Secret motorway junctions

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they do still store missles though i believe at welford, or at least when the iraq war kicked off last year again i saw a few unmarked lorrys coming out of there  :|

then again they could just be growing grapes and they are taking them to tesco's, who knows

Reg Smeeton:
Quote from: "Batch"

Quote from: "Reg Smeeton"

The junction off the M4 near N**bury, to the weapons silos at Welford are secret in as much as they're not marked on the road or maps....apparently they don't store nukes there now, which is reassuring.....they're all up in Jockoland .

What gets me about that is the "works access" (or similar) sign to tell you where it is. Which would work a hell of lot more secret were it not for it being in standard red/white MOD format.

 As long as it fools the enemy its all good....not sure who the enemy is, mind

Reg Smeeton:
Quote from: "Whits"

they do still store missles though i believe at welford, or at least when the iraq war kicked off last year again i saw a few unmarked lorrys coming out of there  :|

then again they could just be growing grapes and they are taking them to tesco's, who knows

 They certainly store  missiles there, but supposedly only with conventional the days of Reagan/Tthatcher.....Greenham Common....Cruise /Pershing was nukes.

would have been a fucking mess if they had gone up  :|

makes you wonder sometimes...

Strangely the last caravan from the womens peace camp at Greenham Common only left a few years ago. Presumably the silly bint realised that protesting on the side of what is now a business park was a bit futile.

Then again perhaps people just don't care now. Until recently I lived a stones throw away from AWE in 'Aldermaston' (Tadley really) and even the protests there were half arsed, attended by a few new age hippies with dodgy beards and funny bright stripey knitted clothes. I swear the police could have dispersed them with the threat of soap and water.

Lastly Whits, were you the dude with the American girl at the Palace game?


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