80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Sippo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 18:49:11

Title: NTL
Post by: Sippo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 18:49:11
I'm changing my phone, broadband and TV to them on Friday (touch wood).  :D

Are they any good? £25pm was a good deal I thought.

Title: NTL
Post by: Chubbs on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:08:35
N T Hell are amazing, take not notice of their nickname, i've never had issues, fantastic serivice form their helpdesk, all perfect english speaking, and they answer right away.
There never any down time at all and when you pay for 4meg you get 4meg

OK, incase you didint notice allready i was being sarcastic, NTL are one of the worse providers in the UK, im on em and my dad refuses to faf around and change it.

Run as far away from NTL as you can.

Title: Re: NTL
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:13:25
Quote from: "stfcfan"
I'm changing my phone, broadband and TV to them on Friday (touch wood).  :D

Are they any good? £25pm was a good deal I thought.

 Been with them for some years now and never had any trouble.

Title: NTL
Post by: Ginginho on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:16:04
I have been with NTL for years, and not had too many problems to be honest.
A few months ago, I accidently dug right through my telephone wire, which was only buried about 6 inches below the surface.
They came out and fixed it within 2 hours, and sent someone round the next day to replace it. All free of charge, which I was very pleased with.
But, like any telecoms place have their downsides.
When we first joined them they kept on getting our bill wrong.
If they weren't so fucking cheap and kept offering us free months and other deals for their fuck ups, we would have certainly gone somewhere else.

Oh, and their hold music is the most annoying music ever.

Title: NTL
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:17:05
same and the only problem I have had was getting on e bay for a week or so

Title: NTL
Post by: Frigby Daser on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:22:29
Absoluely fine if you don't have any problems - but when it comes to upgrading or more notably cancelling or downgrading they are an absolute nightmare on the phone - but then name me a business that isn't....I find barclays and 02, huge huge businesses, are both appalling.

...and i'm not even that fussy!

Title: NTL
Post by: Bushey Boy on Monday, September 25, 2006, 19:28:34
on BT even though its £30 at home and £30 in teh office a month never had a problem!

Title: NTL
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, September 25, 2006, 20:05:36
What tv channels do you get?

I'm sticking with the free digital channels. Broadband is only £15 (although I might upgrade to the £21 option) and the phone is about the same I'd guess. And no yearly subscription  :D

Title: NTL
Post by: yeo on Monday, September 25, 2006, 20:15:38
The Tv is shit its the same as Freeview but you do get 'watch again' which is like a poor mans Sky+

I was looking at getting Sky Sports the other day itss £25.for 2 channels.Fuck that id rather go up the pub and watch football.

Title: NTL
Post by: spacey on Monday, September 25, 2006, 20:24:23
I can't believe you people use NTL! It`s common knowledge that they experiment on badgers and steal teabags from pensioners! My gran had 2 boxes stolen in a week, Tetley's as well, the round ones, none of your shite. You people sicken me.

Title: NTL
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 08:22:04
I hated NTL due to previous TV experience when I was renting in town, however been with them for two months now and have been very impressed with them, even their technical support.

Got a good deal on the TV and Broadband (no phone though as I didn't want one), yeah the TV's prety average but the internet has been superb (touch wood), recommended.

Title: NTL
Post by: juddie on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 09:23:53
I'd recommend tiscali - I used NTL at uni (although it was 8 years ago) and they were shocking. If you can you can get sky with free broadband? I'd get that but it's not available in my area...

Title: NTL
Post by: DribblingSissy on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 09:35:16
NTL TV is rubbish.....if you want something decent then you need to bite the bullet and put your hand in your wallet for SKY+ or HD.

For £43.50 (full package- £21.75 half price for 3 months at the minute) you can get more channels (that have decent programmes on unlike NTL) than you could wish for, and you can get 8MB broadband for £5 a month more or 16MB for £10 (unlimited).

just sticking to cheap plan with BT I always found the best too.....think I got BT Together option 2 (about £14 and you get plenty of free calls).

Either way if you want TV, phone, and broadband and you want them all to be need to spend about £60 a month.....if you cant afford or dont want too...then NTL is probably suitable for you as it is tight and crap with what it shells out too!

Title: NTL
Post by: Compo on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 09:38:27
Got NTL for my internet, no probs whatsoever.......

Title: NTL
Post by: red macca on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 11:22:55
i can get you a dodgey box for £100

Title: NTL
Post by: Spud on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 14:39:31
I used to have NTL digital in my room until i couldnt take no more of its shitness, ive now got SKY+ in my room.

Ive only had one problem with my BB where it went down for one day but thats about it.

Title: NTL
Post by: genf_stfc on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 14:44:23
Isn't STFC World owned by NTL ?

I rest my case, nob cheeses of the highest order (although they have been a bit better recently)

Title: NTL
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 14:54:05
Mixed responses then it seems. I'm getting the TV channels free so not too bothered- only got terresteral (sp) now anyway.

The internet I only use really for Swindon stuff. It was cheaper than I'm paying now. I guess I'll soon find out if i'm one of the 'lucky' ones or not...

Title: NTL
Post by: Samdy Gray on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 15:19:10
Quote from: "red macca"
i can get you a dodgey box for £100

Already got one for £80  8)

Title: NTL
Post by: Spud on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 20:19:32
Quote from: "sam_stfc"
Quote from: "red macca"
i can get you a dodgey box for £100

Already got one for £80  8)

Hook us up bred'rin as my mates looking for a dodgy digital box for his new House.

Title: NTL
Post by: Simon Pieman on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 20:25:19
Quote from: "Spuddy_STFC"
Quote from: "sam_stfc"
Quote from: "red macca"
i can get you a dodgey box for £100

Already got one for £80  8)

Hook us up bred'rin as my mates looking for a dodgy digital box for his new House.

Title: NTL
Post by: flammableBen on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 22:53:50
haven't ntl and telewest merged recently? I was on telewest and they were good. They secretely made our internet faster without telling or charging us for it and you got Challange on the tv which is better than all that sports crap. Family fortunes, bullesye, catchphrase, knightmare and late night poker. unbeatable. If you get challenge on ntl's cable tv then go for it.

That made about as much sense as bob holt's interview, I'm going to bed.

Title: NTL
Post by: Batch on Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 11:43:31
Not been with NTL for a few years. Their product is fine, though Sky gives you more (crap) channels.

There customer service was probably the most useless organisation I have ever dealt with. That's quite something given British Airways and PC Worlds attempts to take there crown.

Title: NTL
Post by: Sippo on Saturday, September 30, 2006, 09:13:00
All installed. And to be honest, I'm chuffed to bits. Internet is fine, phone number is getting transferrred over and the tele is ace. Got the base pack free. I watched Football Italia on Bravo lastnight, then Dangermouse  :beers:  8)

Title: NTL
Post by: janaage on Saturday, September 30, 2006, 10:32:04
NTL has taken over Virgin and will be rebranding their TV internet packages as Virgin soon, so I heard anyway.