25% => Players => Topic started by: PHIL!!!! on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:09:09

Title: What
Post by: PHIL!!!! on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:09:09
Starting 11, as well as subs, would you like to see face Grimsby, this saturday?

I'd like to see a pacey side begin the game, as we are the home team afterall, so with a bit of pace from the off, i feel we can peg them back and look to get an early goal.

So therefore i wouldn't mind seeing the new man Alex Rhodes, start on the left wing, with Fola up front with Peacock, and Shakes on the right.
Then maybe bring Roberts into the game, half way through the second half, so we keep up the pressure.

Brezovan (GK)
Smith (DR)
Vincent (LB)
Ifil (DC)
Williams (DC)
Shakes (MR)
Rhodes (ML)
Weston (MC)
Evans (MC)
Fola (FC)
Peacock (FC)

Smith (We must have a keeper on the bench, IMO)

Title: What
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:28:56
Harsh to drop Monkhouse, he's one of our better players.

I'm a bit torn really, I want Brownlie to have a go upfront but no idea who to partner him because Peacock will be on a high after scoring at Accrington, but at the same time I wouldn't drop Fola as he's ace.

Not sure if Rhodes will start, could come on in the last 15 to cause some mayhem with his pace?

Title: What
Post by: PHIL!!!! on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:33:55
Quote from: "Tails"
Harsh to drop Monkhouse, he's one of our better players.

I'm a bit torn really, I want Brownlie to have a go upfront but no idea who to partner him because Peacock will be on a high after scoring at Accrington, but at the same time I wouldn't drop Fola as he's ace.

Not sure if Rhodes will start, could come on in the last 15 to cause some mayhem with his pace?

I liked it when Brownlie played behind the two strikers, against Barnet. Seemed to work fairly well.
So maybe if we went with Peacock and Fola upfront with Brownlie playing just behind them, and then the three midfielders being Weston, Evans and Monkhouse.
Although i guess if Grimbsy play the 5 in midfield, the 4-3-1-2 formation may not work as well.

Title: What
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:36:17


Smith      Ifil     Williams   Vincent

Shakes         Evans       Monkhouse


         Rhodes              Fola


Smith - Reserve GK
Peacock - Change of Striker should we need to change things around
Roberts - Last 10 mins sprinter
Pook - Try hard if things look empty in midfield
Nicholas - Back up defender

Nothing against Weston but the need for a sub GK holds him out of my starting XI and bench personally based on Pooks current form he gets a bench place infront of him (normally i'd have Weston over Pook).

Title: What
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 11:39:57
This formation will still work as long as Brownlie does enough to keep the holding midfielder occupied and doesnt drop too deep....
That way you pull 5 midfielders back to 4 and Evans can handle himself well in the middle on one if not both with Ifil playing a raised defender role to handle any attacking midfield player that may try to emulate a Brownlie position through their 5 strong midfield.

Personally I think if wise wants a 5-4 win he has to entertain the support striker role in Brownlie and get him up behind the front two (whomever you choose those two as!)


Title: What
Post by: fatbury on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:00:26
Id like to see ..


J Smith Ifil Williams Nicholas

Weston Evans Pook

Onibuje Peacock Brownlie

Subs Vincent Roberts Rhodes Monky Shakes

Title: What
Post by: Tails on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:04:01
Quote from: "fatbury"
Id like to see ..


J Smith Ifil Williams Nicholas

Weston Evans Pook

Onibuje Peacock Brownlie

Subs Vincent Roberts Rhodes Monky Shakes

That has absolutely no width whatsoever.... Could work though as we don't tend to use wings that often anyway and even then I suppose Smith and Nicho could be used as wing backs, both are good enough to do so IMO.

Like DribblingSissy's line up, but I'd replace Vincent with Nicho.

Title: What
Post by: Northern Red on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:05:34
Shakes in.

Really the only change for now.

A right winger on the right wing. And tell the left winger to hug the line as well, then play the ball wide - spread the play through Evans and Pook in the middle.
Worked for the first 6 games - Why did he change it?

Title: What
Post by: Batch on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:06:27

J Smith  Ifil   Williams   Vincent**
Shakes  Evo  Wise*   Brown
          'cock    Fola

* Wise won'tl play so couldn't care if Pook or Weston replaces.
** Or Nicho, much of a muchness for me.

Shakes does not have the final ball, but he's more of a threat than sticking Brownlie there.

Fola works hard if a bit awkaward at times. Deserves his chance.

Monkey did well at Accrington IMHO and so probably deserves a starting place. But I'd like to see how 'hungery' Brown is.

Title: What
Post by: DiV on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 13:16:53





Title: What
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 13:21:43
dont think Jutkiewicz could cut it in the starting 11 to be honest.....still got some way to go to prove himself in my eyes....
Would love to see Wise and Evens in the middle, but dont think it will happen for some time.....
Vincent definately gets the nod over Nicho at left back for me too.

Title: What
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 14:17:10


Smith    Williams     Ifil    Vincent

      Weston   Pook    Evans

  Fola       Peacock       Rhodes


Title: What
Post by: red macca on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 14:20:57
start with the starting 11 that started the season

Title: What
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:17:05


Smith      Ifil      Williams      Nicholas

Shakes     Evans     Pook          Monkhouse

           Onibuje   Brownlie

Rhodes, Roberts, Weston, Vincent, Brown

Fola doesn't deserve to be dropped and I'm convinced Brownlie is capable of getting us the goals, he looks like an instictive finisher - or he did when he played up front in pre-season and for the reserves - and would drop deep, playing a supporting role for Fola.

Title: What
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:21:14
Drop Peacock altother?

a bit harsh.

Title: What
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:22:34
He's not really the sort of player to bring on and make an impact, whereas Rhodes deserves a run out if he's only here for 12 months and Roberts is more likely to beat a tired defence than Peacock is.

Title: What
Post by: Arriba on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:24:32



new lad


Title: What
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:25:25
I think we should go either 4-3-1-2 or try it with 4-3-3....
from the sound of Rhodes I quite like the idea of having Peacock, Onibuje and Rhodes up together, maybe then having Evans in the middle with either Shakes and Monkey or Pook and Weston depending on whether you want any width or not?!?!
I think maybe its time to just 'grind' out a result against Grimsby just to be sure of getting some points and a win under our maybe the wing options might have to take a back seat for a more direct attacking option on Saturday???

Title: What
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:26:59
Quote from: "sonic youth"
Rhodes deserves a run out if he's only here for 12 months....

I thought we only had Rhodes for 1 month sonic???

Title: What
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 15:37:16
Oops. I've got a horrible migraine and I'm tired and grumpy, a typo/silly mistake  :oops:

He's only going to be here for four games - I assume Brentford won't let him play in the JPT - so he needs the chance to prove himself a.s.a.p.