25% => The Reg Smeeton Match Day Action/Reaction Forum => Topic started by: mexico red on Saturday, February 3, 2007, 21:46:22

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: mexico red on Saturday, February 3, 2007, 21:46:22
fucking pretend geordies giving it the big one after the game outside the town end, i gave a couple a fucking telling off i hope some cunt nutted them. wankers taking the piss.

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: herthab on Saturday, February 3, 2007, 21:53:11
I must admit to telling them to fuck off.

My lad was a bit embarrased :oops:

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: DiV on Saturday, February 3, 2007, 22:04:44
I thought you were handing in your season ticket?

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: Arriba on Saturday, February 3, 2007, 22:48:36
you're lucky they didn't twat lads them hartlepool boys

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: millom red on Sunday, February 4, 2007, 03:36:05
Or hung you!  Especially if you are a monkey washed up on the beach during the napoleonic period speaking with a french accent.


Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: mexico red on Sunday, February 4, 2007, 04:07:46
yeah game lads them 14 year olds gobbing off.

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: Bennett on Sunday, February 4, 2007, 10:42:50
shut up you four eyed cunt, you're just jealous. i continued our chat with him as we continued walking.

he pointed out there good form and said they were going to win the league.
i pointed out they are managed by a useless cunt.
he said we outplayed you both times we've played you.
i pointed out i couldn't understand him.
he them pointed out they were definitely going to win the league.
i pointed out there were still below us and due a bad spell.
he walked off.
i *coughed*scum*cough* and he took about a minute to realise. not my proudest moment but he bit and off we went again.

i hate northerners, i'm glad half my family don't speak to me as they are of that breed  :twisted:

Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: mexico red on Sunday, February 4, 2007, 11:49:17
"your just jealous"
"why your from the north"
"you got a job?"


Title: gobby northern cunts
Post by: Spud on Sunday, February 4, 2007, 22:59:50
The chant of "we're gonna win the League" was the funniest moment of Saturday.