25% => The Reg Smeeton Match Day Action/Reaction Forum => Topic started by: walrus on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:07:08

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: walrus on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:07:08
I mean really really, on the verge of crying, gutted?  I've never felt that down following Swindon, except possibly following the playoff semi finals in 2003/04 - but then I've never seen us promoted/relegated before.  When they scored I put my head on my knees and just stared at the floor for about 5 minutes until Lady tapped me on the shoulder and I remembered where I was....   :mrgreen:

I'm just listening to wise men say over and over again with a bottle of stella in my hand.....  hitting Brighton in a mo....  drowning my sorrows here I come!

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: DiV on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:08:41
yep, even I of all people, has hit the bottle tonight

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: walrus on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:09:57
Don't blame you....  You know things are bad when players start shouting at the fans.  At least Peacock look upset...

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:10:14
With about 5 minutes left i was sat there feet up on the seat in front thinking how we've become so fucking shit!.

Accrington Stanley also crossed my mind.  :(

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: FlashGordon on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:11:19
Yep, truely gutted..brought some mates to todays game saying proudly at the begining '3pts and we can move out of the drop zone' they laughed and said no chance, Franchise scored i just sunk in my seat jumper over my face knowing it was the end, all over, finito.

League 2 here we come and dare i say...stay?

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:11:52
I was biting my lip when the whistle went. I do feel gutted, but at the same time its a weird feeling. Its like its not actually hit me yet. But it will soon I expect. No brentford with my mate next bristol city away  :(  Ok now I feel pretty sad. Thanks walrus.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:13:45
We wont come straight back up from League Two, im not being negative im just being a realist.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: walrus on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:14:49
I won't give up totally until we're mathematically relegated.  I'm still going to get absolutely rammed at Bristol.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: PHIL!!!! on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:15:11
I am extremely gutted! I feel so depressed....Just want to go out tonight and get wrecked....Role on Monday, not that i am looking forward to it.....

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: SwindonTownFC on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:16:30
i always said we could stay up but after todays performance we are down now, if we play like that against Brentford City or Huddersfield we could be looking at another Forest score

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:16:48
I hope as fans we can all make bristol city away a really good game still. Make loads of noise and really show them how loyal we are, and like we have been all season through all the crap performances.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: mexico red on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:18:01
nah its ace, loadsa of new grounds, oxford twice, might actually win every now and then, cheaper tickets and get rid of all the glory hunters. happy days.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: walrus on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:18:19
Quote from: "Sade"
I hope as fans we can all make bristol city away a really good game still. Make loads of noise and really show them how fucking hard we are, and like we have been all season through all the crap performances.

Ok  8)

The team owe us a performance.  They're better than that.  We need a manager.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:25:40
I think we should have a theme for the city game.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: DiV on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:27:55
Quote from: "Sade"
I think we should have a theme for the city game.

funeral would be the most fitting

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:29:26
ok and you can go in the coffin DV  :D  you'd like it in there.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: DiV on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:33:28
Quote from: "Sade"
ok and you can go in the coffin DV  :D  you'd like it in there.

at least I wouldnt have to watch the game

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:35:07
8)  That was my point. At the end you can get out and do a tap dance on it though. I think that will be cool.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 19:45:44
Quote from: "Sade"
I think we should have a theme for the city game.

I think we should all go as The Grim Reaper!.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: pumbaa on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:38:37
Fair play to all of you who went to the game today, who have followed the team all season and have leant your whole hearted support for this club. It is just an absolute shame that your passion and gusto has not been repaid by the players in terms of the performances on the pitch, nor recognised generally by the club hierarchy.

I am mightily proud to be a Swindon Town fan, but today I just feel like a piece of me has died. I shall continue to be proud, but I'm just hurting like somebody has removed a major organ.

Kudos to all of you who have spent valuable time and money in supporting this club this season. I have monumental respect for all of you, and you have a right to voice an opinion. I would love to be with you arm in arm showing my support, but circumstances prevent this right now. When I return.....

I have refused to be negative up to now, but today was win or bust. Sadly we bust, so to use an old cliche, we're staring down the barrel of league two football next season.

Adios League One.


Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Johno on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:40:28
im not gutted really, i was very angry at the time. Now just kinda in the knowledge that thats it...odd really.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Bogus Dave on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:44:54
i was this close to crying in public. thankfully i didn't  cos id of never lived it down.

im feeling perversly excited about next season now though, dont know if thats right or wrong

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:48:15
Same as above^

Gutted that we're down and it still has not sunk in- expect it will at the end of the season.

But positive and excited about next season.


Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Reeves for King on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:49:12
Yep, I am absolutely gutted. :(

Although I thought we were down really, vain hope was keeping me hoping we would stay up. Defeat to Franchise pretty much confirmed that we were down.
After they scored I was pretty much the same as Walrus, only I vented my frustration at our players and the opposition. :(

At the end me and Pexx just stood there and wondered where it all went wrong this season. In the end I consoled myself with abuse of the Dons' fans. :(

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Reg Smeeton on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 20:50:33
This is nothing like the first time we dropped out of this league....that was truly horrendous, insofar as we were top after 10 games looked to have the makings of a decent side with a balance of local young lads and some experience...and a manager in Trollope, who was Mr Swindon and tried to do a Bert Head.

 We got 52 points normally enough, but not that season it went to the final game when we were undone by a dodgy handball decision at Newport and a lot of lads got upset.

 This has been on the cards for so long its more a sense of relief.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: pauld on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 21:01:19
Numb, I think. Was furious at the end of the game (and pretty much all the way thru) but now I don't feel relief like Reg says but I know where you're coming from. So just numb. And as I have beers in the fridge and a huuuuge bottle of Scotch on the side, I'm going to spend the rest of the evening getting even number. Bastards.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: sonicyouth on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 21:11:18
if i'd seen you crying 'rus, i'd have slapped you silly.

i'm not gutted nor relieved. a little angry but i've chilled out a bit. my old man has been quiet all night, similar to reg he's been through it all before but then he's had the highs as well - 69, 85/86, 92/93, 95/96 - whereas since i've started following the town properly, we've had only a brief flirtation with promotion and midtable mediocrity.

i've had a fucking shite couple of weeks in all fairness, the effects of which have perhaps softened the blow.

i'm actually considering not going to scunthorpe and city now, which makes me really angry with myself.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Reeves for King on Saturday, April 15, 2006, 21:20:05
Having come on here I feel too depressed to watch Match of the Day but I am going to force myself to.

Oh well, lets hope Oxford stay up.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Danjackson10 on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 07:55:15
Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"
This is nothing like the first time we dropped out of this league....that was truly horrendous, insofar as we were top after 10 games looked to have the makings of a decent side with a balance of local young lads and some experience...and a manager in Trollope, who was Mr Swindon and tried to do a Bert Head.

 We got 52 points normally enough, but not that season it went to the final game when we were undone by a dodgy handball decision at Newport and a lot of lads got upset.

 This has been on the cards for so long its more a sense of relief.

yesterday was a bit like putting an old dog with the shits down..

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: strooood on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 10:49:08
i agree with mex.
you soppy bunch of cunts.
oxford next season, and i dont know about any of you lot but this league was getting boring. more terracing next year, cheaper prices, pox, rovers, wrexham etc etc.

still, iv had a quality season to be honest. shame the only thing that was missing was a few professional footballers but still, its been good.
who can forget gills?

now let us tear ashton gate down and set fire to the women and kids.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 13:11:23
Quote from: "strooood"
i agree with mex.
you soppy bunch of cunts.
oxford next season, and i dont know about any of you lot but this league was getting boring. more terracing next year, cheaper prices, pox, rovers, wrexham etc etc.

still, iv had a quality season to be honest. shame the only thing that was missing was a few professional footballers but still, its been good.
who can forget gills?

now let us tear ashton gate down and set fire to the women and kids.


Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Johno on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 13:13:07

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Amir on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 13:35:40
Don't really get pissed off about football, I moan as much as anyone but I normally just laugh these days when things go tits up.

I'm actually quite looking forward to City.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 13:40:53
Ive just realised Brizzle is a week Saturday, hurrah i can try and book the Friday night off now.  :beers:

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Amir on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 13:46:53
I was considering going fancy dress(I've got an Alien costume and my mates got a reaper), then I thought that might single us out a bit too much for a shoeing.  Especially as I'm not going to be taken around the houses by Avon and Somerset's finest as they love to do.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Spud on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:06:24
Quote from: "Amir"
I was considering going fancy dress(I've got an Alien costume and my mates got a reaper), then I thought that might single us out a bit too much for a shoeing. Especially as I'm not going to be taken around the houses by Avon and Somerset's finest as they love to do.

And how will you be avoiding those bastards?.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Melksham Red on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:23:07
Fuck getting emotional about it you bunch of poofs. I get fucking angry.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Amir on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:24:19
I'll be staying in bristol I would have thought, and drinking nowhere near the ground.  I've always thought it's very easy to avoid escorts anyway as long as youre not in too large a group.  People just tend to walk into them.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: mexico red on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:24:57
thats the spirit melksham, fuckin crying cunts who do you think you are geordies?

i cant wait for accrington, i reckon we should get a mob up there and fuckin run them like the gills.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:31:19

I feel better reading this post.

No good moping around. Whats done is done, its football and we have to just move on from it as a club and as fans.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Melksham Red on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:37:23
Bring on the scum. Proper derby day. None of this pretend shit with City.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: sonicyouth on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:38:02
Quote from: "Melksham Red"
Bring on the scum. Proper derby day. None of this pretend shit with City.


Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Danjackson10 on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:43:15
whats the betting the oxford wankers will go and get relegated now!

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Amir on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:44:28
They'll stay up.

Title: Is Anyone Else Absolutely Gutted?
Post by: Sade on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 14:52:06
They better stay up.