25% => The Boardroom => Topic started by: Anonymous on Saturday, February 5, 2005, 17:52:36

Title: Can we move King downstairs instead of upstairs?
Post by: Anonymous on Saturday, February 5, 2005, 17:52:36
All this talk of king moving upstairs has got me thinking. Why can we not move him downstairs? Downstairs in the cellar is where you keep all the useless crap that you dont really want but is too expensive to throw out. King fits this description perfectly. A bit like your old record collection and toys you used to play with as a child.

King should be locked in the special seceret  cellar/dungeon that is below the Arkels stand along with the rats and fed the scraps from the burgers that people throw away on match days. This is where Alan Young, charlie griffin and a host of other failed Swindon people have gone If you take a deep breath you can smell their rotting corpses. And if you look through the gaps in the floor boards you can see their bones. People think that John Gorman has returned to Wycombe and joey Beachump is happily working in Sainsburys but little do they know I have seen what goes on with my own eyes. :shock:

Title: Can we move King downstairs instead of upstairs?
Post by: Spencer_White on Saturday, February 5, 2005, 18:05:11
Beauchump plays for Didcot.  :(

King should become a steward. He's got good credentials. He hates the Town End almost as much as LAS security.

Title: Can we move King downstairs instead of upstairs?
Post by: blinkpip on Saturday, February 5, 2005, 18:25:22
I think we should give King a new two year contract.