25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:43:07

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:43:07
DENNIS Wise admits he is anxious to add to his midfield options and hopes a melting mobile will pay dividends in sizzling Ibiza.

The manager appears content with his goalkeeper, his back four and his numerous strikers.

And although an extra central defender is now required following Sean O’Hanlon’s surprise move to Franchise, ‘the engine room’ seems to be the one area where Wise has yet to sleep comfortably.

Andy Monkhouse has featured prominently on the left, Ricky Shakes on the right but the biggest question marks hover over the central slots, an area where the manager could play himself of course.

He said: “The midfield is important. I am looking for someone in the midfield but also at the back.

“Obviously the phone is with me and you can see it’s getting plenty of use.

“I am comfortable with the strikers’ situation at the moment though.

“Obviously if you go through the season and none of them are scoring then you have to bring someone in. But at the moment they’re looking strong and scoring goals.”

After arriving at their Ibiza base in the early hours of yesterday morning, the players enjoyed a relaxing morning beside the pool, a spot of lunch and a game of cards.

However, if the squad were expecting their first day to be a completely relaxing one, they received a shock to the system around tea time.

As he headed to the San Antonio stadium for the first training session, Wise said: “They don’t realise what’s coming to them. They’ll have a big blow. I know we’ve a game Tuesday night but it’s all about getting fit. They’ll be tired.

“They will be 200 metre runs, 20 of them to be precise. And when they think they’re finished, they’ll run again.

“We’re not here on some kind of jolly up or social function.”

20 x 200m sprints in that heat :shock:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:48:52
I think I love Dennis already, not in a gay way you understand.  Our players must think they're at boot camp, which is exactly what they deserve after last year's performance, no wonder Sean o and Aaron Cuntboy Brown have left.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: STFCere on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:50:49
surprised nicholas is still here, i guessed he would be the first to flake

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:53:20
Quote from: "janaage"
I think I love Dennis already, not in a gay way you understand.  Our players must think they're at boot camp, which is exactly what they deserve after last year's performance, no wonder Sean o and Aaron Cuntboy Brown have left.

I know what you mean. I dont envy them in the slightest but its ace that someone has got a grip on the players and is making them uber-proffesional

I just hope they can still run by the start of the season :D

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: RobertT on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:56:18
Nicholas is naturally fit though isn't he.  isn't he the one that does well on the bleep test thingy?  Some people just have that knack of remaining very fit regardless of their lifestyle!!!!  i don't think his shit performances last season (and he did have some good spells as well) had anything to do with fitness, more complete lack of confidence at times.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Bushey Boy on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 09:56:58
Dennis wise is what this club needed.  Sorting us out from top to bottom!

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 10:01:04
“They don’t realise what’s coming to them....

...200 metre runs, 20 of them to be precise. And when they think they’re finished, they’ll run again.

“We’re not here on some kind of jolly up or social function.”

LOVE IT!!!!!!

It reminds of the Macari boot camps (and I it didn't do them any harm did it?)

I know it's early days and all that but I am starting to think that Mr Wise is the manager this club has been crying out for, for years 8)

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: larwood on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 10:42:53

LOVE IT!!!!!!

Exactly what i've wanted us to do for a while.Work them hard,they are professional athletes after all!

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 11:20:33
fucking superb news, fitness is vital if we're to get out of this god forsaken league

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 11:37:36
Just been speaking to a colleague who knows one of the "Football in the community" blokes, he says he's never seen anything like it, reckons the lads are being put through their paces like never before.  But he also says the lads love it, which is the best news.  Also he was saying what a nice geezer Dennis is althoug as soon as you cross him you know it.

Pretty predictable stuff but good to hear.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 11:41:51
Quote from: "janaage"
Just been speaking to a colleague who knows one of the "Football in the community" blokes, he says he's never seen anything like it, reckons the lads are being put through their paces like never before.  But he also says the lads love it, which is the best news.  Also he was saying what a nice geezer Dennis is althoug as soon as you cross him you know it.

Pretty predictable stuff but good to hear.

EXACTLY the kind of thing I want to hear :nod:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: normy on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 12:19:00
Many of us suspected the players were not fully fit last season, hooray for Wise, hope he drills them as hard as Macari did.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: McLovin on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 13:00:19
Even the youth team are doing similar programs according to a friend of mine. Teach them good habits from the start, i say!

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:17:49
Do you think wise is a 'throw tea-cups' at half-time bloke, and do you think he'll sit in the stands?

I pedict he'll be on the touch-line, which will be good for a change....shwoing his passion.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: McLovin on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:30:14
Judging from the FGR game, i reckon he'll be a 'stands for the first half' manager, with Gus coaching in his absence.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:30:59
Quote from: "stfcfan"
Do you think wise is a 'throw tea-cups' at half-time bloke, and do you think he'll sit in the stands?

I pedict he'll be on the touch-line, which will be good for a change....shwoing his passion.

Surely you can do both? ie sit in the stand then walk down to chuck the crockery around.

Personally I've never understood why people gave King shit for sitting in the stands 1st half (there were so many better things to get wound up about king)

For a bloke who was often critisised for his lack of tactial ability, sitting in the stand to get a better view seems entirely logical to me.

And to steal from OST yesterday.......

they have mobile phones now

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:35:04
But as player, wouldn't you want your manager at the side lines showing a bit of commitment and passion rather than sat in the stands- specially when things start to go wrong?

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:37:24
Not really. I'd like to think I'd have enough passion and commitment to do without someone screaming at me for 90 mins.

If things start going wrong it takes our manager all of 10 seconds to get from seat to bench

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Sippo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:40:31
I guess its a matter of opinion but for example, look at big phil scolari and sven goran errikson.  Ok sven doesn't sit in the stands but just sits on the bench all quiet, while Big Phil is up screaming and shouting....look who has the better record.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:44:29
Quote from: "stfcfan"
I guess its a matter of opinion but for example, look at big phil scolari and sven goran errikson.  Ok sven doesn't sit in the stands but just sits on the bench all quiet, while Big Phil is up screaming and shouting....look who has the better record.

thats true, but thats down to tactics and team selection not just ranting and raving

The fact that Scoari wasnt managing the team with the likes of Mills, Heskey & Sinclair in it in 2002 helped as well, even if they were down to 10 men.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Bogus Dave on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 14:49:37
If you have a team of shy quite lads, would you really want a ranter and a raver, likely to knock their confidence. However, if your team is made up of loud personalitys, a quiet manager could get easily overrun. A manager should be able to adapt accordingly, and do what is needed to get the best out of each individual player.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: SwindonStevo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:17:43
i think our main two places going wrong last season was set plays and our fitness, the fitness has been discussed loads on here and its quite obvious hes killing them on it, meanwhile the other big problem....

"Dennis is very hot on set plays and he knows that one slip upcould lose you the game, or likewise a well-worked corner could provide that vital opening to get all three points in a crucial league game" - Ady Williams


Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:23:33
Quote from: "stfcfan"
But as player, wouldn't you want your manager at the side lines showing a bit of commitment and passion rather than sat in the stands- specially when things start to go wrong?

So you think all his commitment will drain from him if he sits in the stand? (I always think that's an odd expression 'sitting in the stand' :shock: )

Anyway, I digress. Do you think he will start looking around and saying "Oooh look you can see the fire station from here!" or "What's that big tall building behind the Town End"??? Or maybe he'll go off back down stairs and miss most of the first half because he's been queing for a hamburger and a cup of tea or something :shock:

I am being facetious of course. I just don't see the problem with little Den sitting in the stands if that's what he wants and if the team is doing the business on the pitch then who the bloody fuck cares? 8)

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: sonic youth on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:24:08
wise has identifed the problems and weaknesses immediately and is working to rectify them, which although clearly obvious they were something iffy never seemed interested in.

i think wise will be a touchline manager, not quite as extreme as aaaaaaaaaaallllllllennnnnnnnnnn but still fairly loud.

of course, i'm hoping he spends most of his time on the pitch...

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: SwindonStevo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:25:25
i cant see him in the stands alot personally, on the pitch or touchline will do just nicely.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:34:08
I think we will see quite a lot of him on the pitch. It depends on who the 'big name'signing turns out to be. Di Matteo perhaps?????

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:51:19
I hope Dennis will be on Pitch/touchline an dGus will be doing the in the stands job.  Makes sense to have someone up there as strangely enough you can see more from up there.

I must admit I prefer the more animated managers, it seemed last year (especially in the must win games) that our opponants always had managers directing the play from the touch lines whilst Iffy sat in the stands scribbling notes.  Did wind me up a bit at the time.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: SwindonStevo on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 15:58:29
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
I think we will see quite a lot of him on the pitch. It depends on who the 'big name'signing turns out to be. Di Matteo perhaps?????

more chance of zola, atleast hes not a cripple   :soapy tit wank:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 16:04:21
Quote from: "SwindonStevo"
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
I think we will see quite a lot of him on the pitch. It depends on who the 'big name'signing turns out to be. Di Matteo perhaps?????

more chance of zola, atleast hes not a cripple   :soapy tit wank:

Yes, I just checked out Di Matteo's playing record and I see he retired in 2002 due to injury :oops:

Zola it is then 8)

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: DiV on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 16:05:22
Dennis Wise is saying all the right stuff, what we want to hear.

The players are being worked hard, all of them....the youth team as well....

My dad bumped into one a player, who claimed he nearly cried after a training session because he had worked so bloody hard....yet his times were down....

Its something we've been lacking for years and years....seems we've got the right manager in at last.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 18:06:24
Quote from: "stfcfan"
I guess its a matter of opinion but for example, look at big phil scolari and sven goran errikson.  Ok sven doesn't sit in the stands but just sits on the bench all quiet, while Big Phil is up screaming and shouting....look who has the better record.

 Italy won the WC, but Lippi wasn't exactly the arm waving type was he....he even had a bit of a strop at Gattuso when he came and wanted a bit of involvement..

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 08:57:34
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
Quote from: "SwindonStevo"
Quote from: "OOH!  SHAUN TAYLOR"
I think we will see quite a lot of him on the pitch. It depends on who the 'big name'signing turns out to be. Di Matteo perhaps?????

more chance of zola, atleast hes not a cripple   :soapy tit wank:

Yes, I just checked out Di Matteo's playing record and I see he retired in 2002 due to injury :oops:

Zola it is then 8)

just to put the final nail in the coffin, I'm sure Di Matteo not only retired due to injury, he also received compensation from an insurance claim, which effectively means he isn't legally able to play professional football again.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 08:58:59
Quote from: "DV85"
Dennis Wise is saying all the right stuff, what we want to hear...

...seems we've got the right manager in at last.

That almost sounds like Dennis has the unreserved DV seal of approval.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Piemonte on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 09:19:24
VD is just itching for us to lose to Hartlepool so he can start moaning again :wink:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:51:26
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
Quote from: "stfcfan"
I guess its a matter of opinion but for example, look at big phil scolari and sven goran errikson.  Ok sven doesn't sit in the stands but just sits on the bench all quiet, while Big Phil is up screaming and shouting....look who has the better record.

 Italy won the WC, but Lippi wasn't exactly the arm waving type was he....he even had a bit of a strop at Gattuso when he came and wanted a bit of involvement..

Likewise, how many times did we see Iffy waving his arms about and throwing a water bottle to ground. The simple fact is it didn't have any effect on the performances (or lack of).

A bot of expressed passion is nice, but you look at Gary Megson who goes overboard and disrupts the players. Personally I would prefer it if Wise was a quiet onlooker until it mattered. There's no point at screaming at the players for every little thing. If there are major problems, yes, but I'm sure Wise will spot them and then do the shouting when that happens.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: DiV on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:06:55
Quote from: "Piemonte"
VD is just itching for us to lose to Hartlepool so he can start moaning again :wink:

If we dont win at Hartlepool at least 5-0 I wont be happy, FACT!

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: santini on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:08:07
Quote from: "simon pieman"
Personally I would prefer it if Wise was a quiet onlooker until it mattered. There's no point at screaming at the players for every little thing. If there are major problems, yes, but I'm sure Wise will spot them and then do the shouting when that happens.
Apparently he's not a shouter (in public). He knows exactly what he wants and tells them clearly.  No histrionics when it doesn't happen, just a calm analysis and reminder of what was expected. Respect both ways ... and 50 extra sit ups for those who thought he hadn't noticed them not doing it :wink:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:08:44
he was shouting a lot at ciren on saturday...

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: santini on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:20:57
Quote from: "sonic youth"
he was shouting a lot at ciren on saturday...
I was talking about training sessions.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: janaage on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:26:18
All sounding good then Santini?  Nicho and the lads happy with the change of management?

Must be great trying to impress ex- England and Uruguayan internationals in training.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:26:28
are football matches not public then?

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:31:08
Quote from: "santini"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
he was shouting a lot at ciren on saturday...
I was talking about training sessions.

And we were talking about matches. Perhaps you misinterpreted, but otherwise that comment was spastic. In fact, even if you did misinterpret it's still spastic  :wink:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: santini on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:37:24
Quote from: "sonic youth"
are football matches not public then?
I thought the "50 extra sit ups" would have given you a clue about the training context.

The "not in public" bit is about him not raving and embarrassing them in front of their team mates unlike previous "managers".

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: santini on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 12:44:55
Quote from: "simon pieman"
Quote from: "santini"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
he was shouting a lot at ciren on saturday...
I was talking about training sessions.

And we were talking about matches. Perhaps you misinterpreted, but otherwise that comment was spastic. In fact, even if you did misinterpret it's still spastic  :wink:
Mea Culpa.

Just thought I'd widen the debate to how he trains them. How silly of me not to explain that too. I deserve a slapped wrist.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: sonic youth on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 16:06:14
Quote from: "santini"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
are football matches not public then?
I thought the "50 extra sit ups" would have given you a clue about the training context.

The "not in public" bit is about him not raving and embarrassing them in front of their team mates unlike previous "managers".

i blame the heat for my confusion.

it's refreshing to hear that wise has got a lid on discipline without being overly harsh and petty.

are you referring to a certain man with the initials AK? would it be to do with his media comments about ifil every week? or something else?

do share

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 16:40:47
Quote from: "sonic youth"
Quote from: "santini"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
are football matches not public then?
I thought the "50 extra sit ups" would have given you a clue about the training context.

The "not in public" bit is about him not raving and embarrassing them in front of their team mates unlike previous "managers".

i blame the heat for my confusion.

it's refreshing to hear that wise has got a lid on discipline without being overly harsh and petty.

are you referring to a certain man with the initials AK? would it be to do with his media comments about ifil every week? or something else?

do share

I sat behind the dugouts at Colchester a couple of years ago and King was slagging off the players on the pitch to the subs i.e "What a fucking cunt he is!". I think he addressed that remark to Sabin (can't remember who he was talking about) Not surprisingly Eric didn't know how to react (He may not even have understood King anyway). What a complete bell end though.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: santini on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 19:23:43
Quote from: "sonic youth"
are you referring to a certain man with the initials AK? would it be to do with his media comments about ifil every week? or something else?

do share
AK couldn't explain what he wanted in training and couldn't work out how to change things if his first "strategy" didn't work. He covered his own inadequacies by berating the players, deflecting the "blame" on to them and ridiculing them.

He was particularly adept at mocking them behind their backs and then basking in the reflected smirks of his gullible cronies.  Great for morale, that one.

AK is just a bad memory now and Wise is a breath of fresh air with his high standards of expectation and coaching.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 20:53:08
Quote from: "santini"
Quote from: "sonic youth"
are you referring to a certain man with the initials AK? would it be to do with his media comments about ifil every week? or something else?

do share
AK couldn't explain what he wanted in training and couldn't work out how to change things if his first "strategy" didn't work. He covered his own inadequacies by berating the players, deflecting the "blame" on to them and ridiculing them.

He was particularly adept at mocking them behind their backs and then basking in the reflected smirks of his gullible cronies.  Great for morale, that one.

AK is just a bad memory now and Wise is a breath of fresh air with his high standards of expectation and coaching.

Yep :nod:

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: Simon Pieman on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 21:58:12
The players didn't really help themselves though

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: OOH! SHAUN TAYLOR on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 22:01:28
Quote from: "simon pieman"
The players didn't really help themselves though

No, you are right, but players are fucking stupid and need to be told what to do.  That's why it's so important to have a good manager.

Title: Wise is scary
Post by: reeves4england on Thursday, July 20, 2006, 18:11:09
It sounds like Wise is EXACTLY what we have needed.
The players quite clearly needed a kick up the backside. Unfortunately Mex failed to have an impact so they got in the next best option.

I think the fact the players WANT IT says a lot about Wise as he clearly wants them to be eager and to have a passion for winning. That is what football was about and it never seemed apparant last year