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Author Topic: Online, Alternate Personas & Future Impacts  (Read 3071 times)
That was definately my last game, honest

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« Reply #15 on: Thursday, April 7, 2022, 23:54:54 »

Yep. Similar style.
Exiled Bob

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« Reply #16 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 05:16:51 »

That really isn't how it works, you have to have actively clicked on something in the last 30 minutes or so to show as online.

I know because I tried this excuse when it came out a few years ago that I'd spent more time on this forum than any? (maybe second or something?) other poster. Partially because I've never flounced out and deleted my account like a lot of the longer term posters have at some stage and partially because I had fuck all else to do in my student years. And most of those after.

(I checked again, and I am second to Reg, but by absolutely miles. He really did spend a lot of time on here: - you don't make the top ten sadacts Jimmy!)
How bad the Oxford forum must be that Oxford_Fan is in the top 10 Topic Starters on a Swindon forum.....😉
Samdy Gray
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« Reply #17 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 05:49:56 »

Wait, you're all real and this isn't just some massive simulation?
Not a Batch

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« Reply #18 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 06:25:40 »

Quote from: Samdy Gray
Wait, you're all real and this isn't just some massive simulation?

which pill did you take?
The Moral Majority

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« Reply #19 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 07:09:08 »

I'm thinking more bigger picture than cyber bullying or trolling. Which is just as alive and well as it was in every school classroom/playground in the 70s/80s/90s and so on.

Think of this scenario even if you don't sign up to or think that you yourself will be a part of the metaverse:

Over time, somewhere like the Supermarket becomes almost non-existent at the consumer fronting end. Why? More people are getting their groceries delivered online for convenience so even if you don't, eventually you could be the only person (or a small clutch of people) in the physical supermarket/store/wherever you source your food collecting your daily bread.

Add into that, the tasks we formerly would do outside of the home are now possible inside the home. Let's use the supermarket/shopping theory again:

Already you can do things like use Voice Input to create shopping lists. You can add that shopping list to your grocery store and have them automatically added to your basket.  Nothing groundbreaking but it shortens the time to do such a formerly analogue task.
Still enjoy "going" to the supermarket? With VR like Oculus, you can start to "shop" at your favourite store and even pick the items you want, all with real-time stock updates from the very store you are "in".

Basically, many people are already interacting with the metaverse in a very real way. It feels like some form of evolution step to me as to where our species heads next. Already, due to smartphone activity, the way our opposable thumbs are used has changed. Take a look at your little fingers too, you may have even developed an indent on the one that holds your phone. Compare them and see if you notice a difference.
If that is true, it just shows what a bunch of fucking idiots people are!

With respect, I think you are being over dramatic.

You're my incurable malady. I miss the pleasure of your company.

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« Reply #20 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 12:29:17 »

If that is true, it just shows what a bunch of fucking idiots people are!

With respect, I think you are being over dramatic.

Which bit are you laying question over? Adaptation to opposable thumbs, people shopping for their groceries in VR...

I'm wondering, have you ever been to East Asia, like Japan for example?


I wouldn't say I'm being over dramatic. I'm purely opening up conversation. To say that humans aren't already beginning to engage in some form of the metaverse would be a naive thing to state. A lot of people already contributing to the future development of it without really realising it. How many people already use Alexa, Siri, Bixby etc on a daily basis? Smartwatches and other virtual assistants?

Those might well be IoT (Internet of Things) but they can, do and will correlate to the ongoing development of whatever the metaverse will become. Even if people don't think they will be using it themselves - big data corps are already using data profiling, identifying usage habits and every other detail linked to the usage of modern devices. We're told it is to "improve the user experience" and make it "more personal to the user". I don't doubt those claims but they'll be using it for other stuff developing the Metaverse to one that is comparable of mimicking huge chunks of every day life with uncanny accuracies.

I feel that there are a large number of the public who already have more than a foot in the door of "living" in a virtual/digital space - for me, that is only going to increase.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
The Moral Majority

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« Reply #21 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 12:55:05 »

The fact that it is an evolutionary step for mankind is overly dramatic. The opposable thumb thing is a phase. People said the same thing about keyboards and carpal tunnel years ago. Its a phase.

People are fucking idiots if they want to use technology to recreate mundane chores in a virtual world.

You're my incurable malady. I miss the pleasure of your company.

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« Reply #22 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 13:07:27 »

That may be so, but I bet plenty of people who worked in retail and said online ordering wasn't the same are now left puzzled by people having everything delivered in vans and left at their front doors.

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I'll Tell Ya Now - McGurk Is The New Graham


« Reply #23 on: Friday, April 8, 2022, 14:06:47 »

The fact that it is an evolutionary step for mankind is overly dramatic. The opposable thumb thing is a phase. People said the same thing about keyboards and carpal tunnel years ago. Its a phase.

People are fucking idiots if they want to use technology to recreate mundane chores in a virtual world.

Yes but the point is, that it is an adaptation to the makeup of a human no matter how early it is in that process. Ok, maybe we can agree on something like "minor evolutionary phase". In science, the smallest of changes are very important for future learning. Basically, how we use our thumbs now is very different since the incarnation of handheld devices. Gaming has also attributed to this but it has accelerated via smartphones due to them very much being an extension to the human arm/hand. They are a semi-permanent to near permanent fixture now. Spending more hours with them (thanks to portability) than not.

Whilst I agree with some element there of your second paragraph, isn't that already happening in some shape anyway? Also, isn't a scale of mundanity purely just an expression of opinion anyway? What you may find a mundane chore/task, someone else will find enthralling (like washing a car or going to church) and quite possibly incredibly cathartic.

Also, other ideas of the metaverse are not purely based on "mundane chores" or similar. It's the wider implementation of data, combined with tech. It could be an event that you can't get tickets to in person...there are ideas of this with both AR (Augmented Reality) and VR using Virtual Gigs via live streams etc. but the vision (I believe) of the metaverse could be where your Virtual experience doesn't feel like a virtual one at all and people will eventually be able to attend an event without being there yet the whole environment will feel as if you are there - moreover, the concepts are reversed too, so the people who are there (friends for e.g) will feel as if you are also there too.

Yep, it's deep the further we look into it and a bit bloody scary in some elements (depending on who/how it could be used). For any of us (yes even Mark Zuckerberg included) to define what the metaverse will be in the future right now, would be like trying to say in the 1970s what the internet would eventually become today. Even if some of us happen to think we are Marty McFly.

We're not quite at "Ready Player One" type of stages yet but I guess if when watching something like "Minority Report" 20yrs ago, there were many physical things there that seemed inconceivable or at least very ahead of anything in the public domain. Tom Cruise wearing a form of SmartGloves and dragging live data around a large screen via gesture based actions. Samsung phones offer gestured motion AI today, like opening the palm of your hand to start recording a video. Google are continually refining their gesture based interfaces too and we already have the not quite perfect motion sensor based tech with Kinect and Wii.

Have in mind that Minority Report was supposedly set in the 2050s, some 100yrs ahead of the original series of stories by Philip Dick. The visionary Dick (careful now), is quite some writer and one of the stories from that Minority Report series could be closer still than the metaverse. In "The Days of Perky Pat" it features the survivors of nuclear war who are obsessed with re-creating a virtual replica of their lost world. Also see "The Penultimate Truth" by the same author.

Mundanity might be an accurate claim, in reference to idiotic humans but the reason why most good technology works, thrives and lasts is down to the simplicity and ease of operation at the user/consumer end.

'Incessant Nonsense'


'I'm gonna tell you the secret.
There's a threat, you end it and you don't feel ashamed about enjoying it.
You smell the gunpowder and you see the blood, you know what that means?
It means you're alive. You've won.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.'
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