80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: oxford_fan on Saturday, February 26, 2005, 21:08:37

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Saturday, February 26, 2005, 21:08:37
made a new playlist as i can't stop listening to them. in no particular order:

idioteque (live)
everything in its right place (live)
where bluebirds fly
i am citizen insane
skttrbrain (four tet remix)
everything in its right place
like spinning plates


Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 13:27:09
you would love radiohead wouldnt ya? since they hail from the oxford region!

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:18:45
Quote from: "Rich"
you would love radiohead wouldnt ya? since they hail from the oxford region!
yes, everyone in oxford likes radiohead. lots.

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:41:47
i wonder why? are they the only band to ever emerge from the oxford region? (mind you i think that is one more than swindon)

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:44:48
supergrass are from ox too.

i went to the same school as radiohead, rich. everyone there loved them. and i mean everyone; we were required to seeing as they went to school there, just as all the people of oxford love them too.

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:47:31
fair play. i dont like radiohead myself though. i think they are a bit boring

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: McLovin on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:49:42
Everyone in Oxford loves Tim Henman too, Rich. Again, emphasis on everyone...

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:51:55
Quote from: "Dave Blackcurrant"
Everyone in Oxford loves Tim Henman too, Rich. Again, emphasis on everyone...
yeah thats true. timmy boy supports oxford doesnt he? they have probably achieved more than him in 1 season than he has in his whole career

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:55:13
:?:        :arrow:         :idea:

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:55:50
my sarcasm detector just went off

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 15:57:59
Quote from: "simon pieman"
my sarcasm detector just went off

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, February 28, 2005, 16:01:11

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 28, 2005, 16:03:17
my one is a bit pre-historic compared to that model. it doesn't have the function to 'grab' those jokes, only detect them. Technology is advancing so quickly

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, February 28, 2005, 16:16:11
My detector has just exploded :x

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 28, 2005, 16:18:53
get one from here (

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, February 28, 2005, 16:50:38
Quote from: "Rich"
fair play. i dont like radiohead myself though. i think they are a bit boring
i kind of guessed they weren't your type, rich.

henman supports fulham.

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, February 28, 2005, 17:29:37
Quote from: "simon pieman"
get one from here (

hmmm, is that ironic?

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, February 28, 2005, 18:04:23
you know that song 'Ironic', well it really is.

I like the way this thread has progressed from radiohead, to discussions about irony/sarcasm

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, February 28, 2005, 20:23:04
Quote from: "simon pieman"

I like the way this thread has progressed from radiohead, to discussions about irony/sarcasm
that's because irony is the best and highest form of wit. radiohead is the best and highest form of music.


Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: DMR on Monday, February 28, 2005, 20:25:42
Radiohead have got worse over time. Fact.

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: Iffy's Onion Bhaji on Monday, February 28, 2005, 22:03:49
Quote from: "dave_m_russell"
Radiohead have got worse over time. Fact.
i very much agree dave

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 00:07:45
Quote from: "dave_m_russell"
Radiohead have got worse over time. Fact.
pablo honey - alright
the bends - fantastic
ok computer - fantastic
amnesiac - shit
kid a - fantastic
hail to the thief - alright

Title: radiohead electro tracks
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 02:20:56
did you forget kid a on purpose?