking but can't hold my beer so well anymore due to smaller belly and i get pissed quick!

I use the gym 3 or 4 times a week and run for 40 mins on treadmill at 12 KM/H which means i'm running 8 KM (5 miles).
I then do weights and 10 mins on bike.

Just wondered what everyone else does?

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:48:15
i do nothing to keep myself healthy

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:50:19
Thats good then mate  :D

Not even the age old workout of oiling the chopper?

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:51:26
nothing at all!

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Dazzza on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:53:21
Zero at the moment just eat sensibly, walk everywhere rather than drive and switch to shots rather than guzzle beer all night on the pish.

Used to run a variation of 6-10 miles cross country 5 times a week, I even completed a marathon, well a half one but it was up-hill.

Can't really be bothered with the gym at the moment.   Rather gayly I usually just detox on a Sun/Mon, which keeps the old pounds from the weekend binge amassing.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:53:26
Oh dear mate  :(

You need a girlfriend, sex is very good exercise you know and makes you sleep better.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:55:03
I find running very good dazzza.

Keeps me trim and mentally focused at work.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:55:04
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Oh dear mate  :(

You need a girlfriend, sex is very good exercise you know and makes you sleep better.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:56:02
I do nothing, and it shows. If that's not selling it to the ladies, i don't know what is...

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:56:27
Quote from: "Rich"
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Oh dear mate  :(

You need a girlfriend, sex is very good exercise you know and makes you sleep better.

Do you eat sensible or binge all day on crap?

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:57:42
a bit of both really why?

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:58:09
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I do nothing, and it shows. If that's not selling it to the ladies, i don't know what is...

I found losing weight the best way to find the lady you want.

I've never been happier at the moment  :D

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 12:59:10
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I do nothing, and it shows. If that's not selling it to the ladies, i don't know what is...

I found losing weight the best way to find the lady you want.

I've never been happier at the moment  :D
lucky you

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:00:21
Quote from: "Rich"
a bit of both really why?

Cos not exercising and eating crap all day is very bad  :D

I still eat crisps and chocolate but burn it all off :D

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:04:27
i do some walking but only from my house to the bus stop  :D

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: STFCBird on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:06:10
Glad you are happy at the moment Ralphy not so long ago you were very anti-women, though you had turned gay for a minute

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: STFCBird on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:08:04
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
I do nothing, and it shows. If that's not selling it to the ladies, i don't know what is...

not all women go for abs you know. some of us like a man with bit of a belly, more comfy to lie on  :D

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:11:57
Yep i'm happy thanks STFC Bird :D

I was anti women at one time cos i got hurt alot :oops:

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:15:15
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Yep i'm happy thanks STFC Bird :D

I was anti women at one time cos i got hurt alot :oops:
oh well theres always the streets song "dry your eyes mate i know its hard to take but her mind has been made up. theres plenty more fish in the sea"

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: oxford_fan on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:16:24
i have all the good intentions and sometimes even plans to go to the gym or play badders/squash, but it more or less never happens.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ralphy on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:25:28
:beers  Why not run to each pub?!

Keep fit while on the piss  :D

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: oxford_fan on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:27:32
plus you can run inhuman distances when pissed without feeling it at all until you stop.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Boeta on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:29:53
I play quite a bit of sport, but do eat a fair bit of shite. Thankfully I get some good dinner in the evenings to make up for the crap I usually eat at lunch.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: strooood on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:37:16
football training tuesdays and thursday, six a side game after thursday training and 11 a side match on sunday morning.  :beers

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:40:23
i used to go to the gym all of the time, but since this whole uni thing happened i don't bother any more. i'm not fussed about my weight as it stays the same no matter what, and i do walk for 50mins a day, 4 days a week

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: STFCBird on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:40:46
Quote from: "Ralphy"
Yep i'm happy thanks STFC Bird :D

I was anti women at one time cos i got hurt alot :oops:

Well I hope you don't get hurt again you must pick the right women you know!

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Barry Potter on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:42:26
I have a lateral thigh trainer,no more saggy bottom for me,I get 2 workouts in one with it's unique bi-lateral stepping action,and its great fun (fucking knackering though)! :)

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Ben Wah Balls on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 13:46:40
I don't really have a regime and don't have a diet but I go to the gym every week or two.

I normally just row 500m four times with a break to recover in between where I'll use a cross trainer or something easy, I row two as fast as I can (1m40-1m45/ 500m)and two just cruising along around 1min 56/500m and sometimes a 2000m row. Anyone else do rowing? If you do how fast? Don't really do weights or anything but I run a bit as well.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Titch on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 14:03:13
I just do all mine at home.  Have lots of weights so do various lifts etc and loads and loads of sit-ups, press-ups etc etc.  I do that every evening and most mornings!  Also me and the Mrs have a practically wholly organic diet and tend to eat pretty healthily.

We were a member of the JJB gym but we were spending £70 a month between us and going about once every 6 months so we stopped that and just do it at home.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: walrus on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 14:08:42
Quote from: "Ben Wah Balls"
I don't really have a regime and don't have a diet but I go to the gym every week or two.

I normally just row 500m four times with a break to recover in between where I'll use a cross trainer or something easy, I row two as fast as I can (1m40-1m45/ 500m)and two just cruising along around 1min 56/500m and sometimes a 2000m row. Anyone else do rowing? If you do how fast? Don't really do weights or anything but I run a bit as well.

I do a 10 minute session on the rower, with difficulty on max.  Normally reach around 2100m or so.  Speedwise, I do about 500m in 2mins 20something.

I did start getting back into the gym, but sprained my wrist recently so have been restrained to just doing cycling for 40mins or so, but to be honest, for the effort I put in I don't really find there is a huge difference.  I prefer Decks method of getting fit - playing sport, enjoying yourself and getting fit - but at the moment I don't have much opportunity so gym it is.  In the summer I plan to go to the gym less and play more sport.

Average work-out for me is normally 40 minutes aerobic, followed by weights, followed by 100 sit-ups.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: McLovin on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 15:09:30
I heard that from loads of people, Bird... but when it comes to the crunch, i don't think it works out like that!!!

My problem is i enjoy what i do too much to ruin it with healthy living!

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: yeo on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 15:23:14
I play a bit of 6 a side on Sunday when work allows.We  never get enough players turn up though so we take on the young Chavs that hang around the Oasis.Im utter crap but love kicking people. 8) I normally go to the pub after though so that sort of takes away the exercise.
I also cycle to work and walk alot but im fat  and the only way I can stop that is to give up the beer and thats never going to happen.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 15:24:18
i would never give up beer!

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 15:24:44
Quote from: "Yeovil Red"
I play a bit of 6 a side on Sunday when work allows.We  never get enough players turn up though so we take on the young Chavs that hang around the Oasis.Im utter crap but love kicking people. 8) I normally go to the pub after though so that sort of takes away the exercise.
I also cycle to work and walk alot but im fat  and the only way I can stop that is to give up the beer and thats never going to happen.

indoor footy was quality in the summer. finish work at 3, get to pub at 4, footy at 5, pub in the evening.

Title: Fitness People, Whats Your Workout and Diet?
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, 22:49:55
In early May I'm going to do the Sarsen Trail, the 26 mile walk from Avebury to Stonehenge, you can do it as a marathon, but I prefer walking, it may take a bit longer but you see more.

 Shall need to do a couple of reasonable walks just before hand to ensure its not uncomfortable, and fuel it with a massive early start fry up, or a bacon sandwich in All Cannings if disorganised.  Post walk lager will then hit the brain like a runaway train.