80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: oxford_fan on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 18:55:53

Title: roots manuva
Post by: oxford_fan on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 18:55:53
cannae wait; i'm seeing him at brixton on friday night. he did a radio 1 night and said he was crapping himself about it as the venue is a 1 min walk from his house and the audience will be filled with people he knows.

its going to go bananas when witness plays.

Title: roots manuva
Post by: sonicyouth on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 19:03:53
nice. i still need to get the new album.

Title: roots manuva
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 19:05:24
nice one. my friday is less exciting - i'm getting my results for 1st semester exams  :?  :shock:   :cry:

Title: roots manuva
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 19:42:11
I get my stiches out on friday. get the felling thats gonna hurt a bit

Title: roots manuva
Post by: strooood on Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 22:08:26
no matter how much i may have gone off him- witness is an amazing track, and one of those ones that when it drops at a gig you're gonna get shivers  :D  bit like 'over' at phi life  :beers

Title: roots manuva
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, March 7, 2005, 12:37:10
wowza, it was damn sweet. witness was massive. rodney was immense.


the crowd were a bunch of cunts. i was expecting the ususal hip-hop crowd full of safeage, but no. it was populated by topshop-shopping, loafer wearing, old, pricks. what a dissapointment. rodders tried to get us all to sing along to dreamy days, but everyone got the fucking words wrong, the muppets. apparently leeds is the only place so far on the tour to get it right.