80% => The Nevillew General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: oxford_fan on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:08:36

Title: drugs
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:08:36
what have you done?

alcohol & caffeine don't count as they're obligatory.

and not in a boasting way (everyone already knows only losers don't do them), just curious.

Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:32:55
if this isn't for boasting, what's it for?

Title: drugs
Post by: DMR on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:34:34
Cannabis if I'm out with mates

F'call else

Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:37:31

Title: drugs
Post by: DMR on Monday, January 31, 2005, 18:38:21
soapy tit wank, sorry to disappoint.

Title: drugs
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:06:05
1 very small line of charlie
2 nights of beans

Quote from: "sonicyouth"
if this isn't for boasting, what's it for?

thought someone might say that.

talk about the effects they have
share good/bad experiences
advise what not to do (dave you crackwhore)

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:11:36

I wouldn't recommend any of it(seriously).

Title: drugs
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:17:05

I'd have to agree with Mr Kahn that they'll all fuck you up eventually.

I only smoke weed these days but too much of that can drive you mental as well

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:21:30

I only smoke weed these days but too much of that can drive you mental as well

Especially with the stuff that floats around nowadays.  One of my best mates who has done everything in his time, says powerful skunk is the worst thing out there.  A little bit of an exaggeration, but it really can fuck you up.

Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:21:36
I've had temazepam, I don't think that counts.

Title: drugs
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:22:35
SHOCKER: SY in drug fuelled orgy

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:23:49
It counts if you abuse it.  And if you spell it wrong.

Title: drugs
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:33:52

this is a very balanced site if you need any info on drugs. no media bollocks, tells you prices, precautions, health implications, etc.
Quote from: "Amir Khan"

Quote from: "Piemonte2"

what does speed do? i'm told the E we got was quite 'speedy' but not being a veteran, i only know that means you chat even more shit than normal.

and what was lsd like?

i've done shrooms a fair few times but i've stopped now. they were good fun at the time, but the bad trips (10%) were never good. a very mental drug too.

i saw a tv programme the other week where a guy was initiated into a tribe somewhere in africa i think. the last part of the ordeal was for him to eat some tree root which is a very very very strong pyschoactive drug. he ate it and vomited immediately but was off his face for about 6 hours. he said that it felt as though his blood was boiling. then the trip started properly and he confronted all of his past wrongs, even things that he thought had been resolved or put to the back of his mind. he felt the pain that loved ones went through or that he caused other people.

not for me.

oh yeah, he had to go through that twice to be initiated, the bloody nutter.

Title: drugs
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:40:04
yeh that was tribe - good programme

Title: drugs
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:42:00
Thailands infamous Diet Pills
Chased after the dragon once but never caught him, thank fuck.

None in any great quantity and like Amir can't say I recommend any of them at all.

Acid is the one I have never been tempted to even try, herd some horrible stories and seen to many freaked out fruit cakes.  That and Yaba in Thailand, which produces some horrific space cadets.

Anyone any unpleasent stories?

Title: drugs
Post by: DMR on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:43:36
Never been so stoned that I felt the urge to cut off my penis, if that's what you mean Daz!

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:48:50

what does speed do? i'm told the E we got was quite 'speedy' but not being a veteran, i only know that means you chat even more shit than normal.

A bit more of a rush I suppose.  That's the only real difference I can remember.


and what was lsd like?

i've done shrooms a fair few times but i've stopped now. they were good fun at the time, but the bad trips (10%) were never good. a very mental drug too.

Much more powerful(and enjoyable if you ask me), so obviously a bad trip would be that much worse.  Never had one myself but then was never a regular user.  I never saw things either, I was just in love with the world and music sounded much better than it ever did on pills.  Doubt I could have danced much though :soapy tit wank:

That root thing sounds similar to peyote, which supposedly makes you see your soul.  I think you can get that in Amsterdam, although your not recommended to be anywhere near civilization when you take it.

Title: drugs
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:49:23
What the hell possesses someone to do that?  Clearly he had been giving it some thought.

I can understand (well not really) people that chop the odd finger and toe off for kicks but your knob is just wrong.

I know a chap that stuck his finger in a blender once and sliced it off to prove how hard he was, but even that was just the tip and to be honest I think he just misjudged the blade.

Title: drugs
Post by: oxford_fan on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:50:07
i've never had any truly bad experiences, but the worst was probably amsterdam this new years' eve.

we went to a headshop and bought some mexican mushrooms, got back to the room and found they were dried (much stronger) which explained why we thought we had been overcharged. we didn't think they'd be that much stronger so munched down a bag each (3 of us) and started heading to dam square about 11.40ish. they'd started to kick in but didn't really get going until around midnight, at which point we were in the streets of amsterdam with music, thousands of people and fireworks going of all over the place. me and the other bloke we were with thought there was some kind of civil uprising and that we were part of some kind of massive riot and any minute things were going to kick off and we'd all get the shit kicked out of us. apparently, everyone was having a great time. personally, it was easily the most scared i've ever been in my life.

as mike skinner says, "amserdam aint a nice place off your face"

Title: drugs
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:56:00
Quote from: "oxford_fan"

Quote from: "Piemonte2"

what does speed do? i'm told the E we got was quite 'speedy' but not being a veteran, i only know that means you chat even more shit than normal.

Speed just makes you hyper and chat shit like you said. Dosnt have the trippy and loved up effects of E's and gives you evil evil comedowns. (might have just been poor quality stuff i used to get)

I wouldnt recommend it at all, the low outweighs the high in my opinion. E's are better.

My worst experiance would have to be on mushrooms. it was only the 2nd time I'd done them and i ate far too many.

All was well til we decided to go out for a walk. It was dark and coldish outside and we walked down an path near blunsdon resoivoir. Brambles and other such things we geting stuck on my jacket and i freaked out big time thinking monsters or something were tring to grab me.

Hardly a terrifying story now i know, but it seemed very real at the time and i seriously shit myslf (metaphoricly) :wink: . I've never done mushrooms again.

Title: drugs
Post by: Piemonte on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:58:02
my god i cant spell

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 19:58:11

That and Yaba in Thailand, which produces some horrific space cadets.

My mate in Oz kept trying to get me on that, despite the fact I can get a two day comedown off a pill.  Fuck that.

The worst experience I can focus on was at a new year's party a few years back.  I took coke, a pill, smoked weed and drank ten beers.  I was with it but couldn't hardly speak, and was para as fuck even though I knew most everybody.  Happy New Year!

Title: drugs
Post by: Sussex on Monday, January 31, 2005, 20:02:42
That was Bruce Parry on Tribe OF. He certainly does seem to suffer for his job! It's on again tonight at nine on BBC2.

As for this topic, all the usual suspects and had great times, especially pills. Except for Coke. Started at 17 and thought it was the mutts nuts, however by 20 it had 'got me' shall we say. Hence the move from Wilts to Sussex to start again. Oh yeah, Ketamin, scared the fuck out of me - stear well clear of that one. Heroin, never.

Don't touch anything now, but would never preach to others. You live and learn by making you're mistakes. Amen and hallelujah!

Title: drugs
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 31, 2005, 20:05:17
some people trip off ketamin really badly, because they get an allergic reaction to it. i saw this programme on tv where a paramedic gave ketamin to a bloke who had broken both his legs by jumping off a bridge. The bloke really tripped out. it's things like that which put me off drugs

Title: drugs
Post by: Sussex on Monday, January 31, 2005, 20:15:07
Quote from: "simon pieman"
some people trip off ketamin really badly, because they get an allergic reaction to it. i saw this programme on tv where a paramedic gave ketamin to a bloke who had broken both his legs by jumping off a bridge. The bloke really tripped out. it's things like that which put me off drugs

The fact it's used as a horse tranquilizer should be enough to put anyone off!

"Ketamine is a powerful anaesthetic drug which has been used for operations on humans and animals"  :?

Title: drugs
Post by: spacey on Monday, January 31, 2005, 20:39:32
LSD, speed, mushrooms, coke, weed.

 LSD was my favourite, always important to have loads of weed for the come down though.Only bad experience I had was after a bit of a speed bender, doing a load of hot knives(the crack of weed smoking)and suffering panic attacks.I kept getting panic attacks for a few weeks after, I thought I was never gonna get over it.Packed it all in after that.Just smoke weed these days.

Title: drugs
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, January 31, 2005, 21:47:31
I've never taken any drugs......just say no kids.

Title: drugs
Post by: Onion_Jimbo on Monday, January 31, 2005, 21:51:32
quite surprised how many people on here have taken them. In real life not many of my friends do drugs.

I wouldnt like to disclose my personal habbits

Title: drugs
Post by: Dazzza on Monday, January 31, 2005, 22:00:11
Quote from: "Onion_Jimbo"
quite surprised how many people on here have taken them. In real life not many of my friends do drugs.

I wouldnt like to disclose my personal habbits

More than a quarter of 16-29 year olds abuse the old drugs.

Apart from a couple of V's someone chucked my way I've been clean for over 12 months now.

Title: drugs
Post by: Simon Pieman on Monday, January 31, 2005, 22:10:22
i know somebody who had their drink spiked with viagra. Apparently he had a stiffy for 2 days! :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick

Title: drugs
Post by: yeo on Monday, January 31, 2005, 22:19:28
Speed - Filthy evil comedown,good for lost weekends.Used to take loads in my early 20's.Used to combine it with pills or booze.Cheap and nasty really though.

Pills - My first Dove was a bit special and at the risk of being a drugs bore the pills you buy these days are not ectasy.People take 5,6 even double numbers of the things these days you wouldnt be able to that when i first had one.

Acid -Purple Ohms  8 hours laughing your head off with your mates! what more can I say 8) Although I had a bit of a bad time at Glastonbury freaking out on the hill with a mate worrying that we would never be normal again

Crack - Shocking I know but I did it once at a party and thought it was the most over rated drug ever.

Weed- Makes me paranoid to fuck Im afraid always has I have no idea why.

Coke- Its alright helps an old man stay out on the piss a bit longer and talk a bit more shit(too much shit probably)

Its hard to say if my drug abuse has made any lasting damage on me,Ive not had a day off sick in 15 years but am probably a bit paranoid about stuff in general,whether I would have been anyway is anybodys guess.

Title: drugs
Post by: blinkpip on Monday, January 31, 2005, 22:49:14
I never taken drugs. Or even been offered them.

Title: drugs
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, January 31, 2005, 22:56:21
I've heard that raw opium is rather fine, especially when spawned a literature in the 19th Thomas de Quincy's.....Confessions of an English Opium Eater.

 It was widely available in Victorian Britain, over the counter in apothecaries as laudenham....and traded by Britain with China for tea, sadly the Chinese were upset that a quarter of their population were opium addicts, so we had to show them by way of gun boat diplomacy and 2 Opium Wars.

 If you can ever get hold of any raw opium do not hesitate.

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:06:42
I think heroin was initially given to opium addicts in this country, to try and help them get the monkey off their back.

When I was in the north of thailand they had burnt almost all the opium fields, because of a purge by the government.  Have been told it makes you itch though, which doesn't sound too pleasant.  Much like weed I think.  Same, same, but different :wink:

Title: drugs
Post by: mrs_spacey on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:13:54
I smoked opium once it was really a different high to everything else I ever tried when I was younger.  Its really a feeling of euphoria that's quite hard to explain - it made me feel happy without all the stupid grin stuff you get on E's or coke and I didn't feel like talking much. The comedown was different - I just wanted to sleep a bit like eating too many hash cookies.

Hash cookies used to make me think very deeply about perception and the connections between existentialism and parisian neo-marxism in the 1930s.

Needless to say - I don't even smoke these days but I do drink herbal tea.


Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:23:51
Is it wrong that this thread makes me want to try drugs?

Title: drugs
Post by: Boeta on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:28:34
You are either a very illogical man SY or craving some attention, seeing as this thread details almost all the bad stuff about these drugs.

Nothing more than weed for me.

Title: drugs
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:29:37
Hash cookies used to make me think very deeply about perception and the connections between existentialism and parisian neo-marxism in the 1930s.

 You are taking the piss here?

 Either that or did you come to any conclusions?

Title: drugs
Post by: mrs_spacey on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:29:41
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Is it wrong that this thread makes me want to try drugs?


It is very, very wrong.  

I suppose I should say its okay to try stuff 'cos I did but drugs are a real gamble as you can't be sure what your getting anymore.

Do not take drugs unless you are somewhere safe with people who can look after you if it all goes badly.

Title: drugs
Post by: Amir on Monday, January 31, 2005, 23:48:35
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Is it wrong that this thread makes me want to try drugs?

Depends what drugs, and what your state of mind is like.

Some people can take any drug and then leave it alone(although they are a small minority), mind it's not worth trying them to find out if you can.

Title: drugs
Post by: oxford_fan on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 00:03:44
Quote from: "simon pieman"
i know somebody who had their drink spiked with viagra. Apparently he had a stiffy for 2 days! :Ride On Fatbury's Lovestick

a group of 'lads' from my secondary school went on a trip to magaluf at the end of last year to celebrate leaving school. they went out and got absolutely lashed, then slipped one guy a viagra in his drink. the next thing they know, they turn round and he's rolling around under the bar masturbating furiously  :o

needless to say they got chucked out.

as far as drugs in general go, i'm of the opinion that as long as you know your own limits and when to call it a day, a bit of recreational use is fine.

Title: drugs
Post by: Ben Wah Balls on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 00:29:15
I used to smoke weed at school a fair bit and then every now and then. I haven't smoked for a few months now though, kind of miss it. Haven't really tried much else.

Almost everybody I know has taken drugs at some point, quite a few have done acid, pills, mushrooms, speed and coke and used to quite a lot but most of them have cut down quite a bit but I do know one guy who is in a few grand debt with dealers/bank loans 'cos he spends so much on coke and my best mate from junior school got a but fucked up a couple of years ago after too much acid and pills and was in hospital for a couple of weeks but he's doing alright now.

Title: drugs
Post by: Dazzza on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 00:43:42
Aye have to agree all in moderation if at all.

I have had mates that have screwed their life up just on the weed, becoming virtual recluses with those of the same persuasion and letting life just pass them by.  Shame really as they where top blokes but slowly friends and family got fed up and left them to it.

Haven’t seen or herd of them in years, presume they are still up the same old devices.  Last I herd one lad had jacked in a promising career to become a cleaner and had been caught with his paws in the safe.

Title: drugs
Post by: magicroundabout on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 10:53:05
for me i've tried

Hash and various weed.

Also did LSD one night. Planet earth it was called and it nocked my fucking head off. Was quality.
Makes you paranoid to fuck though and believe anything anyone says.
The come down was cool as everyone appeared in 8 bit computer graphics. All square edged and stuff 8) .

That was all about 9 years ago though.
Just beer and kababs for me now

Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 12:03:32
Quote from: "mrs_spacey"
Quote from: "sonicyouth"
Is it wrong that this thread makes me want to try drugs?


It is very, very wrong.  

I suppose I should say its okay to try stuff 'cos I did but drugs are a real gamble as you can't be sure what your getting anymore.

Do not take drugs unless you are somewhere safe with people who can look after you if it all goes badly.

In all honesty I wouldn't bother because I don't even like getting drunk but this thread sort of makes me want to try it. I think I just feel left out.

Title: drugs
Post by: Kinky Tom on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 12:11:33
Just smoked a hellish amount of weed in my last two years of uni really, having difficulty doing so now i'm back home, as i'm not really sure of the channels of distribution, and of course living with the parents doesn't help.  Tried some cannabis oil too, that was strong! Good though, but an odd taste.

Only other thing i've done was tamazipan, but that was when i suffered from insomnia and was prescribed to me by a doctor.  Gave me the strongest dose allowed, did the trick on the first night, got up some time in the night for a leek, and could barely walk.  There after it had no effect whatsoever, so I suppose it really does not count at all.

Other than that i woudn't even entertain the idea of anything else.

Title: drugs
Post by: janaage on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 12:19:36
I used to smoke a bit of hash back in the day, not being into my drugs I thought weed and hash was pretty much the same.  That was until I freaked out in Nimbin, Australia, one day with a mate.  We were on a day trip and after having a smoke in the Weed capital of Australia we thought the whole day trip was a set up and that we were gonna be murdered by the driver.  Needless to say it was the most frightening few hours in my life, I have never touched drugs since.

Looking back on that day though it'd make a great film, some of the things that happened were amazing.

Title: drugs
Post by: sonicyouth on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 12:19:36
I was given temazepam once, it was fucking weird. Made me stupidly happy and felt as if I was floating.

Title: drugs
Post by: faringdingdong on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 12:46:17
:doobie Hash during my school and college days, a little now and again now (at concerts etc) but take coke a bit, had some awesome times with that stuff. :\/

Title: drugs
Post by: BANGKOK RED on Friday, February 4, 2005, 13:11:19
E (Love it!!!!)
Coke (OK but over rated)
valium (Chilled)
Velium (Chilled)
Zanax (That stuff knocks you out)
Ketamine (Space cadet material, can be fun)
LSD (Mental)
Mushrooms (Magic)
Speed (Just keeps me awake and makes me feel dirty)
Yaba (Just keeps me awake......... for days and makes me dirty)
Viagra (Don't like it, can't sleep with a raging boner all night)
Weed, Hash ect. (used to everyday but not currently amongst my vices)
Heroin (Didn't know at the time, some prick laced a spliff with it once without telling me, didn't wanna do it then, and don't wanna do it again)